1 None, PLEASE fix the swimming pool as a priority 7/21/2022 8:45 AM
2 That the usual local suspects will find a way to block it 7/21/2022 7:51 AM
3 Possibility of increased asb around the site - perhaps a curfew or cctv to try and
manage the situation for the residents
7/21/2022 7:27 AM
4 From what I have seen in cutts close, it is used by a lot of anti social bullies, who
think it’s ok to use it to drink, smoke, litter and bully others
7/21/2022 7:24 AM
5 None 7/21/2022 7:09 AM
6 1 No "NEED" has been Established by OTC We were very surprised to receive this 7/21/2022 5:32 AM
questionnaire from OTC (it should be noted that this is poorly
designed and worded as well as exhibiting a clear bias). Obviously,
Qakham already has a Skatepark in the form of the Cutts Close Park
facility and there are numerous additional Skateparks in nearby towns
and villages. Also, we have not seen any evidence from OTC etc which
establishes that there is a NEED for such a large and expensive
additional new purpose built Stakepark in a small town like Oakham.
This is very disappointing - surely, this should have been "job one". If a
large enough unmet need can be established and outlined funding
arranged, the next step would be to quantify and analyse this before
finally coming up with a list of possible sites which would then be
individually assisted and prioritized in a scientific and professional
manner (all options should be explored thoroughly). It looks
suspiciously as if OTC has just jumped straight for Centenary Field
because it sees this as an "easy option". The only people who are likely
to benefit from a large new Skatepark are a relatively small, but very
vocal, special interest group of mainly older, experienced
skateboarders who want a more challenging, professional-style
2 Noise As all concerned are aware, and despite efforts to
"downplay" this issue, Skateparks create a lot of noise. It's not just the
noise that the skating activities themselves.generate, there is also all
of the related noise associated with groups of young people getting
together unsupervised such as loud voices, shouting, swearing, music
playing, car stereos etc. When you consider that Centenary Field is
surrounded by residential areas including retirement homes, this is no
place to put a big Skatepark.
3 Facilities Centenary Field does not have
the facilities (parking, toilets, etc) needed to support a large
Skatepark. It should be noted that there is already a serious parking
problem in the local area, primarily due to the schools, and that this
ill-advised development can only make things even worse for local
residents. This must not happen.
4 Anti-Social Behaviour Facilities of
this sort can quickly become a "Mecca" for groups of youths who want
to "hangout", congregate and "party" rather than skate. This can lead
to various types of anti-social behaviour such as drinking, drugs,
vandalism, noise and theft. A few "bad apples" are all that are needed
for problems to occur - and this can happen at any time. Any facility
that has the potential to bring anti-social behaviour to an area where
many people are disabled, elderly or vulnerable is very bad news
indeed. We are aware that there have been problems at Cutts Park
were the Police have been involved.
5 Green Spaces and Follow-on
Developments Green open spaces are important for the physical and
mental health of residents. Not only does OTC want to build over a
large chunk of greenery (this is environmental vandalism), it wants to
leave us with a large and horrendous concrete wasteland (a
"Skatepark"). No amount of landscaping can hide such an eyesore and
this only increases its footprint. Of course, if OTC is able to force this
unwelcome development through, there is then a very real danger
that Centenary Field will be seen as an easy place for "inflicting"
further development schemes until it is entirely eaten up and our
quiet and sedate Field (a unique and very valuable local asset) could
be lost forever (OTC cannot deny this). However, from legal action to
justified demonstrations and campaigns (without prejudice), OTC will
have to make its case.
6 Injury The proposed large new Skatepark will
undoubted cause more injuries and accidents than the existing Cutts
Close Park. The new Park would be physically bigger allowing users to
reach higher speeds. Many older, skilled skateboarders may want to
practice tricks and jumps without having to wait for younger
skateboarders. Hence, younger skaters may get pushed out of the way
or be placed in danger when an older skater enters the Park. Thus,
having the right equipment and clothing, as well as supervision, will be
even more important.
7 Cost From a likely initial cost of around £200K,
plus overruns and ongoing maintenance costs etc, we have to wonder
whether all of this expenditure can be justified largely just for the
benefit of a vocal minority
who want a professional-style Skatepark experience. Surely, the money would be
better spent for the benefit of ALL residents.
7 Litter, so a bin and suitable collection would be ideal. I expect there may be a
large amount of McDonald's litter appear and it will be within walking distance
and therefore theyay be able to help with collections?
7/20/2022 8:30 PM
8 None 7/20/2022 7:40 PM
9 It would become a litter dropping centre, noise pollution, it wouldn't be over
seen by anyone. A skatepark is aimed at a tiny minority of the Public, we need
facilities for all. A leisure Pool with real investment is much needed as the town
grows ever larger.
7/20/2022 12:04
10 None 7/20/2022 11:19
11 I have now at all 7/20/2022 11:04
12 There are so many more activity facilities that would be to beneficial to the
young and other age groups missing from Rutland. Therefore the money for a
skatepark could be spent for example on a leisure centre or organised and
supervised youth activities.
7/20/2022 10:33
13 Anti social behaviour. Graffiti. Parking. 7/20/2022 10:32
14 None 7/20/2022 10:04
15 Needs to be big enough for it to actually be useful / challenging / fun 7/20/2022 9:48 AM
16 Maintenance Antisocial behaviour Noise pollution Use of open green space to
build something that may not be used (much like the one at cutts close). The
proposal is for this skatepark to be considerably bigger than that at Cutts Close.
Please protect our town centre green spaces. Risk of devaluing properties in the
7/20/2022 9:47 AM
17 Maybe (like everywhere) there may be the potential for the ‘wrong’ type of
people hanging out…. But that’s life….
7/20/2022 9:19 AM
18 no concerns 7/18/2022 6:20 AM
19 Anti social behaviour 7/16/2022 12:38
20 The noise created to local residents. Access off a busy road. Potential
disturbance to retirement properties
7/14/2022 7:21 PM
21 None 7/14/2022 4:53 PM
22 As I have said the wooded area which runs along Huntsmans Drive is well known
by locals as a drop off point for drugs. Ideal as it is secluded and small parties
using alcohol take place in this area too leaving lots of rubbish. Do you really
want to encourage younger pupils who may use this area to be victim to county
lines from Leicester & Birmingham? Unless you live in the area and see it
happening you possibly don’t know this is happening! Has anyone spoken to the
Police that work in this area about drug intelligence and anti-social behaviours
associated with the field? Responsibilities that you hold in your hands, have you
thought beyond the brilliant idea that you first came up with? Do you live and
walk about this area at different times of the day, evening and nights! As an exheadteacher I appreciate that young adults need somewhere to go and
something to do but it needs monitoring and community involvement you can’t
just create these areas and walk away patting yourselves on the back saying -
look what I’ve done! Also do the Tresham Trust still not have overall ownership
for this area, it is merely leased to the Council? They may have the final say!
7/14/2022 9:33 AM
23 This survey is poor. Drug abuse, murder and rape is a concern. 7/14/2022 9:06 AM
24 Nil. Only that NIMBYs will try and prevent it 7/14/2022 9:06 AM
25 Maybe litter but hopefully plenty of bins available 7/14/2022 8:33 AM
26 None 7/14/2022 7:17 AM
27 None 7/14/2022 7:16 AM
28 None 7/12/2022 8:35 AM
29 None 7/9/2022 1:17 PM
30 Drug abuse by older teenagers. 7/8/2022 3:37 PM
31 The proposed site could lead to youngsters cutting through the Rutland Care
Home grounds.
7/8/2022 2:00 PM
32 Need to be appropriately run and safe 7/8/2022 8:43 AM
33 N/A 7/8/2022 8:19 AM
34 Floor is very used and loose stones everywhere 7/7/2022 7:45 PM
35 Lots of litter 7/7/2022 5:06 PM
36 anti social behaviour and litter 7/7/2022 9:34 AM
37 N/A 7/7/2022 9:11 AM
38 Think there should be supervision/security. We know there are a few (minority)
who like to ruin things for others, need cameras or other security installed to
make sure no vandalism etc and protect the area
7/7/2022 8:52 AM
39 No concerns - I feel it would be a great benefit to the town. 7/7/2022 8:40 AM
40 I think if it is maintained and something designed with the children/young
people that use it they will look after it as it is for them - the only concern would
be that adults trying to groom the children/young people that want to use it so
feel would need to be monitored for that reason
7/7/2022 8:07 AM
41 None 7/7/2022 7:53 AM
42 None 7/6/2022 7:21 PM
43 I would just like to see appropriate health and safety warnings to remind users of
the safety issues.
7/6/2022 7:02 PM
44 none 7/6/2022 6:49 PM
45 It would need to fit skateboards and scooters priority 7/6/2022 6:48 PM
46 None 7/6/2022 7:55 AM
47 None 7/5/2022 10:10 AM
48 None that I can think of 7/5/2022 9:34 AM
49 None 7/5/2022 8:30 AM
50 Allien abductions. Gang knife Crime 7/4/2022 10:27 PM
51 Unfortunately there is a small minority of youngsters who are hell bent on
spoiling all the parks in Oakham. Noise, litter, drugs and antisocial behaviour will
be an issue and spoil it for others. I do not want it built on Centenary field, as it
goes against what the field is used for. Also there used to be a big issue with
youths hanging around in the woods. It also needs to be maintained and looked
after and the costs would fall on the council tax bill. I think a new leisure centre
should be built to offer better facilities for youngsters 7/4/2022 10:22 PM
52 Nil 7/4/2022 10:01 PM
53 Drugs, Rape, Murder and most crime 7/4/2022 9:36 PM
54 With the suggested location anti social behaviour or noise could effect the care
and retirement homes 7/4/2022 9:18 PM
55 History repeating itself. Not used for skating - because skating isn’t popular and
never has been relative to other sports. If skateboarding was popular someone
would have built one already. The private sector fills these gaps. There isn’t a
gap. It’s another skatepark destined to fail. I’m old enough to remember the
massive half pipe built at VCC then moved several times because we used to run
up and down (not skating) during break time and it was considered dangerous.
7/4/2022 9:02 PM
56 It could be a new spot for the locals to go to and vandalise etc 7/4/2022 7:08 PM
57 None 7/4/2022 6:51 PM
58 None 7/4/2022 6:32 PM
59 It would need to be kept in good repair. It may become used by mainly older
teens and exclude younger ones from participating. It may become a focus for
those who wishes to exploit or denigrate young people
7/4/2022 6:30 PM
60 It will obviously attract undesirables and its use will need observing 7/4/2022 6:06 PM
61 Firstly your survey is biased towards people who would use the park. Secondly, your
Facebook campaign seems to ignore the concerns of local residents and
tries to make excuses to justify the location. The park WILL bring noise
(not just from the skates, but
from the teens using it, and their music playing out loud), it WILL bring litter, it
will bring dodgy folk dealing drugs and all sorts, it will bring anti-social behaviour
to the area. To claim that none of this won’t be the case (and in terms of the
drug issues to completely ignore it!) is a disgrace. Speak to the local residents.
Go door to door and ask them how they feel! I know you won’t find many in
support of this. 7/3/2022 8:13
62 None 7/3/2022 10:43 AM
63 None 7/3/2022 10:17 AM
64 none 7/3/2022 6:48 AM
65 None 7/2/2022 11:50 PM
66 Younger people who think it’s a playground and run around on it and just stand
on it when others are trying to ride.
7/2/2022 11:47 PM
67 None 7/2/2022 10:15 PM
68 Would worry about anti social behaviour late at night. 7/1/2022 8:09 PM
69 People have chosen to buy in the McCarthy stone development knowing they
are in for a short haul and/or end of life care. The noise from the boards on the
ramps will be too disruptive 7/1/2022 4:10 PM
70 No concerns 7/1/2022 6:46 AM
71 I worry it won't be large enough as stamford is too small but melton is a better
size for the amount of different areas a skatepark needs. Such as bmx
skateboard scooters and skates all these different ways need different things to
enjoy the skatepark fully.
6/30/2022 11:31
72 . 6/30/2022 10:46
73 None 6/30/2022 9:29 PM
74 Parking Nuisance kids Litter - the little park there is already a mess with litter 6/30/2022 8:17 PM
75 None whatsoever I can only see positives 6/30/2022 6:16 PM
76 Ass wipes 6/30/2022 6:10 PM
77 I have no concerns 6/30/2022 6:02 PM
79 I don’t 6/30/2022 5:24 PM
80 None fam 6/30/2022 5:21 PM
81 No concerns at all 6/30/2022 5:20 PM
82 N/A 6/30/2022 5:13 PM
83 Litter, graffiti, vandalism, antisocial behaviour, damage to local area-eg new
trees have already been damaged and vandalised by youths. Area that attracts
drugs in the wooded areas- previously this has been an area attracting this
behaviour and it is not good for school children walking to and from school.
Intimidation of local residents also takes place.
The area is too small and would ruin the space for other activities that take place
6/30/2022 12:30
84 Underage drinking , drug use ,fighting, loud music , screaming kids at all hours of
the night , anti social behaviour, littering , vandalism of skate park and local area
, graffiti, drain on police resources because they will be there regularly, and if
was built on centenary field the absolute devastion to a much loved open area ,
and no doubt pollution of the pond and the wildlife there in .
6/30/2022 11:28
85 N/a 6/30/2022 10:38
86 Maintenance would have to be upheld for the safety of users and passers by 6/30/2022 8:42 AM
87 None 6/30/2022 1:25 AM
88 Please build it out of concrete 6/29/2022 11:17
89 None. 6/29/2022 11:14
90 That it will be constructed half-hearted and without consideration for the users (like the 6/29/2022
11:04 PM existing park). Melton Mowbray skatepark is a model example of how to do it right -
engaging with the users and the community. This questionnaire brings more
optimism that my initial concerns above won't be realised though.
91 None really. Although I would like to ensure it would be a totally inclusive
facility. I’d like my young daughter to feel safe and entitled to be there.
