Showing posts with label Ukip has been voted as Britain’s most hated brand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukip has been voted as Britain’s most hated brand. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ukip has been voted as Britain’s most hated brand, beating the likes of Starbucks, Ryanair, McDonalds and even the Conservatives.

Ukip has been voted as Britain’s most hated brand, beating the likes of Starbucks, Ryanair, McDonalds and even the Conservatives.

Here are the 10 most hated brands
1. Ukip
2. Conservatives
3. Marmite
4. Ryanair
5. Labour
6. Lib Dems
7. McDonalds
8. Starbucks
9. Facebook
10. KFC
And here are the 10 most loved:
1. Amazon
2. Cadbury
3. Walkers
4. Heinz
5. BBC1
6. Google
7. Kellogg’s
8. Boots
9. Tesco
10. ITV

Advertising agency Isobel surveyed 1,500 British adults to find both the most loved brands in Britain and the most hated.