Showing posts with label Update. Legal action delayed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Legal action delayed. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rutland County Council, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, Update. Legal action delayed

Rutland County Council, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, Update. Legal action delayed

Conservative Councillor Edward Baines asked for an update of the councils proceedings
since the 10th January 2012.

Carol Chambers the Deputy Chief Executive said:

the Council will be writing to the Anti Corruption Party outlining their concerns delaying or
avoiding taking out an injunction  against the councillors.

At this stage no Council employee has taken up the councils offer to indemnify them  in
any action they may wish to personally take against councillors.

She went on to say the  councillors had breached their  single point of contact over 40 times.
because the members objected to that point being the Chief Executive Helen Briggs.

The  council could not see why the single point of contact was an issue for them
She stated it was a mechanism and not a person.

Cllr Baines asked how the breaches be dealt with and she replied that  is for members to decide.

So it looks like the three councillors will be subjected to a further session of the kangaroo court.

Other Councillors have requested that the Anti Corruption Councillors do not contact them and
use the single point of contact Mrs Briggs.

What  I find sad is there was a time when I looked to this council as an example of how meeting
should be conducted especially when I attempted to serve on Oakham  Town Council who's meeting
often bring back memories of Spitting Image or the vicar of Dibley Parish Council meetings.

Sadly Rutland Council meeting are turning out much worse.

Personal attacks and the lack of chairing skills from Conservative  Chairman Cllr Parsons.
who seems to take on an a careless or ignorant attitude?

What I and others found most amusing is his request that all points of order are now directed to him
in a private way. ie the Councillor wishing to make a point must indicate this and then get out of
his or her seat and approach him and discuss in private.

Cllr Gale did just that, but spoke loud enough so the  whole chamber could hear.