6/29/2022 10:35 PM
92 Anti social behaviour 6/29/2022 9:59 PM
93 Public opinion 6/29/2022 9:01 PM
94 The only concern is that being a resident I walk every morning over to the field
with my dog and the rubbish left from the young people being there the evening
before is awful at times. I just hope that this doesn’t encourage more littering
and anti-social behaviour. Having said all that I hope that it gets the go ahead
and there will always be ‘perceived’ anti-social behaviour with anything aimed at
young people. Good luck with the venture
6/29/2022 7:55 PM
95 Could low carbon concrete be considered to reduce the carbon footprint Also
will cctv be looked at so that it deters vandalism of the skatepark Could a pump
track be considered
6/29/2022 7:29 PM
96 There will always be some antisocial behaviour sadly, perhaps cctv in the area
would help act as a deterrent?
6/29/2022 7:09 PM
97 None 6/29/2022 7:06 PM
98 The ‘leader’ of said skatepark group is under the illusion that the skatepark
would create no more noise than the field is already creating. Well he’s clearly
never been to the field. It’s a very peaceful place. Yes, kids play in the park, but
at reasonable hours, and no dog walker or small group of students socialising
would create the same noise level as a skate park. What people need to realise
is, that it won’t just be used between the hours of 9am and 6pm, it’s gonna be
until late in the evening. And besides all the noise the actual skates WILL create,
there’s also going to be shouting, swearing and music being played out loud. It’s
also an eyesore. Regardless of how much landscaping you do. It also attracts
local drug dealers. Do people realise Rutland is a county lines hot spot? Favourite
places are the ones where teens hang out without adult supervision. Now guess
what this skate park would be?! An absolute dream for this people. You NEED to
listen to local residents (I’m sorry, but the Barleythorpe estate isn’t ‘local’
because those people won’t be affected by the skatepark). It’s yet another
example of ‘oh yes please, but stick it on somebody else’s doorstep, so I don’t
have to deal with the consequences’ And us actual LOCAL residents (as in we’re
right by the field) will just not be given a voice. It’s disgraceful.
6/29/2022 6:05 PM
99 The existing one in cutts close is rarely used 6/29/2022 5:39 PM
100 Centenary park is not the place to build a skate park. It has a trim trail and is well
used by dog walkers, sports clubs, picnickers and unfortunately! students from
Catmose college.
There is a number of reasons why a skate park would not be best placed in the
field. 1. There are no toilets close by. 2. The spinney situated right next to the
proposed site is an oasis for wildlife. There are wild bluebells, stag beetles, and
birds, including owls as well as bats that roost in the trees. Any development of
the area would severely impact their habitat. 3. The area is also surrounded by
old people's accommodation. The obvious increase of young people will impact
their peace. 4. Barleythorpe road is super busy. 5. Increase in rubbish, it's
already littered with dog poo and litter from the Harrington students that use it
at lunchtime. Why not investigate using some of the land near to MacDonalds
that is currently being developed? Developers that are moving into town and
building the units could contribute to the cost of building the park too?
6/29/2022 5:24 PM
101 Ensuring the design and build consider those using it and does not just cater for a
single discipline or user group.
6/29/2022 5:07 PM
102 The current Skate park in Cutts close id not 'out of the way' with a large footfall
of residents passing by and possibly deterring antisocial behaviour. An
installation in Century Field will be 'out of the way'. Who would be responsible
for litter clearing and general maintenance?
6/29/2022 5:04 PM
103 My only concern would be that anything done would be a half-hearted attempt
and will fall short of expectations (something it seems Rutland excels at) Get the
skater community to design it so it is well thought out, something they can use
and be proud of, then deliver it, whistles and bells for them, for the good of the
greater community in Rutland. Too often our younger generations are criticised
for 'hanging about' or misbehaving, its no wonder when they have nothing
constructive to do, and no investment in their interests.
6/29/2022 4:11 PM
104 Safety and security of young people should feature in the design of the proposal,
to include consideration for people to travel to and from the site (if ‘out of
6/29/2022 3:07 PM
105 We need a swimming pool. We already have a skating facility . 6/29/2022 12:20 PM
106 There are houses very near by. Cutts Close is a more central, neutral location. 6/29/2022 10:19
107 None personally but Some nearby residents might be concerned about late night
noise and anti social behaviour.
6/28/2022 7:01 PM
108 . 6/28/2022 9:42 AM
109 Noise and litter. There are no public facilities anywhere near so where would the
kids go to the loo? In the bushes?
6/28/2022 7:47 AM
110 as long as it is properly policed to prevent anti social behaviour 6/27/2022 9:25 PM
111 Users of the park! As we all know that park is used mostly by teens that smoke
weed and drink under age. How safe gonna be? Who’s gonna be supervising the
area? Some residents from the area are already fighting the idea as they feel
uncomfortable to have this behaviour next door!
6/27/2022 9:13 PM
112 Concerned it would be big enough :-) 6/27/2022 11:06
113 No concerns, let's get it built 6/27/2022 6:06 AM
114 Concerned that you need professional experienced builders to make it
6/26/2022 10:49 PM
115 None 6/26/2022 10:47 PM
116 Older children not taking care of it and smoking etc around that area. 6/26/2022 8:08 PM
117 My safety as I live opposite. Noise party’s car vandalism abuse shall I go on 6/26/2022 4:46 PM
118 Possibility of noise and large crowds in summer evenings 6/26/2022 1:59 PM
119 No concerns 6/26/2022 12:46 PM
120 I’d hope the park would be landscaped with trees etc so that it was not visually
displeasing from the road.
6/26/2022 9:53 AM
121 None 6/26/2022 9:15 AM
122 None 6/26/2022 8:29 AM
123 Only one type of user eg scooters are considered when designing all
popular/good skateparks I’ve been to work for all riders bmx, skateboarders etc
6/26/2022 12:32
124 Kids could actually have fun. 6/25/2022 10:15 PM
125 Anti social behaviour 6/25/2022 9:51 PM
126 N:a 6/25/2022 9:41 PM
127 With the correct management, support and understanding, I cannot think of any
6/25/2022 8:18 PM
128 Suitable street lighting, monitoring and increased rubbish. 6/25/2022 8:17 PM
129 More noise and youth kicking people's back doors causing trouble no thanks 6/25/2022 6:34 PM
130 No concerns. Really appreciate you trying to do something for the kids. Keeping
everything crossed you get the go ahead
6/25/2022 5:57 PM
131 None 6/25/2022 3:33 PM
132 None 6/25/2022 3:15 PM
133 That people that will use it aren’t asked what they want 6/25/2022 2:20 PM
134 The area proposed is surrounded by elderly residents who at present enjoy a
pleasant outlook, use the park for exercise, and enjoy a quiet neighbourhood. A
skate park although meant for children to play can bring an element of
undesirable behaviour which will make the residents uncomfortable and spoil
their way of life.
6/25/2022 1:03 PM
135 None 6/25/2022 12:48 PM
136 None 6/25/2022 12:29 PM
137 No concern whatsoever 6/25/2022 12:29 PM
138 None 6/25/2022 12:26 PM
139 The proximity to housing and the obvious noise implications it will bring at all hours. 6/25/2022
11:33 AM
Completely unacceptable location. As seen with other skate parks in the area, graffiti and
disorder will increase in the area. The costs of these structures are incredible
and money should absolutely be redirected somewhere more worthy than
another skatepark in a town that has no swimming pool.
140 It should not be a low budget project but a skatepark fit for purpose and of a
good quality.
6/25/2022 11:26
141 None 6/25/2022 11:26
142 Location should be carefully considered. Centenary Park is to close to Care
Homes and residential area. Anti social behaviour is problematic at Royce
Playing fields, there is a high risk of this happening where ever people gather
6/25/2022 11:16
143 Concerned about 5 year olds doing hard drugs as skate parks make them
abusers according to middle aged mums
6/25/2022 11:11
144 None 6/25/2022 10:50
145 The usual teen gatherings, drugs and alcohol and bad behaviour 6/25/2022 10:21
146 Anti social behaviour, glass smash and thing 6/25/2022 10:18
147 Just the location. Everything else sounds great! 6/25/2022 10:10
148 Too close to Rutland Care Village, Lonsdale House and Aspen manor, all for the
elderly, infirm and sick.
6/25/2022 10:09
149 None 6/25/2022 9:54 AM
150 Vandalism and anti social behaviour 6/25/2022 9:52 AM
151 None 6/25/2022 9:49 AM
152 That it will not be safe for all ages. Will it be well lit. If it is too tucked away you
can encourage antisocial behaviour
6/25/2022 8:48 AM
153 None 6/25/2022 8:08 AM
154 Possible littering but this can be addressed with sufficient bins being placed
around the skatepark.
6/25/2022 8:00 AM
155 Ensuring it is well-lit / safe for young people 6/25/2022 2:40 AM
156 My concern relates not to the addition of a skate park but to the proposed
location. As a resident of Prince George Avenue, I purchased our current home
as it benefited from views over a peaceful green space. The addition of a
skatepark would change the feel of centenary field completely and, if the
skatepark were already in place, it would likely have swayed my decision to
move here.
6/24/2022 11:20
157 I object to Centenary Field being used as this is a prime dog walking location, it is
a really peaceful open space where local families use the space for family games,
football, rounders etc. if this was to be taken it would take a main reason for my
purchase of my property. Plus, with older children most likely using the
skatepark as a hangout, I fear the younger children would be intimidated by this
especially as the college is so close. Also, on a more personal note; I did not buy
my house overlooking a skatepark and nor do I want to overlook one. I am in
complete objection to this proposal.
6/24/2022 11:19
158 Older children hanging around and making it feel unsafe.rubbish.no benches for
6/24/2022 10:10
159 Only issue that may have a negative impact on a new skatepark is vandalism
and mistreatment, which could be overcome by having the occasional
warden, CCTV input or somebody allocated to be on standby.
6/24/2022 9:42 PM
160 It needs to be concrete park like uppinggam or Melton 6/24/2022 9:41 PM
161 None 6/24/2022 8:49 PM
162 Too close to retirement properties and care facilities for the elderly. Flood lights
would be required in the winter which would be a considerable disturbance. The
proposal is close to Barleythorpe Road and a small difficult roundabout. There is
no parking facilities and they would have to be provided destroying a quiet
residential area and park. Also the park is close to a wooded area which would
be severely compromised particularly as no toilet facilities have been provided.
The wooded area has been known to be used for drug taking activities. The
whole area would soon be destroyed and would require continuous police
6/24/2022 8:45 PM
163 No 6/24/2022 8:02 PM
164 Just needs to be a decent size rather than the poor one in Cutts Cl 6/24/2022 7:56 PM
165 Litter and vandalism spoiling it for those that would use it sensibly! 6/24/2022 6:42 PM
166 None 6/24/2022 6:26 PM
167 Needs proper facilities. Maybe a milkshake bar/hamburger place attached 6/24/2022 5:11 PM
168 This needs to be built with involvement from the skateboarding community, so
that the facilities are well-designed and useable for those at all skill-levels. No
other concerns.
6/24/2022 3:14 PM
169 vandalism/overcrowding 6/24/2022 1:33 PM
170 None. Just can you make it somewhere my mum can park up. 6/24/2022 1:31 PM
171 Needs toilets and parking for my car. 6/24/2022 1:23 PM
172 Literally none. Why anyone would object to this I do not know. 6/24/2022 1:17 PM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
173 we already have a facility in Cutts close. There are many problems created
there. In Centenary field it would be close to several old peoples residencies....
many of the older and vulnerable people who live right next to the field would
find gatherings of young people intimidating ... as would the many people who
use the field recreationally ... this field was left to the people of Oakham for
them to enjoy ... we have already lost half of it for homes... please leave it alone
! On top of this the outlook from my home is across Centenary field ... this
proposed development would greatly affect my view and thus reduce the
enjoyment of my property ...and be an eyesore for all ... Im sure its not what we
want people to first see as they enter Oakham!
6/24/2022 1:14 PM
174 Location, lots of elderly residents near centenary field who may feel intimidated
by groups of younger people
6/24/2022 1:08 PM
175 1. That it is in area that can be monitored for antisocial behaviour away. 2.
Placed away from residential areas. 3. That it uses industrial land instead of
green spaces like Centenary Field.
6/24/2022 1:01 PM
176 As I don't have a garden I get annoyed at the kids climbing over the railings and
spooking the ducks that sit out side my back door or settling at the edge of the
over flow pond I get annoyed also with the kids throwing big branches in the
water either to retrieve a football more fool them for playing near it. Some new
trees had been planted and one now has been vandalised 3rd time that has
6/24/2022 12:53
177 Litter, anti social behaviour 6/24/2022 12:36
178 Maintenance 6/24/2022 12:22
179 None 6/24/2022 11:52
180 The location is a poor idea, there is no parking close to the centenary fields and
it is surrounded by residential properties. A lot of which are for the elderly. The
centenary fields are frequently used by sports groups, individuals using the
recently installed trim trail, dog walkers and children from the local schools as
picnic spots. Shoe horning a skate park into an already well used open space
seems silly when there is so much unused space on the edge of town close to
amenities. If the skate park were to be installed there where would the users go
to to toilet? My assumption would be in the hedge rows making it unsanitary.
6/24/2022 8:02 AM
181 Antisocial behaviour 6/24/2022 7:54 AM
182 None 6/24/2022 7:38 AM
183 That the council will do a bad job like the one in cutts close. 6/24/2022 7:07 AM
184 Up keep and security 6/23/2022 10:11
185 none. 6/23/2022 9:25 PM
186 None 6/23/2022 8:49 PM
187 is it going to have lights? 6/23/2022 8:46 PM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
188 Litter & loitering 6/23/2022 7:58 PM
189 None 6/23/2022 7:46 PM
190 None 6/23/2022 7:35 PM
191 Maybe added litter. But hopefully with this being built? There will be more police patrol in the
6/23/2022 7:31 PM area
192 Waste of money when there already is one that is not used sufficiently to
warrant building another one
6/23/2022 7:18 PM
193 I have in my previous statement. Please see above. 6/23/2022 5:53 PM
194 Noise, and Centenary Field is a place for local residents to sit in peace and quiet.
The existing play facilities are totally adequate for the location
6/23/2022 5:35 PM
195 the positive massively outweigh the negatives. 6/23/2022 5:08 PM
196 None 6/23/2022 4:48 PM
197 Noise. The close proximity to family housing. A garish monstrosity in an
otherwise lovely piece of land.
