Showing posts with label and Market Overton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and Market Overton. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A Festive Season of Worship in Whissendine, Ashwell, Teigh, and Market Overton

A Festive Season of Worship in Whissendine, Ashwell, Teigh, and Market Overton

A Festive Season of Worship in Whissendine, Ashwell, Teigh, and Market Overton

The festive season brings joy and togetherness, and the churches in Whissendine, Ashwell, Teigh, and Market Overton are inviting the community to join them for a series of Christmas services.

Starting on Sunday, December 22nd, Market Overton kicks off the celebrations with a Carol and Crib Service at 3:30 PM, followed by Whissendine's Carol Service at 6 PM.

On Monday, December 23rd, Teigh hosts their Carol and Crib Service at 5 PM.

Christmas Eve offers a variety of services. Whissendine begins with a Crib Service at 4 PM, followed by Ashwell's Carol and Crib Service at 5:30 PM. The day culminates with Whissendine's Christmas Communion at 11 PM.

Christmas Day brings further opportunities for worship. Teigh holds their Christmas Communion at 9 AM, while Market Overton's Christmas Communion takes place at 10 AM.

All are welcome to attend these services and celebrate the Christmas season with their local community.