Oakham Town Council, Wastes Hundreds of Pounds on Dog Poo Bins for Royce Recreation Ground, Oakham
Last year Oakham Town Council remove all the dog waste bins from Cutts Close because
they were not needed, Cory the waste company responsible for emptying the towns litter bins
does not recycle anything from the litter bins because it is not cost effective. So Oakham Town
Council decided there was no need for special dog waste bins as the responsible dog owners
could bag and place in the normal litter bins.
Later in the year the Clerk of Oakham Town Council decide to go on a shopping spree for
Royce Recreation Ground and this month ugly dog waste bins were installed.
Cllr Lucas said the expenditure was a waste of money.
Many residents are still unsure what they are for as the playing is covered in dog poo.
The dogs seem to like the new trees. even if the nearby residents object.