6/23/2022 1:55 PM
198 Litter seems to be a problem at the Melton Mowbray skate park 6/23/2022 1:14 PM
199 None 6/23/2022 1:09 PM
200 It is far to close to residents on the field proposed. It will de-value houses and
apartments overlooking the park and it will cause noise and other issues
regarding safe use of the paths for the eldery close by (there are a lot of older
people using the paths close by) and parents with prams/buggies on the newer
housing developments.
6/23/2022 1:07 PM
201 It will create a place for drug users and low-lifes to congregate 6/23/2022 10:59
202 I’d only be concerned that the council will outsource it to someone that doesn’t
know what they’re doing.
6/23/2022 10:59
203 It not being maintained properly like all the other skate parks that Oakham has
6/23/2022 10:09
204 Loss of a much loved amenity. Noise increase Parking, already a problem, would
increase Litter Imposition on nearby dwellings especially those overlooking the
Centenary Field Disturbance would impose on the nearby housing including the
Care Village.
6/23/2022 9:56 AM
205 My only concern is people wont use it for its full potential if the park is built
6/23/2022 9:53 AM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
206 SUDs open water. Accessibility - depending on the final location, surely users
would prefer to climb the 3 row railings that front LIDL? Un collected litter from
existing use by school children already spills into the small infants play area. This
will surely get worse unless revenue is invested? The SUDs/proposed skatepark
will most probably front the affordable housing. Politically, layering more social
intrusion on those with the smaller children. You can't really close this space or
limit its use - similar to Cutts Close. You then can't guarantee a quite period.
Oakham Town Council have so far not actioned the local parking issues from
Huntsman Drive onwards associated with school-time parking. What faith
should anyone have that a transient benefit to some does not become a
perennial burden to a few? In my youth I used to ride cycle speedway for
Lecicester Monarchs @ Slater Street. After 55 years of using this facility still
resides in the same location it always has. Surely, having a usable swimming
pool for all the residents of Oakham would be more beneficial? What has
happened/are the plans for Catmose College? How can something much more
valuable than a skatepark be allowed to decline and be removed from residents,
after all we do pay one of the highest Council Taxes (by Bands) in the whole of
the UK. Oakham is rapidly becoming poor value for money. The proposed
skatepark is just another example or mis-management. You already have - the
supposed - car parking area for residents of Barleythorpe Road within the
'Huntsmans Drive' development. But any survey would confirm the turning
hammerhead - which is a viable access point to Centenary Fields - contains
vehicles for those on Barleythope Road who 'prefer not to use their facilities'.
6/23/2022 9:38 AM
207 Like any type of park it’s possible some unwanted older kids may hang around
and cause problems but this is no different from any of the play parks up and
down the country
6/23/2022 8:44 AM
208 That exits from the park are safe with appropriate designated crossing points 6/23/2022 8:08 AM
209 Possibly attracts large numbers of youths who could cause trouble 6/23/2022 8:03 AM
210 None from me. 6/23/2022 7:59 AM
211 Poor quality build Poorly lit Too far away to travel to 6/23/2022 7:58 AM
212 No comment 6/23/2022 7:51 AM
213 None 6/23/2022 7:48 AM
214 I can’t think of any. 6/23/2022 7:39 AM
215 Could be used inappropriately, cameras may need to be put up to monitor the area 6/23/2022 7:09
216 Litter 6/23/2022 6:14 AM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
217 Noise levels, unsupervised young people, anti-social behaviour with large
groups, after hours gathering.
6/23/2022 6:11 AM
218 Asb 6/23/2022 5:56 AM
219 Criminal activity was rife on the one in Spalding 6/23/2022 3:24 AM
220 None 6/23/2022 1:35 AM
221 Don’t have any 6/22/2022 11:53 PM
222 Currently a lovely park used by people of all ages. Doesn't need further
development. Litter is a current issue. The school children correctly use the litter
bins but these regularly overflow. Local residents use the park so there is no
need for toilet facilities. Facilities would be required if people travelled to the
park. No car parking facilities. Local residents to Centenary Field already have
issues with sixth formers parking. We moved from the south coast where our
beach hut was moved close to a skate park. Not only was the noise annoying but
also music was played. Neither are reasonable to be close to a residential area.
Cutts Close is in a good position so expand there if necessary.
6/22/2022 11:21 PM
223 Accidents broken bones 6/22/2022 11:20 PM
224 If maintained and managed then none 6/22/2022 10:54 PM
225 I have none other towns have them 6/22/2022 10:40 PM
226 No concerns. Would be great if it could include a pump track too 6/22/2022 10:26 PM
227 Needs to have cctv and be monitored. Special constables need to keep an eye
6/22/2022 10:24 PM
228 No lavatories near Centenary Field. 6/22/2022 10:19 PM
229 I’m concerned about the maintenance of it, the noise levels to local residents, it
might get vandalised, increase in litter, use of park at night time.
6/22/2022 10:07 PM
230 None 6/22/2022 9:55 PM
231 None 6/22/2022 9:49 PM
232 Non 6/22/2022 9:47 PM
233 Nuisance. Groups of youngsters on edge of residential area 6/22/2022 9:38 PM
234 Noise for residents nearby and potential for antisocial behaviour (from those not
using the skatepark, ether than the people campaigning for it).
6/22/2022 9:34 PM
235 Unsightly Attracts youngster to hang about Noisey Rubbish being left Graffiti 6/22/2022 9:18 PM
236 None 6/22/2022 9:17 PM
237 N/a 6/22/2022 9:16 PM
238 Security, organisation/ running the facilities. 6/22/2022 9:10 PM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
239 Anti social behaviour for nearby properties 6/22/2022 9:07 PM
240 As stated, noise nuisance to nearby housing, litter and graffiti 6/22/2022 9:04 PM
241 None 6/22/2022 8:39 PM
242 Anti social behaviour, loitering, drugs 6/22/2022 8:28 PM
243 None 6/22/2022 8:19 PM
244 None 6/22/2022 8:14 PM
245 Maintenance, inappropriate use 6/22/2022 8:00 PM
246 None 6/22/2022 7:57 PM
247 None 6/22/2022 7:49 PM
248 The only real issues from a skatepark are caused by those not
skateboarding/BMXing etc. who use it as a space to congregate… if the park is
built well enough skaters will use the park and there won’t be enough space for
this to happen
6/22/2022 7:38 PM
249 None 6/22/2022 7:37 PM
250 It is totally ridiculous to have this in such close proximity to elderly people living
in Retirement apartment, care facilities and a Retirement village let alone near
residential housing.
6/22/2022 7:33 PM
251 It needs to be designed, planned and built to industry standards by professional
skatepark builders with experience.
6/22/2022 7:27 PM
252 None 6/22/2022 7:19 PM
253 Vandalism , undesirable behaviour 6/22/2022 7:18 PM
254 Being built by the wrong people who don't know about skateparks 6/22/2022 7:00 PM
255 That it will be as badly designed as the previous ones 6/22/2022 6:59 PM
256 None 6/22/2022 6:58 PM
257 None 6/22/2022 6:55 PM
258 Misuse by older children. 6/22/2022 6:48 PM
259 No concerns 6/22/2022 6:46 PM
260 To out of the way , youths already cause problems around that area drink , drugs
and damage ! Parking non existent
6/22/2022 6:35 PM
261 only concern is it isn't big enough for everyones use 6/22/2022 6:34 PM
262 Make sure there are bins to allow them to dispose of any rubbish locally. 6/22/2022 6:33 PM
263 Litter around the area 6/22/2022 6:29 PM
264 None 6/22/2022 6:29 PM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
265 None 6/22/2022 6:26 PM
266 n/a 6/22/2022 6:20 PM
267 I have now 6/22/2022 6:16 PM
268 All of the reasons I have mentioned in response to the previous questions 6/22/2022 6:14 PM
269 people complaining to the council for them to take it down 6/22/2022 6:10 PM
270 Needs to be far enough away from houses not to disturb residents but have
parking and accessibility to those walking to it.
6/22/2022 6:09 PM
271 None 6/22/2022 6:05 PM
272 Attracting the wrong sort of groups...drugs and graffiti and scaring the 'good'
kids away. Maybe ot would need to be monitored somehow...willing adults or
6/22/2022 6:03 PM
273 No concerns 6/22/2022 6:02 PM
274 NA 6/22/2022 5:56 PM
275 None 6/22/2022 5:53 PM
276 None 6/22/2022 5:45 PM
277 Anti-social behaviour 6/22/2022 5:42 PM
278 Very little concern Perhaps to out of town to get access most would be driving 6/22/2022 5:35 PM
279 None. 6/22/2022 5:29 PM
280 As mentioned above: - noise pollution - litter - county lines - there’s already a
skatepark the town needs other facilities more - skateparks are dangerous and
can lead to substantial injuries - they don’t actually appeal to all teens - I am yet
to see the evidence that proofs that the skatepark brings down anti social
behaviour. In fact, I am convinced that it will increase it. - there’s plenty of
skateparks available in nearby towns (ie Melton). Given that this is deemed a
good enough excuse to not built facilities like a cinema in this town, the same
reasoning should be used for a skatepark.
6/22/2022 5:21 PM
281 It’s being proposed in the wrong place 6/22/2022 5:19 PM
282 My only concern is that it is done properly this time and not just thrown
together by some contractor.
6/22/2022 5:16 PM
283 as in answer to question 1 ! 6/22/2022 5:15 PM
284 None. 6/22/2022 4:49 PM
285 Keeping clean 6/22/2022 4:46 PM
286 See above 6/22/2022 4:44 PM
287 None 6/22/2022 4:44 PM
288 Eyesore, gangs of youths, drug dealers paradise 6/22/2022 4:36 PM
289 Vandalism 6/22/2022 4:31 PM
290 Loitering. Littering. Foul language in front of younger children. 6/22/2022 4:25 PM
291 As long as it’s away from homes then all good we have enough trouble on
princess avenue park with noise drugs drink so do not put one on here thankyou
very much
6/22/2022 4:13 PM
292 Oldy wonks kicking off about it 6/22/2022 4:05 PM
293 The noise. The graffiti. The unsociable behaviour. The trying to live near it when
you have children. The ridiculous expenditure.
6/22/2022 3:52 PM
294 Centenary Park I believe to be UNSUITABLE due to the location being too
close to care homes and elderly persons accommodation and residential
properties and the high risk of antisocial behaviour
6/22/2022 3:42 PM
295 Noise impact on residents - needs to be minimised Safety for users - who carries
liability for injury to users?
6/22/2022 3:27 PM
296 None 6/22/2022 3:17 PM
297 Noise and traffic safety 6/22/2022 3:07 PM
298 The skatepark needs to be of a good size and skills to encourage people to use it
and not just a token gesture!
6/22/2022 2:44 PM
299 Vandalism and graffiti..... just like all of them. 6/22/2022 2:28 PM
300 posible late night noise. 6/22/2022 2:07 PM
301 That it will be designed for scooters/skaters. I ride a BMX and obstacles built
for skating aren't rideable by bikes. Likewise obstacles built for bikes aren't
rideable by beginner scooters or skaters and will put them off.
6/22/2022 2:03 PM
302 I’ve concerns that it will be poorly designed like three current one, poorly
maintained like the play facilities in cutts close, and will be a box ticking exercise
unless actual users of the park and sake experts are involved.
6/22/2022 1:51 PM
303 Eyesore ASB We use the green space for family time with my small children.
Will gather large crowds. Rubbish. Young people buying food from Lidl /
McDonald’s / Costa / Greggs etc and littering.
6/22/2022 1:24 PM
304 None 6/22/2022 1:16 PM
305 If you are going to do it, do it properly or don’t do it at all. £20k spent on a
skatepark no one uses is worse than a £50k skatepark full every day of the week
(I have no idea what a skatepark costs but you get my point). Noise and litter
could be an issue but what place with a potential crowd of people doesnt? If
that was a legitimate arguement to progress in a community we would never do
6/22/2022 12:51
306 It’s too close to a housing estate and will mean more people hanging around this
end of town. There are already people who look like they are supplying drugs
that hang around outside the school.
6/22/2022 12:25
307 Antisocial behaviour of young people and close to the school county lines 6/22/2022 12:13
308 Gatherings of drug users 6/22/2022 12:06
309 Anti social Behaviour and county lines 6/22/2022 11:58
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
310 No 6/22/2022 11:50
311 My only concern would be anti social behaviour but this happens everywhere
and a skatepark won’t increase it.
6/22/2022 11:43
312 Will it be maintained well? Graffiti discouraged? Could be potential for teenagers to hang 6/22/2022
11:41 AM
around late at night which would be a disadvantage
313 I don’t have any. I’m realistic in my expectations that some teenagers will gather
there and make noise etc but this will happen no matter what.
6/22/2022 11:23
314 Not really seen anything about it 6/22/2022 11:10
315 Nil 6/22/2022 10:47
316 Make sure it is diverse enough to allow both those learning to skate and those
competent already to both enjoy.
6/22/2022 10:36
317 n/a 6/22/2022 10:31
318 noise and rubbish. However let's let people live their lives. If we worried about
all the negatives we would never do anything!!
6/22/2022 10:25
319 None 6/22/2022 10:17
320 I have no concerns about the skatepark 6/22/2022 10:06
321 1. Where do the intended users (if any) of this 2nd skate park live? Centenary
field already has a big litter issue, there are no toilets anywhere near and, if
built, I foresee it becoming a real problem! It would also spoil the look and feel
of this much used space. In case you hadn't guessed I object to this proposed
6/22/2022 10:05
322 Skate park would need to be done well, not worth spending money on a poorly
designed one like in Cutts close.
6/22/2022 9:53 AM
323 None really, can get a bit used as a den of drinking/drugs out of hours. So I think
security to open and close is important.
6/22/2022 9:45 AM
324 None 6/22/2022 9:43 AM
325 As long as it’s a big skate part I’m happy 6/22/2022 9:42 AM
326 Maintenance, it needs to be maintained regularly to be safe to use and well lit
until a reasonable time.
