Nottinghamshire Police
Tony Roberts, Newark and Sherwood District councillor, will now be the Conservative candidate after the former leader of Bassetlaw District Council, Mike Quigley, pulled out due to a "minor offence" committed in 1968. Tony has over 30 years experience in local government, the last nine as Leader of a District that anticipated the cuts in government funding and acted swiftly. The Council that Tony led maintained a tight control on its budget and froze its Council Tax for four years whilst continuing to provide effective services that people both wanted and needed. Tony has also worked as a volunteer counsellor for the Probation Service, been a trustee of a charity helping with emergency aid and currently is the Councillor responsible for “Community Safety” on Newark and Sherwood District Council.
Paddy Tipping, former Labour MP for Sherwood, is the Labour candidate. Nottinghamshire needs a Labour Police & Crime Commissioner to stand up for our communities in the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour; not be a cheerleader for Conservative Government cuts to the police.
Malcolm Spencer, a former detective who served with the police force for 30 years, is standing as an independent candidate. “I will commit myself to ensuring, as Police & Crime Commissioner, that I will listen to and act for all the people of Nottinghamshire to ensure that you can feel safe in your homes, on your streets and at work. I will aim to achieve this promise by ensuring a targeted policy to all aspects of crime and disorder, focusing resources on front line policing at a local level to serve the needs of the local communities. In this way I would also seek to improve the confidence, trust and respect between the police, its partners and more importantly the public whom it serves.”
Dr Raj Chandran, a retired GP, is standing as an independent candidate. A former Police Surgeon, Ex-Mayor of Gedling, Territorial Army Major, and recently-retired GP, Raj is a Director of Brain-damage-care unit with >100 employees.