Showing posts with label UKIP Christmas party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UKIP Christmas party. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

UKIP Christmas party, how cheap Ryanair flights might help to rid the country of undesirables! Oakham Rutland

UKIP Christmas party, how cheap Ryanair flights might help to rid the country of undesirables! Oakham Rutland


A visitor to our town has published an interesting post about their visit to our county.

Sadly this is not the first time people have commented on the East Midlands Branch of
UKIP invading our town.

During the summer led by Roger Helmet MP they trampled in our church yard, they followed
this by annoying customers in a nearby cafe.

The blogger does not say if Roger Helmer MP was present at the latest event. I wish
UKIP East Midlands would learn how to behave in public.