6/22/2022 9:35 AM
327 It won't be good/big enough. Consult with the skaters/riders 6/22/2022 9:28 AM
328 No concerns. 6/22/2022 9:26 AM
329 Noise, drugs 6/22/2022 9:25 AM
330 As before drug users 6/22/2022 9:23 AM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
331 A replica of the cutts close Park would not be of any use really, there are a few
good examples of skate parks locally including the one in uppingham, which
have better variety and appear.safer
6/22/2022 9:23 AM
332 Litter potential problem, late night users possibly 6/22/2022 9:12 AM
333 You get a bad company to build it. For example whoever built uppingham
6/22/2022 9:10 AM
334 Location for younger children and access, if there are busy roads close by that
could be dangerous for them
6/22/2022 9:04 AM
335 None 6/22/2022 9:01 AM
336 It being dominated by intimidating older children, or people who just sit on it
looking at their phones as with current skate facility in Cutts Close
6/22/2022 9:01 AM
337 I worry it will be done on the cheap, I worry that bike riders will be ignored - a
pump track and skate park would be an amazing thing.
6/22/2022 8:51 AM
338 Litter and the odd bit of trouble 6/22/2022 8:50 AM
339 Skateparks built without consulting users and knowledgeable people end up
being a waste of money. Ensure the right people are involved.
6/22/2022 8:49 AM
340 Possibly an area for vulnerable children to be picked upon. 6/22/2022 8:44 AM
341 Keep away from residential area Noise? On going costs?? 6/22/2022 8:39 AM
342 None 6/22/2022 8:39 AM
343 Disregard for local residents. Nice spot currently for all age groups to use. Two large aged 6/22/2022
8:34 AM communities in very close proximity currently enjoying a peaceful environment. Just
conducive to the area.
344 Needs to be away from the public and housing then any noise won't be an issue.
Maybe s police presence now and again would be good too
6/22/2022 8:29 AM
345 Needs to be well lit and open 6/22/2022 8:27 AM
346 Why put this question its asking for bad comments and aimed at people that
don’t want a skate park typical of this council they won’t use it so don’t really
wont one.
6/22/2022 8:25 AM
347 None 6/22/2022 8:25 AM
348 None 6/22/2022 8:19 AM
349 The only issue I could see is the odd group of teens you get hanging around
drinking and doing drugs but then you get this everywhere you see it on Cutts
close and princess avenue parks
6/22/2022 8:18 AM
350 N/A 6/22/2022 8:17 AM
351 None 6/22/2022 8:17 AM
352 N/a 6/22/2022 8:16 AM
353 Noise, litter, drugs, reduction of green open space for other users, proximity to
houses and care homes especially those with elderly residents/young families
6/22/2022 8:14 AM
354 None 6/22/2022 8:13 AM
355 Already full of litter. Young people on there using drugs. It would encourage
more. Houses facing the field with young families dobt want this on the doorstep
6/22/2022 8:11 AM
356 The usual problems that could be associated with parks and similar. Litter etc.
However the benefits to our young community outweigh the concerns.
6/22/2022 8:10 AM
357 None 6/22/2022 8:09 AM
358 I have no concerns whatsoever I personally think its a great idea 6/22/2022 8:08 AM
359 None 6/22/2022 8:07 AM
360 The possibility that not enough money would be allocated for a really good set
up. Really good consultation with knowledgeable people would be extremely
important for it to succeed.
6/22/2022 8:03 AM
361 The structure might not look too pretty, and it may bring a lot a noise and a lot
of people to a quiet residential area.
6/22/2022 8:02 AM
362 None 6/22/2022 8:01 AM
363 Only the additional rubbish it might bring. I’d hope there are plenty of bins put
around it.
6/22/2022 7:51 AM
364 N/A 6/22/2022 7:51 AM
365 The older kids trash the small park on the estate as it is leaving litter everywhere
so really don’t want it here
6/22/2022 7:50 AM
366 No e. 6/22/2022 7:48 AM
367 No 6/22/2022 7:45 AM
368 Needs to be kept tidy with regular policing to deter anti social behaviour 6/22/2022 7:43 AM
369 Antisocial behaviour 6/22/2022 7:40 AM
370 1) we already have skatepark provision 2) it's building on more of our green
open spaces 3) it will provide a hang out for the already troublesome drug
dealers who seem to pray on the local school kids
6/22/2022 7:39 AM
371 It not being good enough after its been built 6/22/2022 7:39 AM
372 Vandalism and potentially negative impact with the stereotype of sk8ers 6/22/2022 7:39 AM
373 The area is popularised with retirement complex’s. The parking is currently
horrendous in this area due to the college. It is currently an idilic quiet area
enjoyed by many which would be ruined by the addition of a skatepark.
6/22/2022 7:37 AM
374 None, bloody brilliant idea 6/22/2022 7:35 AM
375 No concerns 6/22/2022 7:29 AM
376 Anit social behaviour all ready exists on this park and even though reported
nothing is done it will attract more which is unfair on the huntsman's drive
residents. Liter is a problem for local residents as we have to clear the local play
area from visiting families and school children, as it isn't cleared by the council
6/22/2022 7:24 AM
377 Rubbish... but you are going to get that unfortunately from a minority... 6/22/2022 7:22 AM
378 None 6/22/2022 7:22 AM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
379 None 6/22/2022 7:21 AM
380 None 6/22/2022 7:17 AM
381 None 6/22/2022 7:17 AM
382 None 6/22/2022 7:14 AM
383 That it would become a place not used just for its purpose. Older kids may
intimidate the younger kids by just hanging out. But I would hope this wouldn’t
6/22/2022 7:04 AM
384 None A lot of these questions were irrelevant to me though....very poorly
thought out.
6/22/2022 6:59 AM
385 Again, anti social behaviour already in the area which I think would increase,
there are a lot of dogs walked on field, there's already a litter problem around
the area which the council don't want to have anything to do with. The play
park area has not been adopted by the council, there's potential for this to get
busier with visiting families, this area is already riddled with rubbish and used as
a dog play pen and it's the local residents who end up litter picking and tidying it
6/22/2022 6:49 AM
386 None! This is an amazing opportunity for oakham, it would be a real shame if
this doesn't happen. The younger generation need this.
6/22/2022 6:33 AM
387 Older kids taking over - groups hanging out - but the cenAtry field is an open
space. And view upon by many
6/22/2022 6:26 AM
388 My concerns are for older children using it for just hanging out and younger
children being afraid of using it
6/22/2022 6:19 AM
389 Litter 6/22/2022 6:10 AM
390 That's it's safe for everyone who's suitable, to use 6/22/2022 5:45 AM
391 I worry a poor quality park will be chosen again like the cutts close design. This
must not happen.
6/22/2022 5:43 AM
392 The open field is used by many for other reason, it is overlooked by homes and
an elderly person complex and is very near to a busy road, ASB already
happens in this area due to its isolation in the small wood.
6/22/2022 5:07 AM
393 Keeping it litter tidy and bins emptied regularly. 6/22/2022 4:21 AM
394 To make sure you build wisely and listen to what the skateboard community
need look at other parks like the Oxford wheels project
6/22/2022 1:27 AM
395 None 6/22/2022 12:59
396 None. I’m fully supportive! 6/22/2022 12:45
397 Older generations ill-informed about who uses the park and for what reasons.
Its easy to dismiss skatepark users as troublemakers as its not a generic sport.
Well it is now, It's an olympic sport and kids (and adults) need somewhere safe
to do it!
6/22/2022 12:27
398 Vandalism
399 Too near houses where possible people will complain of children and noise it
6/22/2022 12:22
400 None, as long as it's maintained and 'policed' is would be a success. 6/22/2022 12:15
401 Local residents complaining about it 6/22/2022 12:14
402 None 6/22/2022 12:11
Please tell us the reasons why you would support a skatepark being
1 More houses being built, resulting in more children and Oakham needs to
facilitate these children
7/21/2022 8:45 AM
2 Oakham is changing and the services need to reflect that 7/21/2022 7:51 AM
3 Young people need something to do in oakham so any activities are good. Of
course I can understand that near neighbours of any park may be concerned
about asb but hopefully this could be managed
7/21/2022 7:27 AM
4 In a good location 7/21/2022 7:09 AM
5 Ditto - duplicated question 7/21/2022 5:32 AM
6 Children and teenagers need somewhere to go and use. I would have loved this
when I was a teenager and instead we skated along the road and around our
estate- not to mention getting told off frequently by residents for being noisy.
This skatepark location is a good idea and there are few people to be disturbed
and it's right near by to housing estate with plenty of children to use it!!
7/20/2022 8:30 PM
7 Oakham doesn’t have many places for teenagers to go 7/20/2022 7:40 PM
8 I would not support a Skate Park, the investment would better used to provide a
Leisure Pool facility.
7/20/2022 12:04
9 Gives the younger kids a place to chill with friends and can get them into doing
something different
7/20/2022 11:19
10 Not enough for kids to do, we had youth clubs, cinema etc years ago 7/20/2022 11:04
11 Stamford and Melton are too far 7/20/2022 11:01
12 I do not support a skatepark being built. Oakham already has one. Money better
spent to improve local amenities ie more doctors surgery’s and dentists!
7/20/2022 10:32
13 To increase the activities young people could take part in 7/20/2022 10:04
14 something for the youth of Oakham to do, hope my kids could use it when they
are a bit older.
7/20/2022 9:48 AM
15 I don’t support this 7/20/2022 9:47 AM
16 At the moment we travel out of town (Corby) having something accessible
locally would be great! Especially with all the rising costs of fuel etc! We could
walk in Oakham!
7/20/2022 9:19 AM
17 area where people would attend 7/18/2022 6:20 AM
18 Something suitable for all ages and abilities 7/16/2022 12:38
19 Kids needs 7/14/2022 4:53 PM
20 I don’t. 7/14/2022 9:33 AM
21 I don't 7/14/2022 9:06 AM
22 My daughter loves to play on her bike and scooter on the existing small ramps.
But would have even more fun if there were wider opportunities for her to play.
7/14/2022 9:06 AM
23 To give the young people somewhere to go , it’s a sociable thing as well as
excercise andperfecting skills, maybe in the future I’ll be taking my
7/14/2022 8:33 AM
24 It is a good way for young people to meet, make new friends, a safe
environment to skate/scooter.
7/14/2022 7:35 AM
25 There aren’t enough facilities for teenagers to use that they enjoy in Oakham and
surrounding areas. The skate park it would bring a lot of joy to a lot of teenagers and adults
alike 7/14/2022 7:17
26 My children would love a skatepark and would use regularly 7/14/2022 7:16 AM
27 To give young people a place to go and something to do Good exercise Gets
young people out in the fresh air
7/12/2022 8:59 AM
28 All of above 7/12/2022 8:35 AM
29 At present there is little or nothing for the local youth to do 7/9/2022 1:17 PM
30 Parent of children who would use the facility. 7/8/2022 3:37 PM
31 Young people need more out of school activities to keep them occupied 7/8/2022 8:43 AM
32 Youth and children need somewhere to go, also adults who want to skate / take
children to skate, would benefit. It would need to have everything for inline
skaters, skateboarders etc…
7/8/2022 8:19 AM
33 Because I love skateboarding and it would be good to have a new skatepark built
that is higher quality than the current one.
7/8/2022 6:09 AM
34 Nothing else for under 18s 7/7/2022 8:21 PM
35 To be able to learn more tricks and if it was to be built it would be fresh and new
without holes or cracks in the floor or even loose concrete to cause people to fall
of more often which is one of the main reasons
7/7/2022 7:45 PM
36 As it’s a great community and would be awesome to have more things around 7/7/2022 5:06 PM
37 Young people need opportunity for pro-social recreation and space to be
physically active
7/7/2022 10:18 AM
38 More for the young people to do 7/7/2022 9:34 AM
39 see above 7/7/2022 9:11 AM
40 To give the young people a purpose built area that they can improve their skills,
place to socialize and meet up away from games consoles etc. Promote healthier
7/7/2022 8:52 AM
41 It will give young people a place to meet which is safer than car parks etc. Allows
people to put their time and energy into something productive. A skate park is
something that everyone will have an opportunity to access but it will be
particularly good for young people who currently struggle to find areas to meet
their friends and have fun in Rutland.
7/7/2022 8:40 AM
42 There is a need for the area for children and young people to be together and to
have some fun. Everywhere they go there are complaints that they are getting
up to things they shouldn't be if there was somewhere for them to have as their
own this may not be the case although i do still feel this would need to be
monitored like everything else in our world to protect them from harm from not
very nice people that we seem to have in the world we live in right now
7/7/2022 8:07 AM
43 Young people currently have to go to Peterborough or Leicester. This is a good
activity that will provide something on their doorstep.
7/7/2022 7:53 AM
44 To give the young people something to do 7/6/2022 9:29 PM
45 For our young people 7/6/2022 9:04 PM
46 fantastic healthy outlet for young people 7/6/2022 7:36 PM
47 I think it would give children and teens somewhere safe to spend their time after
school and something to do.
7/6/2022 7:21 PM
48 I think it is a motivator for young adults to participate in in their spare time, I feel
that they don't really have much to access in Oakham and have to travel outside
of Oakham to access age appropriate activities, this can be difficult for low
income families.
7/6/2022 7:02 PM
49 Youth provisions are rapidly reducing and this will be a safe space for young
7/6/2022 6:52 PM
50 the young people need a safe place to stake 7/6/2022 6:49 PM
51 It would be used, not many in Lincolnshire or Rutland if it were to be built it
would need to be done properly unlike some of the really low quality parks
currently in Lincolnshire / Rutland
7/6/2022 6:48 PM
52 It is what oakham needs for our kids/teenagers. There is nothing in oakham for
them to do!
7/6/2022 7:55 AM
53 I think skating is a great hobby and skaters have a great community, without a central
place 7/5/2022 12:28 PM to practice and skate, skaters will find places to skate in the
general streets which isn't
always a good thing for pedestrians, homeowners and business owners. A
skatepark gives the skating community a centralised place to stay and skate.
54 The current skatepark in town isn’t up to scratch. It’s never really been up to
scratch. If you compare it to the brilliant Stamford, melton, and even
uppingham, it comes nowhere near those. I’ve never seen trouble at any of
those parks.
7/5/2022 10:10 AM
55 For the children or if not a skate park a swimming pool. There is so little for the
young people in the area
7/5/2022 9:34 AM
56 Keep children occupied with positive activities 7/5/2022 8:30 AM
57 I think the youth in Oakham need somewhere decent to use their skateboards,
scooters and bmx bikes. They could just hang out there and socialise!
7/5/2022 8:24 AM
58 It's crap 7/4/2022 10:27 PM
59 I wouldn’t support it as the money could be better spent. The one at Cutts Close
doesn’t get used and it won’t be maintained
7/4/2022 10:22 PM
60 More amenities and activities for young people in oakham 7/4/2022 10:01 PM
61 I’m not a skatepark user - a semi-retired professional living in the town. But I am
a cyclist and there are loads of places I can ride round Oakham and Rutland - and
I love it. I know there is a community of people who would love to be able to do
what they love to do, and so they need a decent skate facility to do it. And as
this is a community that is, typically, younger, it is right that there is an
investment in stuff they can use, especially as it is a constructive, healthy sport
that can help develop all manner of skills and abilities.
7/4/2022 10:00 PM
62 Oakham needs something for kids to do this would be great 7/4/2022 9:18 PM
63 I wouldn’t. What about a swimming pool? Some decent leisure facilities. The
county is woefully inadequate with pretty mainstream sports let alone
skateboarding. You’re not going to teach kids to swim but you think they need
to be able to skate?
7/4/2022 9:02 PM
64 It will be good for barleythorpe have something for older/ more experienced
7/4/2022 7:08 PM
65 Bring all ages together. Will provide things for kids/adults to do. Bring people to
Oakham from other locations etc
7/4/2022 6:51 PM
66 Already answered above 7/4/2022 6:32 PM
67 More things for young people. Encourages fitness and ambition - commitment to
learning a skill
7/4/2022 6:30 PM
68 The young people of Rutland need some facilities 7/4/2022 6:06 PM
69 I do not support it and I never will. 7/3/2022 8:13 PM
70 It would bring more fun 7/3/2022 10:43 AM
71 Because it will massively help our younger community 7/3/2022 10:17 AM
72 because the one that's there is old and falling apart 7/3/2022 6:48 AM
73 Bigger skatepark for more people to use and get the younger generation to get
in to the scootering industry
7/2/2022 11:50 PM
74 Because people who go to the skatepark would be role models who may be
older or younger then you and I just think it would be a really good idea as it may
encourage more people to try something now and enjoy it.
7/2/2022 11:47 PM
75 The youth and other generations need something !! It brings people together ,
keeps them fit active and busy. There aren’t enough things in Rutland, we have
no swimming facilities the parks need updating and I feel it would be a great
addition to the ever expanding Oakham
7/2/2022 10:15 PM
76 There isn’t allot for local teenagers to do in Oakham so a skatepark would be
great! Once my two sons are old enough they would love to use it.
7/1/2022 8:09 PM
77 Only if away from houses and older people’s developments 7/1/2022 4:10 PM
78 It would be great for the children and adults in Oakham. It would encourage
excersise and outdoor sports.
7/1/2022 6:46 AM
79 It will bring more people to the community of skating as well as oakham community. Its a
6/30/2022 11:31 PM
80 safe place for all to feel welcome and I feel oakham needs a skatepark
for kids and teenagers to feel they have somewhere to go. It's slightly too far to travel to
melton or
stamford to skate and I'd be more happy to skate most days if the skate park was
closer to home. 6/30/2022 10:46
81 It would be a great place for children to play and gain skills 6/30/2022 10:21
82 Having a skate park builds a community for teenagers and gives a safe
environment to skate
6/30/2022 9:29 PM
83 Options for kids 6/30/2022 8:17 PM
84 Children and teenagers need more facilities within walking distance of the town
centre to give them something to do. To take their hobby further and have a skill
to perfect would be perfect to keep them busy and give them something to aim
for/ to perfect a skill. This will of course help to reduce any potential antisocial
behaviour as those few who are inclined to do this when bored would have
something else to do then.
6/30/2022 6:16 PM
85 I don't 6/30/2022 6:10 PM
86 Because there is so many opportunities that it can give young skaters 6/30/2022 6:02 PM
87 because im a certified badman 6/30/2022 5:24 PM
88 Because kids like me want to go ride our scooter in a safe environment 6/30/2022 5:24 PM
89 Because, the youth need somewhere to go to exercise and decrease antisocial
6/30/2022 5:21 PM
90 The skate park would give young people in the area a chance to meet with their
friends and be able to engage in outdoor activity
6/30/2022 5:20 PM
91 More activities for young people It will be safer Supporting sports 6/30/2022 5:13 PM
92 I do not support a site park being built at Centenary field. 6/30/2022 12:30
93 Well I wouldn't, for the reasons already given. 6/30/2022 11:28
94 It’s needed for young people 6/30/2022 10:38
95 It is a fantastic way for people of all ages in the community to exercise and
socialise 6/30/2022 8:42 AM
96 There is very little In Oakham for the most likely age group (10-18) that would be
using the skate park
6/30/2022 1:25 AM
97 Great exercise. Good for the community. Helps with mental health 6/29/2022 11:17
98 It's a great beacon of a the community and promotes healthy living. 6/29/2022 11:14
99 As suggested in the first question, Oakham would benefit from having a free,
accessible, fit for purpose skate park for residents to use and to encourage
people from out of town to come to Oakham (with potential for them to
support local businesses whilst here).
6/29/2022 11:04
100 Leisure facilities in this ever growing community are seriously lacking. If we want
our young people to be happy here and stay out of trouble we need to provide
for them. I am all for a facility that is social, active, outdoors and allows users to
develop their skills and confidence.
6/29/2022 10:35
101 Oakham needs better facilities like this. My children have loved skate parks and
whilst now in their teens, hopefully they could still benefit as could future
6/29/2022 9:59 PM
102 Better facilities needed Less likely to allow kids to fall into drugs and antisocial
behaviour Build a stronger community Help younger generations make friends
and show older users how to respect younger generations
6/29/2022 9:01 PM
103 A good quality skate/scooter park has always been needed, the current site was
ok but something more substantial was always needed. My son skates currently
and when my older 2 was younger they both scootered and bladed so I have
always wanted more facilities for them. Obviously we spent a lot of time taking
my sons to Corby to visit adrenaline alley so to have something more on our
doorstep would be great.
6/29/2022 7:55 PM
104 There is little activities available that are "free" and outdoor. 6/29/2022 7:29 PM
105 Spent many hours frequenting skateparks as a teen great for socialising and
being out of the house and off games consoles! Wish there were more
projects like this locally for younger generations.
6/29/2022 7:09 PM
106 As before. 6/29/2022 7:06 PM
107 I don’t have any reasons. I’m absolutely against this. 6/29/2022 6:05 PM
108 A skate park would be great, but not on Centenary field. 6/29/2022 5:24 PM
109 I'm a skater. My family live in Oakham. I'd want to skate with local friends
whenever I come back. Skateparks support those in the community who don't
get on with traditional team sports. It fosters friendships, exercise and
6/29/2022 5:07 PM
110 See comment on answer 1 There is very little provision for the younger
generations outside of 'clubs' or church provided activity. Most of these do not
appeal to the average
youngsters, they want spaces of their own, and a space that encourages
community and an active pass-time has got to be a good thing. The skater
community, in general, look after and encourage each other.
6/29/2022 4:11 PM
111 Recreational such as this give something for young people to do which promotes
health, fitness and socialising in an outdoor setting.
6/29/2022 3:07 PM
112 I don't 6/29/2022 12:20
113 We need more things for the teenagers. It encourages them to be outside, in
fresh air, socialising and being active- all fantastic for their mental health!
6/28/2022 7:01 PM
114 . 6/28/2022 9:42 AM
115 I wouldn’t. I think it’s a stupid idea. How much use would it get? Leave the park
alone, it’s a tranquil place and gives me a lot of pleasure because of this
6/28/2022 7:47 AM
116 young people need somewhere in oakham 6/27/2022 9:25 PM
117 As said previously kids and teens need fun places 6/27/2022 9:13 PM
118 BMX and Skateboarding are now official Olympic sports and we should be
providing facillites for future atheletes instead of treating them like criminals
6/27/2022 11:06
119 Most towns have them so clearly a need, can't deny the activities that would
benefit from the park are popular so having a facility makes sense. I believe
anything that encourages young people to be active is always a positive thing.
6/27/2022 6:06 AM
120 Great for the kids. Olympic sport. Great way to learn new skills and experiences.
6/26/2022 10:49
121 It's good for kids, gives them exercise and keeps them engaged. 6/26/2022 10:47
122 We have to travel miles for my children to go to a skate park. This one would be
right on our door step.
6/26/2022 8:08 PM
123 I will appose till the end 6/26/2022 4:46 PM
124 Young people need more to do in Oakham 6/26/2022 1:59 PM
125 It would proved a space for people who like skateboarding to use, as well as a
place for people to learn and practice
6/26/2022 12:46
126 To make Rutland for everyone, of all ages. My children are young now but I really
want them to have outdoor activities for when they get a little older. I want
them to socialise with their peers face to face, not just online. I want them to be
out in the fresh air, having fun. It will be good for their physical, social and
emotional well-being.
6/26/2022 9:53 AM
127 We pay the highest council tax in the country & it was be good to see a little of
the money go to good use x
6/26/2022 9:15 AM
128 Good fun for young people 6/26/2022 8:42 AM
129 Something for the kids to do 6/26/2022 8:29 AM
130 The existing park is very poor 6/26/2022 12:32
131 The youngsters of Oakham need more facilities . A swimming pool would be
good too
6/25/2022 11:33
132 How many times do you need to hear the kids are bored, or causing trouble
because there bored, or get injured on the piece of just ramp in Cutts Close? We
need more free things for kids to do in town such as this or a pumptrack
6/25/2022 10:15
133 It’s a great thing to have in a community 6/25/2022 9:51 PM
134 Because the other one is rubbish 6/25/2022 9:41 PM
135Children and young people need this It would bring people to the town Oakham has
some 6/25/2022 8:18 PM talented athletes who would benefit from a better equipped
and safer skate park, to help
them further their skills
136 Skaters need a place to go in Rutland. The only decent skatepark is in Uppingham
and even that's small. They end up going out of county. Rutland is a central
location in the Midlands so could bring in visitors. Young people would really
benefit from having an excellent provision.
6/25/2022 8:17 PM
137 If you want to play football there are literally hundreds of places to play. If you
ride then there are very few places
6/25/2022 7:00 PM
138 I don't want it built but that not a option here we have enough problems already 6/25/2022 6:34 PM
139 Great outdoor physical activity 6/25/2022 5:57 PM
140 The young people I. Oakham need and would make use of a new scate park 6/25/2022 3:57 PM
141 The town is growing rapidly we need this for our children 6/25/2022 3:33 PM
142 Same as previously stated, i would use it and if it was good enough I know alot
of people that would travle for a good skate. I live in Oakham and I travel far
and wide for the sport. Also get your kids into something healthy and
outdoors, skating is a brilliant community sport where we teach and help the
younger generation!
6/25/2022 3:15 PM
143 Somewhere for the youngsters to skateboard and meet 6/25/2022 2:20 PM
144 I would not support another skatepark being built. I especially wouldn’t support
a skatepark being built on Centenary Field.
6/25/2022 1:03 PM
145 I like somewhere outdoors to do active sports with my friends 6/25/2022 12:48 PM
146 As previously said it would create a fun and safe place for our children to use
their scooters and skate boards, bikes
6/25/2022 12:29 PM
147 Somewhere for children and young people to gather play and practice. 6/25/2022 12:29 PM
148 There’s nothing for teenagers to do in oakham 6/25/2022 12:26 PM
149 None. 6/25/2022 11:33
150 Children's leisure facilities have been overlooked in Oakfam, and this addition is
highly needed to let children exercise and make friends.
6/25/2022 11:26
151 I would have loved one as a former teenage skateboarder. 6/25/2022 11:26
152 Again, there’s not much else for kids to do around here 6/25/2022 11:11
153 It would be great for the area as not much for older children to do in the area 6/25/2022 10:50
154 Give the kids something to do, it’s outdoors, exercise and learning a skill 6/25/2022 10:21
155 I grew up skating and loved the community. You see teenagers taking time to
show children how to use the park properly and teaching tricks. Supports good
mental health. We moan about children having nothing to do
6/25/2022 10:18
156 Great hobbie for children and families to take up. I don't feel cenetary fields is
the best location though.. cutts close would be much better in my opinion.
It's more secluded, not next to a very busy main road and residential care
6/25/2022 10:10
157 This is a loaded survey! I don't want a skate park on Centenary Field. The castle
banks around the existing park help to deaden the noise.
6/25/2022 10:09
158 For the youth of Rutland. For all the people who skate as a hobby. Also most
towns have one!
6/25/2022 9:54 AM
159 I wouldn't in that area, needs to be in a central area where the vandals can be
kept an eye on
6/25/2022 9:52 AM
160 Young people in Oakham need somewhere safe to meet socialise and enjoy
their hobby. There is nothing in Oakham currently for them except the tiny
dangerous skate park in town or Princess ave park for footy or basketball
6/25/2022 9:49 AM
161 If it is built properly and maintained my kids would be outside instead of inside
watching you tube
6/25/2022 8:48 AM
162 There is not enough activities here for young people. 6/25/2022 8:08 AM
163 The area needs developments like this for our local young people. 6/25/2022 8:00 AM
164 Few amenities targeted at young teenagers. Would encourage prosocial
behaviours Would discourage antisocial behaviours in other parks (eg littering,
6/25/2022 2:40 AM
165 Cutts close is central to Oakham and close to the already well developed play
area. It allows for families with children of multiple ages to visit one area and
meet all needs. Centenary place by contrast is enjoyable as an open space
where loca residents can walk their dogs or play a family sports game.
6/24/2022 11:20 PM
166 Good for people to have a dedicated space for recreational activities. 6/24/2022 11:19 PM
167 My boys love scooting ang go to stamford,adrenalin alley,melton and
uppingham.oakham doesn't have that much for children over 10.theyre
getting too old for a normal park.its healthy and outdoors.gives them
something to do.
6/24/2022 10:10 PM
168 I don’t ride a skateboard at the moment, mainly due to the fact that there isn’t a
local place designated to skate. I believe this would benefit both the economy
and the community.
6/24/2022 9:42 PM
169 For the sk8 6/24/2022 9:41 PM
170 To keep young people away from anti-social behaviour and give them a positive
activity and healthy sport.
6/24/2022 8:49 PM
171 See 8 above. An indoor facility professionaly run and supervised would allow
local residents to increase their skills and enjoyment.
6/24/2022 8:45 PM
172 It would be nice. Why can’t the kids have something lively to take away the dull
boredom of a town drowning in timid, placid, Tory council choices
6/24/2022 8:02 PM
173 Oakham is getting bigger and needs things for the young 6/24/2022 7:56 PM
174 My child loves scooting and we currently travel in the car to other places. Having
a park in Oakham would help environmentally. For children who
scoot/skate/bike there are simply no appropriate facilities in Oakham.
6/24/2022 6:42 PM
175 Great fun for the mids 6/24/2022 6:26 PM
176 Something for the teenagers to do and a place wherd they can hangout 6/24/2022 5:11 PM
177 This location is close to the train station, and has enough space to still support
other sports, dog walking, exercise classes and picnics. Currently families and
young people travel away from Oakham to go and visit skateparks in other
locations - this would allow us to reduce congestion, pollution and also reduce
anti-social behaviour due to something for the younger people to do!
6/24/2022 3:14 PM
178 gives the kids more opportunities and massively benefits anyone wanting to
progress in action sports
6/24/2022 1:33 PM
179 Somewhere better to skate would be awesome 6/24/2022 1:31 PM
180 My kids love to skate and the cutts close one isn’t very good. I can’t afford to
drive further afield.
6/24/2022 1:23 PM
181 The current park is a disgrace. They didn't consult skaters at all, just lazily put
together some pre-fabricated rubbish that is literally unusable and dangerous.
Gives the youngsters something to do to keep them out of trouble. Creates
comradery and sense of community. Some of most loyal friends I have met at
skateparks and my life would not be the same without projects such as this.
6/24/2022 1:17 PM
182 Good idea to have somewhere for local youths to go 6/24/2022 1:08 PM
183 It is a great idea to have a safe space for children to play. 6/24/2022 1:01 PM
184 I don't support 6/24/2022 12:53 PM
185 There is nothing for young people to do in Oakham 6/24/2022 12:36 PM
186 Oakham has very little in the way of activity areas for children/young people to
6/24/2022 12:22 PM
187 Skateboarding should be encouraged as an alternative to mainstream sports 6/24/2022 11:52
188 Youth entertainment 6/24/2022 8:02 AM
189 I wouldn't. Build a swimming pool 6/24/2022 7:54 AM
190 Again a great opportunity for the kids in the area to have something they love
doing taking them away from phones and social media, great for mental health
6/24/2022 7:38 AM
191 Children a decent skatepark, where they can go and practice. It keeps them active, they 6/24/2022
7:07 AM
can meet new friends and importantly do it face to face. There's plenty of
parks for small kids around town, but nothing for children as they start to get
older. At the moment kids have to travel for a decent facility, Stamford or
Melton skate parks, which isn't ideal.
192 Hub for young children. We visited one in Bangkok and it was amazing! Families
and young people all there together
6/23/2022 10:11
193 gets kids away from trouble and outside instead of playing video games 6/23/2022 9:25 PM
194 Its great for local community & the kids of Rutland 6/23/2022 9:07 PM
195 Personal interest 6/23/2022 8:49 PM
196 gives us youth something to do, keep us out of trouble 6/23/2022 8:46 PM
197 There aren’t many/any facilities in Oakham for older children. This would be a
popular option. More facilities are greatly needed.
6/23/2022 7:58 PM
198 We need more places for our children to go without having to travel out of
6/23/2022 7:46 PM
199 As per the previous answer 6/23/2022 7:35 PM
200 Because Oakham is ever increasing in size but having less to do for our children
growing up. The skatepark in Cutts close is dangerous for younger users and too
small. So this would be a welcome addition to the town. Oakham/Rutland
Council need to start thinking about what there is to do for our children growing
up. As the town is rubbish for children to grow up in.
6/23/2022 7:31 PM
201 I wouldn't support this as there is already one in Oakham. Use the money to
repair the swimming g pool instead
6/23/2022 7:18 PM
202 I would not support it. 6/23/2022 5:53 PM
203 I would NOT 6/23/2022 5:35 PM
204 There is nothing for teenage boys in Oakham and without things to do they turn
to things they shouldn't be doing. A much large basketball court (half size)
should be built at Princess ave park. A bmx pump track should be built and the
swimming pool should be repaired. If the pool roof is an issue, remove it and
make it a lido.
6/23/2022 5:08 PM
205 It is still a very popular activity 6/23/2022 2:10 PM
206 I don't. 6/23/2022 1:55 PM
207 I have seen how popular these can be and our children all regularly use
skateparks in surrounding towns/villages
6/23/2022 1:14 PM
208 Somewhere gir teens to go 6/23/2022 1:09 PM
209 I would be in favor of one being built in a more open space where it wouldn't
cause issues for Oakham residents.
6/23/2022 1:07 PM
210 I would not support it 6/23/2022 10:59
211 Because the current skateparks aren’t suitable and it would be great to see
something useable being built by professional skatepark builders that are fit
for use to help children excessive and socialise!
6/23/2022 10:59
212 Na 6/23/2022 10:09
213 Only support this proposal if it is within the Barleythorpe estate, The
Centenary Field is a well used popular asset for local residents. It is wrong to
deprive these families of a much appreciated asset. Other land lies fallow and
is more suitable ..
6/23/2022 9:56 AM
214 There is nothing,zero,nada for young people in Oakham. It has to be one of the
most boring places to live between the ages of 11-20. If a skatepark was built
that suited a wide array of activities and abilities you would see people from
Oakham using the skatepark and people from outside of Oakham too!
6/23/2022 9:53 AM
215 One already exists, do I need to support another? Centenary Park exists for
other reasons. What is the take-up on the obstacle type structure already in
place? I live very near by have sons/daughters/grandchildren and none have
shown any interest in using?
6/23/2022 9:38 AM
216 Skateboarding is now an Olympic sport. It will only grow in popularity. It
provides brilliant exercise for young teenagers; gives them a worthwhile hobby
and keeps them occupied outdoors.
6/23/2022 9:37 AM
217 I grew up in Uppingham using the skate park 6/23/2022 9:30 AM
218 We have to travel to use a skate park. There is very little for youngsters to do in
Oakham. The skateboarding community are generally a very friendly, supportive
bunch and have been a great help to my son who suffers from anxiety. It’s a
great, healthy way of getting kids outside and active therefore being good for
them physically and mentally. My son is lucky in that he has many opportunities
to attend extra curricular clubs but not all children are in this position
6/23/2022 8:44 AM
219 I think it would help benefit the social and interpersonal development of
children and teens in an outdoor environment. Too many children are constantly
inside on computers and game stations.
6/23/2022 8:08 AM
220 It keeps kids from getting bored 6/23/2022 8:03 AM
221 Great for the younger generation in the community, gives them something to do
and keeps them healthy.
6/23/2022 7:59 AM
222 Skateboarding is a skilled sport like any other and young peoplE should have to
travel out of town to participate.
6/23/2022 7:58 AM
223 Anything which provides youth activities and exercise 6/23/2022 7:51 AM
224 Badly needed and a healthy option for kids to use 6/23/2022 7:48 AM
225 The skate part will be a wonderful amenity for people and Centenary Field seems
to be the perfect spot. Easy to get too, safe and easily large enough to
accommodate the proposal. It seems ideal and would be welcomed by some
many people.
6/23/2022 7:39 AM
226 More stuff for older children to do 6/23/2022 7:09 AM
227 To give you people of Rutland other options of things they can be doing. 6/23/2022 7:07 AM
228 For my children 6/23/2022 6:14 AM
229 Only for the fact it keeps youths (in general those who enjoy skating) active and
gives them something to do.
6/23/2022 6:11 AM
230 Something for kids 6/23/2022 5:56 AM
231 More for teens to do. Somewhere for them to go. 6/23/2022 1:35 AM
232 It would keep children off the streets & they can meet their friends 6/22/2022 11:53 PM
233 Cannot support building the skatepark in Centenary Field 6/22/2022 11:21 PM
234 It's a new sport Need to go with the changes in time it's for the younger
6/22/2022 11:20 PM
235 Be good for young people to have some where if interest they’d use 6/22/2022 10:57 PM
236 The towns dying at this point anything is better then the nothing we currently
have. Well that’s not a care home or coffee shop that is.
6/22/2022 10:54 PM
237 There is very little for children to do in Oakham , having no leisure facility, eg no
swimming pool or cinema
6/22/2022 10:40 PM
238 Desperately short of activities for older children/young adults in Oakham & have
to travel to neighbouring towns for it. Skatepark would help fitness & encourage
screen free time
6/22/2022 10:26 PM
239 For the good of the kids and the community. The council need to score browny
points with us residents. Let’s have some good news for a change
6/22/2022 10:24 PM
240 Teenagers need somewhere to go. 6/22/2022 10:19 PM
241 I support the idea as it is a good opportunity for teenagers as their is not thing
else for teenagers to do around Oakham unless you go out of town
6/22/2022 10:09 PM
242 Provide an outdoor activity for local young people who currently have to travel
Uppingham, Stamford or out of county
6/22/2022 10:07 PM
243 Because I have children who would use it and I wouldn't need to travel out of
rutland to do something with my kids.
6/22/2022 9:55 PM
244 The existing one is too small Need a bigger area Help give teenagers a place to go 6/22/2022 9:49 PM
245 Villages have better skate park options than the main town in the county 6/22/2022 9:47 PM
246 Wouldnt 6/22/2022 9:38 PM
247 It is an opportunity for children to exercise, be outside, have a quality screen
free play time, make friends and be healthy!
6/22/2022 9:36 PM
248 Young people need something to do and a skatepark can accommodate
skateboards, skates/blades, scooters and bmxs if delivered properly. It would
need to be well managed but the location offers natural surveillance
6/22/2022 9:34 PM
249 I don’t 6/22/2022 9:18 PM
250 Gives the younger generation some where to go and have fun 6/22/2022 9:17 PM
251 More active small for local youths 6/22/2022 9:16 PM
252 The current one is unusable and therefore a poor use of space in Cutts Close
park. More people having somewhere to ride/skate, more space in another
existing park. Usable facilities.
6/22/2022 9:10 PM
253 More for young people to do and encouragement to be outdoors 6/22/2022 9:07 PM
254 I wouldn’t. A leisure facility should be inclusive for all age groups. 6/22/2022 9:04 PM
255 More for children/teens to do 6/22/2022 8:39 PM
256 I don’t support building a skate park 6/22/2022 8:28 PM
257 Leicester needs better skateparks 6/22/2022 8:19 PM
258 It would be of huge benefit to the younger people of the town and give them a
place to go and something for them to do in a town that has very few leisure
6/22/2022 8:18 PM
259 Gives kids a place to meet and do something really cool without having to pay
an entry fee.
6/22/2022 8:14 PM
260 Free activity for kids 6/22/2022 7:57 PM
261 Exciting opportunity for skaters to come together and meet one and other 6/22/2022 7:52 PM
262 To give your young people a place to practice that is safe 6/22/2022 7:49 PM
263 The youth of Rutland need a skate park, they have very little to do. 6/22/2022 7:42 PM
264 See reasons given above 6/22/2022 7:38 PM
265 As stated previously a safe place for children and youth to hang out, socialise
and learn new skills
6/22/2022 7:37 PM
266 Increases community values. Great for all ages. Stops skaters having to travel so
far out of Rutland to use other facilities. Oakham does not have a useable
skatepark, the cutts close one is terrible (not built for purpose and dangerous)
6/22/2022 7:27 PM
267 Very limited things for children to do in Oakham so would very much welcome
something constructive for them to do
6/22/2022 7:19 PM
268 I think teenagers need something to do but I think need to look at Oakham as a
whole , is a second skatepark the answer?
6/22/2022 7:18 PM
269 Good for the community and good to have a decent park near by 6/22/2022 7:00 PM
270 It provides a safe environment for this activity. 6/22/2022 6:59 PM
271 It would be a step in the right direction to start developing facilities for young
people in oakham
6/22/2022 6:58 PM
272 For the kids 6/22/2022 6:55 PM
273 It will provide outdoor activity to serve the Barleythorpe community and
Oakham residents. It will have a positive impact with children promoting
exercise in the great outdoors and get them away from screen time indoors.
6/22/2022 6:48 PM
274 The children have to travel to be able to do what they love and the current skate
park is inadequate and I believe it would be good for the town
6/22/2022 6:46 PM
275 Would support a new or updated version at cutts close , easier to monitor, park
and more to do for younger children at same time . The venue you are
suggesting is and will be difficult to police , already a minority that cause
problems around that area and parking is non existent!
6/22/2022 6:35 PM
276 Having a skatepark would be great for teens to spend time at, rather than just
having to linger around town
6/22/2022 6:34 PM
277 Excellent way for the young people of Oakham to exercise and interact with their
6/22/2022 6:33 PM
278 Something for older kids to keep them busy and out of trouble/off electronic
6/22/2022 6:29 PM
279 I have grandsons who enjoy using their scooters and roller skates and this would
provide a facility for them to improve their skills. There are very few facilities for
youngsters and teenagers to use in Oakham
6/22/2022 6:29 PM
280 Children and families need something to do. A skate park will also bring others
into the town
6/22/2022 6:26 PM
281 My friends and I would enjoy skating it and it would be great for the locals 6/22/2022 6:20 PM
282 More beneficial to the younger kids in town. We need better facilities as the
town is expanding
6/22/2022 6:16 PM
283 I would not support the project 6/22/2022 6:14 PM
284 Because the one at Cutts close is trash and we need a new one 6/22/2022 6:10 PM
285 I feel kids of all ages need somewhere to learn or practice skateboarding and
met other like minded
6/22/2022 6:09 PM
286 Town crying out for facilities for older children 6/22/2022 6:05 PM
287 It is important for the kids to have something to do...as long as it is NOT misused. 6/22/2022 6:03 PM
288 Because it give the children something to do as there is nothing in oakham for
6/22/2022 6:02 PM
289 A place for me to Rollerblade and ride my skateboard. My friends will also use
the skate park
6/22/2022 5:56 PM
290 Encourage socialisation and team ethic and friendships 6/22/2022 5:53 PM
291 I have young children who would use this facility regularly. The current provision
is insufficient and not fit for purpose. It supports outdoor exercise for a broad
age-range of young people.
6/22/2022 5:45 PM
292 To increase the diversity of things to do for the younger generation 6/22/2022 5:42 PM
293 Use for my child that lives in oakham, think it would be a great addition to
activities around the area that is serverly lacking , Will encourage more tourism
to the area Could encourage new skills to be learnt Great meeting place
6/22/2022 5:35 PM
294 Place for kids to practice an activity that doesn’t have to cost . 6/22/2022 5:29 PM
295 I wouldn’t. 6/22/2022 5:21 PM
296 It provides appropriate exercise for young people but it needs to be in the right
location if it is to avoid detrimental harm to nearby residents
6/22/2022 5:19 PM
297 Because the skate community in oakham deserves after being let down twice 6/22/2022 5:16 PM
298 none 6/22/2022 5:15 PM
299 The children need somewhere decent to skate, it's a popular activity for youths
and good for fitness and mental well being.
6/22/2022 4:49 PM
300 Something for older children to do that are too big for the park 6/22/2022 4:46 PM
301 Skate parks often attract anti-social behaviour, similar to the issues currently
encountered at Cutts Close Park. Another skatepark will result in another ‘no-go
area’ some where else in
6/22/2022 4:44 PM
302 Good for the community 6/22/2022 4:44 PM
303 I would NOT support it 6/22/2022 4:36 PM
304 Gives the kids something to do instead of hanging around bored 6/22/2022 4:31 PM
305 I have a school age child and would like for them to have a safe space but not
next to a quiet residential area that threatens to affect existing users looking
for a peaceful outdoors space.
6/22/2022 4:25 PM
306 Rutland needs more recreational areas for children & young adults. 6/22/2022 4:23 PM
307 All kids need to have fun and be safe ,out it either in the main park or the
centenary which is not near houses we do not want things like this in our
6/22/2022 4:13 PM
308 To give people something to do. 6/22/2022 4:05 PM
309 Not many in the Rutland area , one in oakham is too small 6/22/2022 3:58 PM
310 I wouldn’t. 6/22/2022 3:52 PM
311 A skatepark would be beneficial for town but Centenery Park is not a suitable
location due to risk of anti social behaviour as seen in other town parks ie
Royces Fields.
6/22/2022 3:42 PM
312 It gives children of all ages something to do. A town this size should have
something similar.
6/22/2022 3:27 PM
313 There is little enough for youngsters to do in Oakham as it is, and they
desperately need something (free? at minimum cost?) to do to channel their
energy and enthusiasm.
6/22/2022 3:17 PM
314 Gives young people somewhere safe to ho and something to be passionate
6/22/2022 3:07 PM
315 I don't???? 6/22/2022 2:28 PM
316 The younger generation need something of their age group to enjoy, along with
a pool and a cinema, accessible tennis courts. You cant alllow houses to be built
for families but have no local amneties.
6/22/2022 2:07 PM
317 What else is there for kids to do? We don't have a cinema, we don't have a
swimming pool, we don't have a bowling alley. If you are interested in providing
a community space for kids, adolescents and adults to promote healthy outdoor
activity this is probably the best value you could achieve over the lifespan.
6/22/2022 2:03 PM
318 Because the existing play opportunities for children in Oakham are awful. 6/22/2022 1:51 PM
319 I support a skate park being built for young people to enjoy. I do not support it
being built in Barleythorpe.
6/22/2022 1:24 PM
320 To utilise our outdoor space for a healthy activity, so young people have a safe
solace to ride rather than car parks and roads
6/22/2022 1:16 PM
321 Oakhams population has been expanding fairly rapidly over the last few years
with parks being added for the younger 3-10 range but nothing catering to
entertain the age range between that and adults (which is arguably more
important). Governments and Councils talk a lot about the importance of health
in young people with few practical solutions. If you want them to go outside,
give them somewhere to go!
6/22/2022 12:51 PM
322 I don’t. 6/22/2022 12:25 PM
323 To give young people a little piece of their own 6/22/2022 12:06 PM
324 Children in rutland have nothing to do limited youth clubs and bad parks we live
Uppingham and the skate park is always busy as nothing for teens to do
6/22/2022 11:58
325 It’ll attract potentially more people to the town 6/22/2022 11:50
326 I am hugely in favour of a decent skatepark being built, not only for the
teenagers but for younger children too. Other towns around oakham and are
always well used.
6/22/2022 11:43
327 Keeps children active. Gives children a safe place to practise their skills and
socialise with friends
6/22/2022 11:41
328 There aren’t enough facilities in Oakham for young people. We need things that
are low cost and kids can spend good chunks of their day there. Somewhere
easy to access without the need to drive to it would be ideal. We need a good
skatepark that is fit for purpose.
6/22/2022 11:23
329 I live opposite on Mallard Court, and it would be a great place for my stepson to
play and give him more to do
6/22/2022 11:14
330 Oakham needs something for the children to as it currently has nothing for the
children to do! This is a great way to get the kids involved in something that they
will benefit from!
6/22/2022 11:10
331 We really need it, young people do not have alot to do in the area and its great
exercise and a social sport
6/22/2022 11:00
332 Because it will be very good for the younger residents to have something right
now they do not have anything much.
6/22/2022 10:47
333 Outdoor community sporting facilities for all sporting pursuits will help inspire
and engage our young generations minds
6/22/2022 10:36
334 Good for the young kids 6/22/2022 10:33
335 Oakham is one of the most boring places i have ever lived, to actually have any fun skating
6/22/2022 10:31 AM
when growing up you had to travel to melton or further
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
336 because young people should have better access to parks then Oakham has to
6/22/2022 10:25
337 Fab to give kids something todo 6/22/2022 10:17
338 More access to activities needs addressing in the town for over 5 age group, a
place where young people can meet and share their interest in skateboarding in
a safe and appropriate environment
6/22/2022 10:06
339 None 6/22/2022 10:05
340 Good to have facilities for you people to use. Current skate park in Cutts close
isn't very good.
6/22/2022 9:53 AM
341 this survey is very biased towards the creation of a skate-park of which the town
already has 1 no need for a second one
6/22/2022 9:53 AM
342 There is currently a lack of spaces for young people. 6/22/2022 9:48 AM
343 There is not a lot to fo for kids in Oakham. A swimming pool would be higher on
my priority however.
6/22/2022 9:45 AM
344 It’s a great sport for all and Oakham is currently lacking any sport facility that is
open to all with no costs to those who use it. We need Councillors to stop
moaning about how tough things are and get behind this great project
6/22/2022 9:43 AM
345 Iv built skateparks before a few years ago and the amount of people saying
that’s is a good idea to get younger people in a sport like bmxing skateboarding
or even scooters and getting them in the fresh air not stuck in home fixed to
playing PlayStation or Xbox
6/22/2022 9:42 AM
346 There is nothing to do in Oakham. Currently travel to Uppingham or Corby to
skate but not as often as I would like due to the travel and increasing costs.
Younger people need to have access to basic recreational activities which we
seriously lack, not helped by the poor public transport availability. Could also
bring a need for a small skate shop
6/22/2022 9:35 AM
347 Something for the skaters which I've.known they have wanted for years. It's
healthy for the kids to be outside exercising. And other towns have decent skate
6/22/2022 9:28 AM
348 We are lacking in activities for the children. It is great exercise for the children. It
would be good for the community. We currently have to travel out of area.
6/22/2022 9:26 AM
349 I would only support it if it was built out of town 6/22/2022 9:25 AM
350 I dont 6/22/2022 9:23 AM
351 As above. An excellent form of exercise, a positive activity for all users of any age 6/22/2022 9:23 AM
352 The kids all scoot, a larger facility, like the one in Melton would allow all ages
to scoot, skateboard etc. Would also create less segregation as with many
levels able to use the park, unlike Cutts, would probably be more family
6/22/2022 9:12 AM
353 Because I personally would use it 5 times a week, it promotes good health and
fitness to users
6/22/2022 9:10 AM
354 Somewhere local for my son to use. An activity for older children in Oakham. 6/22/2022 9:04 AM
355 Great activity for all ages of children. Teaches social and physical health.
Stops kids hanging round tesco. Provides a safe environment for youngsters
to practice and upskill themselves.
6/22/2022 9:01 AM
356 Encourage physical activity Attract people to spend in town/local economy
Facilities for young people are lacking Would be good if also had a pre-schooler
friendly area for learning to scoot, ride bikes etc
6/22/2022 9:01 AM
357 The current skate park on cutts close is not fit for purpose and was built or
designed without the input of the local community or a very small amount of
people were asked.
6/22/2022 8:55 AM
358 Somewhere for children to go and be active 6/22/2022 8:52 AM
359 I explained this above, no? 6/22/2022 8:51 AM
360 Getting transfers active and outside off of console games 6/22/2022 8:50 AM
361 As per Q1 6/22/2022 8:49 AM
362It's great for the local area and community. It will allow locals with an area to practice
skills 6/22/2022 8:49 AM whilst also attracting people to the area which can help local
363 Gives the children a safe place to skate. Allows them to be independent and
keeps their money within the local economy. No travelling time required to
other towns with a skatepark (also see comment about the local economy).
6/22/2022 8:44 AM
364 Teenagers somewhere to go. Exercise All ages 6/22/2022 8:39 AM
365 Somewhere to take the grandchildren 6/22/2022 8:39 AM
366 There is a complete lack of activities for teens in Rutland. 6/22/2022 8:38 AM
367 Would not support it. There is already a skate park in Oakham. The medical
facilities here are inadequate and bones get broken skateboarding - more
pressure on services that are struggling Already.
6/22/2022 8:34 AM
368 All the kids seem to enjoy skateboarding and I hear the one on Cutts Close was
never thought about seriously. Might stop the vandalism and anti social
behaviour that plagues
6/22/2022 8:29 AM
369 To invest in our towns youth to insure they are happy and content . Boredom
breeds mischief !
6/22/2022 8:27 AM
370 I think it’s a good idea and it’s something to do in Oakham 6/22/2022 8:27 AM
371 I have 2 grandchildren and there is nothing for them to do in Oakham no
swimming pool.
6/22/2022 8:25 AM
372 Skate parks is where I spent my youth and it even turned into a career for me I
would like the same opportunity for other kids in Oakham
6/22/2022 8:25 AM
373 There is a perfect location as it is close enough to town but not too close to be
6/22/2022 8:22 AM
374 Great addition for children and young adults 6/22/2022 8:19 AM
375 Gives something for kids and teenagers to do. Plus being a community together 6/22/2022 8:18 AM
376 Although not from the area, I know people who are. When looking for place to
visit, there are the thing we look out for. The parks form our community and
become a hive of activity. Skateparks bring people together as I said before.
Young and old communicate with each other. People try out new skills (I’m
about to buy some roller skates!!) we have lock club popping up to teach these
6/22/2022 8:17 AM
377 So there's more activities for teenagers 6/22/2022 8:17 AM
378 A project that the youth will feel a part of from start to finish. They will take
ownership of it. Great fitness area. Great socialising space.
6/22/2022 8:16 AM
379 Needs more for the younger generation 6/22/2022 8:13 AM
380 Wouldn't support it 6/22/2022 8:11 AM
381 I have two boys who are always on their scooters, they are practicing on their
skate boards too and would be great to have a place to go to to make friends
with similar interests.
6/22/2022 8:10 AM
382 There is literally nothing in town for children above 9/10. More bigger parks,
sports facilities would be fab too. We need more for the children!!
6/22/2022 8:09 AM
383 I would support giving more children opportunities to do what they love 6/22/2022 8:08 AM
384 To stop the thugs vandalising town 6/22/2022 8:07 AM
385 A decent skatepark would attract older children/teens (& adults), & facilities for
teens are much lacking in Oakham/Rutland. Not even a swimming pool now.
6/22/2022 8:03 AM
386 It good for young people to have somewhere to go but the specific location is
key. A skatepark right outside a house is no good.
6/22/2022 8:02 AM
387 Its free, its fairly cheap to maintain and its a growing sport that needs to be
6/22/2022 8:01 AM
388 More for kids (and adults) to do, plus existing one not up to standard in cutts
6/22/2022 7:51 AM
389 Being a skater growing up I find it important to have a good park that is safe for
everyone to use. It helps younger people with a common interest to get together
and share a passion.
6/22/2022 7:51 AM
390 I think it’s important that there is something for older kids to do but
unfortunately many of them trash the local parks so it needs to be somewhere
more out of the way or central
6/22/2022 7:50 AM
391 Something for the youngsters to do. Everything else is traveling in a car as public
transport isn't great for a Sunday skate. It's gets them out and about out of
6/22/2022 7:48 AM
392 It would improve the facilities for young people and to would provide amuch
needed outdoor recreational space
6/22/2022 7:45 AM
393 To give the kids something to do 6/22/2022 7:43 AM
394 Kids need somewhere to go 6/22/2022 7:40 AM
395 I wouldn't. This survey is positively biased towards accepting a skate park. 6/22/2022 7:39 AM
396 A positive for kids to hang out and play. More is needed 6/22/2022 7:39 AM
397 I have young lads that would like to use it , something similar to Uppingham
6/22/2022 7:39 AM
398 It’s a great way to get kids outdoors and can be used by skateboards & scooters
by kids/adults of all ages. Brings the community together
6/22/2022 7:39 AM
399 As first question 6/22/2022 7:35 AM
400 Sons favourite hobby plus great for exercise and keeping for 6/22/2022 7:29 AM
401 I am strongly against this and would love to meet any councilor who is part of
the team for this park
6/22/2022 7:24 AM
402 There is nothing for children over the age of 7 to do in oakham. The town park
(apart from the swings, which are great!!) Is dated and boring. You walk through
and see children using the purpose built skate park as an obstacle track instead !
Which then leaves the older kids nothing to do. A pump track would be
100000000% better then a skate park and having an older kids park (10+) nearby
would be a bonus too!!! Lets get these kids outside and having fun!!!! We travel
OFTEN to rushcliffe country park and it is always soooo busy!! It has a um track
skate park and a big park.. parking is £2 all day and they must make a killing off
of it!! We need to wake up sleepy oakham!!! My children would benefit from a
multi sports cage as there are no football goals in any oakham park!
6/22/2022 7:22 AM
403 So that the kids have something to do and somewhere to go. 6/22/2022 7:22 AM
404 Young people need fun activities to socialise and keep fit. 6/22/2022 7:21 AM
405 Provides young people with something to do. Skaters are very passionate about
their sport and keep their skateparks clean and tidy
6/22/2022 7:17 AM
406 As per question 1 - there is very little, free, public amenity in and around
Oakham aimed at children, teenagers and young families.
6/22/2022 7:17 AM
407 The current skatepark is dangerous 6/22/2022 7:14 AM
408 A safe, local place for children to enjoy. 6/22/2022 7:04 AM
409 My son used to skateboard as a teenager and it was the best thing he ever
did. Kept him out of trouble, however he always had to go to Northampton or
Stamford. He's now in his 40's and still skateboards...
6/22/2022 6:59 AM
410 To support the younger community so they have things to enjoy 6/22/2022 6:49 AM
411 Fun for children/adults Meet new people with the same interests Somewhere
for children to learn a new skill and teach each other new things A great
opportunity for the community to support the younger generation
6/22/2022 6:33 AM
412 Fantastic for the kids, something to do for the kids 6/22/2022 6:26 AM
413 My children would use it. 6/22/2022 6:19 AM
414 Current facilities are not fit for purpose. Young people need more things to do in
6/22/2022 6:10 AM
415 There's a demand for it 6/22/2022 5:45 AM
416 I feel the citizens of Oakham deserve and need a good quality skatepark to
replace to poor skatepark already in cutts close
6/22/2022 5:43 AM
Skate Park Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 1
417 Help the youth that skate board and scoot 6/22/2022 5:07 AM
418 Something for the young people of Oakham. Skating is healthy exercise
physically and mentally... and outdoors.
6/22/2022 4:21 AM
419 For the sport to grow and safety 6/22/2022 1:27 AM
420 I am a keen skateboarder of 22 years. Been to skateparks all over the world and have
seen 6/22/2022 12:59 AM the effects it has on the communities first hand. Good, well built
skateparks bring groups of people together to share a common interest, whether it be
skating, scooting, boxing or just
hanging out with mates. Believeit or not, skateparks are some of the safest
places in these communities. Oakham needs a young person's HUB. As there are
no facilities or clubs easily available (that are also free) I have lived here 2 years
and want to retire here, I have a few years left skateboarding but I hope to have
children and teach them. It would greatly benefit me to have a skatepark.
421 Not only does it give lots of the local children someone to be and socialise it
also allows those that can’t commute to use it. It also keeps people from
going out of town and away from what local amenities we do have!
6/22/2022 12:45
422 Skateparks are a staple of any good town and village. Skating and in particular
scooter riding is a hugely popular activity, and given nowhere safe (built to
purpose) the only place left to go skating is empty carparks or other public
spaces. This obviously creates hazards for both skaters and pedestrians.
Oakham is already so far behind the times without a proper skatepark. It's as
much as a necessity these days as tennis courts or basketball courts. If not
6/22/2022 12:27
423 Because there is nothing else for the children of Oakham to do 6/22/2022 12:27
424 Nothing for children in Rutland whatsoever . They need somewhere where they
can go And be children
6/22/2022 12:22
425 Teens wander around town and hang around parks but have nothing to do, this
would give them an activity that is free to access and is healthy and social
6/22/2022 12:15
426 At present there is very little for the younger people to do. There is no pool the
'youth club' is open a couple of hours a week on a Thursday and that's about it!
6/22/2022 12:14
427 It would give the kids something to do and somewhere safe to go. 6/22/2022 12:11
Skatepark Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 2
safety of an unsupervised facility
Too little open space will be left
There should be a public consultation in line with the terms of the lease between OTC and the
tresham institute
What will the structure look like in 10 years? How will it be maintained
200 residents have been surveyed by a fellow resident and 75% were opposed to skate park being
added to Centenary Field
There are better locations, specifically Royce. An individual said he had checked the land registry and Royce playing field is lLoss of opportunity to visit a place of remembrance/reflection
A swimming pool would be a preferred amenity
Why can this not be done as part of a new build estate?
Residents would be vulnerable – buildings (particularly in the care village) are too easily accessible by non-residents
Worries about increased litter in the area, some concerns that bins are already not emptied enough
Concerns about the safety of children in regards to county lines drug operations
Noise from skaters and their accessories (e.g. speakers for music)
Paper copies of the survey were not received by residents
There are no nearby public conveniences for skaters to use
Concerns about lighting- will there be too much/will there be enough, the lighting will ruin the view for residents
Police presence in the area is already not enough to deal with anti-social behaviour
It feels as though Centenary Field is becoming a dumping ground
Centenary Field and its surroundings is an area for over 55’s only
The questions included on the survey were flawed and the survey did not reach all residents. The
survey should be done again.
The interests of one age group should not override the interests of another age group
The skate park is a great idea but not in this location
The results of the survey weren’t fairly advertised
Centenary fields already has problems at night time, particularly ASB, this would make that worse
Residents should be co-opted on to the working group
There is not an Oakham Town Councillor who represents this ward
Users of the skate park would travel by car increasing parking problems in the area
A skatepark is too specific and would have a limited number of users
Concerns about the ongoing costs of maintaining a skatepark
Concerns about the healtarger than Centenary field.
There are health and safety concerns at Centenary field in relation to the pond
There is amenity and value in open space
It is not just elderly people against this, younger residents also do not want a skate park on
Centenary Field as they are concerned they would have to pay for any damage to their own
Residents want the skate park to be included in a new build estate so that anyone buying a house
there already know there will be a skate park
It would have a financial impact on the surrounding houses
It would become a hub for teens to meet
Who would remove unwanted graffiti
Teenagers all want to do different things so you have to provide a wealth of different things
Residents communications
I attended the open meeting last evening and made clear my support for a skatepark, although I do not believe that Centenary Field is the best location for it. At the meeting I attempted to make clear that I believe the Working Party has been misled with regard to the size and available space at Royce’s Recreation Ground. The point that I was making, which was instantly dismissed as false by Jon Dixon, is that Royce’s Recreation Field is in fact larger than Centenary Field. That is evidenced both by my visiting both sites and according to the Town Council’s list of assets which it owns or leases and which is filed with the Land Registry.
Let 's be clear, skateparks and residential areas do not mix. This is particularly true for the residents living around
Centenary Field (CF), many of whom are disabled, elderly and vulnerable. So how is it that Oakham Town
Council (OTC) / Skatepark Working Group (SWG) even considered CF, let alone proposed it as the site for a
skatepark? We are not against the idea of a new second skateboard per se, but Centenary Field is definitely the
wrong place to put this. Feelings amongst the CF residents are running high because of what is perceived as the
biased and underhand way in which QTC/SWG have acted to date. Two "public meetings" have just served
to confirm that OTC/SWG is not interested in listening to CF residents and their legitimate concerns and is,
instead, intent on trying to force the skatepark on residents against their wishes and without their consent. Now
we come to the infamous "survey" and "survey" process. The "survey" form was clearly biased and designed to
encourage a "yes" outcome. The "survey" form was only selectively distributed amongst CF residents and, being
available online, could presumably have been completed by anyone without having to live in Oakham or even in
Rutland. Without any age or identity verification, presumably people/children could have completed the survey
multiple times using multiple devices/broadband. In fact, the whole thing was an exercise in opposition
suppression and self-serving denial of local democracy. If this had been handled properly, people may have
been more receptive and the current "temperature" may be a little lower.
We are writing to ask you to seriously consider the negative impact a skatepark on Centenary
Field would have on the nearby residents, on current users of the area and the beauty of this
idyllic spot.
The working party has done nothing to allay the fears of nearby residents and have failed to
listen and address those fears.
It is left then to appeal to each counsellor to think well on this matter.
All entries to the town are welcoming and attractive. The siting on centenary field with the
noise, litter, asb and graffiti that skateparks attract would certainly spoil the current beautiful
look of this area.
Other sites have been dismissed out of hand by the working party under the influence of Jon
Dixon ( who has stated on social media that he is only interested in that site and no other).
A skatepark caters only for a small section of the community. If funds are to be raised why not
for something that caters for a wider group of society. We already have a skatepark and if it’s
dangerous (as claimed by this group) - where is the proof of this? Why has it not been
condemned and dismantled? Is it just that the current one in Oakham is not big enough or
daring enough for the older skaters ? We understand larger skateparks are easily accessible
at Melton and Uppingham - does Oakham really need two?
Whilst not against a skatepark per se, we feel it is not something to drop into a residential area
and specially one that houses a majority of older residents.
Please give this very serious consideration as once the ambiance and presentation of this
lovely town is spoiled it will be spoiled forever and then be like a hundred other little market
towns that have been urbanised.
As neighbouring residents of the Centenary Field we are writing to you to raise serious
concerns regarding the organisation and conduct at the Skatepark Working Party public
meeting on the 1st November 2022. The issues included:
• The room itself was clearly insufficient in size and not set up to cater for the number of
attendees. After the first meeting on the 15th October when next to no one supporting the
Skatepark Group attended it was obvious that more of their supporters would turn up and
the large number of children present was clearly known before hand. Consequently a
number of neighbouring residents wanting to attend could not gain access into the room. A
number of elderly residents inside the room could not get seating whilst many were left
squeezed in at the back of the room.
• The intimidating atmosphere created was clearly designed to make the residents
feel uncomfortable and a number decided not to speak as they considered they
would be shouted down and some left early in dismay.
• None of the neighbouring residents’ valid objections and concerns raised were
properly considered and responded to by the Working Party and no real effort was
made to engage the residents on an impartial and constructive basis.
• The theme of the meeting quickly became ‘criticise and label the residents as old
and anti-young’ which was shocking but unfortunately this has been a transparent
theme put out by the Skatepark Project Facebook Group
• The Working Party members present did not demonstrate that they were
impartial but came across as biased towards the Centenary Field location and
dismissive against the neighbouring residents.
• That such a meeting could be held on Town Council premises is shocking and
unfortunately helps to bring the Council into disrepute.
It should be no surprise to you that the leader of the Skatepark Project Group, who is a
member of the Working Party, continues to strengthen and galvanise the neighbouring
residents opposition to the Centenary Field Skatepark proposal by his appalling,
obsessive behaviour, intimidating attitude and offensive language on his project
facebook site. He continually distorts the facts and dismisses the views and concerns of
decent rate paying residents including young families. What is disturbing and very
worrying is that by association he continues to discredit the Town Council which is in
partnership with his Project Group.
I am writing to support the skate park but to object to the proposed location on
Centenary Field.
I object to the location for the following reasons:
1. Green field site: I would support a structure made out of natural materials but I
cannot support concrete and metal which will be detrimental to the wildlife/green
2. Danger: the proposed site is opposite a busy junction. I have already witnessed
school children crossing there, this would happen more frequently. There would
also need to be provision for skateboards out of control near the road. The way
around this would be a higher, fuller fence but that again would lead to the
destruction of green space so I do not support that.
3. Facilities: there are no public parking or toilet facilities near the site.
4. Congestion: there are two further housing estates being built in the near future,
with just a few council owned green spaces we need to protect this field and the
5. Loss of purpose: The above are my “head” reasons, now my heart: this is the only
substantial public owned green space that my husband, our two young children
and I can practice rugby and not get in the way of others or trespass on private
land. We need a big space to practice drop kicks, penalty kicks and running drills.
There is no other green space big enough in town to support this that doesn’t
interfere with football, basketball, close by residents or fenced parks. My family is
not the only family that uses this green space for practice and play, I have seen
fitness bootcamps, dog training, football matches, cricket, and golf played on this
As this issue is divisive (as demonstrated in the heated informal meetings) is there a
different process that we could follow? Could we ask Oakham residents to vote on
whether they would prefer a multipurpose green space or a skate park on Centenary
Field or other OTC owned/managed land? Was this covered in the Future Rutland survey
at all?
Please can you include this view and my voting proposal in your report to the full
I am emailing you further to the meeting which I attended on Tuesday evening relating to the
proposed build of a skatepark on centenary fields and to again raise my concerns. Firstly I must say
the meeting was incredibly hostile and not an environment I would have felt comfortable having my
children at (which was encouraged), I definitely did not feel it was a meeting where freedom of
speech was welcomed (or it was welcomed, however you would have been subject to a barrage of
abuse if you were offering anything but support for the project). I felt that the panel sat at the front
was incredibly biased, correct me if I am wrong but family members of councillor Nealson, another
ex-councillor and the skate park organiser were clearly there to rally support only, or so it seemed.
Surely a meeting of such importance should hold an impartial panel? Secondly the Facebook group
which has been set up in support of this project should not be classed as a clear indication of
support or need for such a facility in Oakham. There are 395 members of the Facebook group, at the
last published count Oakham holds a population of 11000+ residents (ever growing i know). How is a
project so small being pushed through and taking up so much of your vaulable time when there are
so many more issues that need addressing? Other issues which would support so many more people
of all ages and abilities? I agree that the facilities for children on Oakham are limited and a skate
park would occupy some children/teens and adults however there are many more things that could
be addressed which would be relevant and used by a much larger proportion of the population!
Thirdly I really don't think the local residents' views have been taken into consideration. I intended
to bring this up in the meeting myself however I attended on my own and felt very intimidated at
times by members of the meeting, I also very quickly categorised myself as a "Nimby". Therefore, I
would most definitely have been overlooked! Fourthly there is no access to the site without crossing
the field, are you proposing to install pathways? if so, this will most certainly increase the overall
space taken up from the quoted 2%! One access point into the field is across a private road
(Ellingworth close) at what point will the Town Council take on the cost of maintaining that road
because of the increased foot traffic? Another would be through the gap in the fence opposite the
care home and the final place would be off the zebra crossing on Barleythorpe Road which again is
merely a gap in a hedge unless the foot traffic is going to access through the estate and past
residential property. Two of these access points would not be 30 meters away from houses! Whist I
appreciate everyone has differing views, surely the residents should have been the first people you
contacted before opening it up to the Facebook group! Doing this has already created a massive
social divide within the community which is very unprofessional and unnecessary! The residents at
the meeting were being classed as youth opposed, old fashioned, selfish, antisocial and generally
against any provision for children. This is NOT the case, the majority of the residents have children
or grandchildren, myself included, one of teenage years and one of primary age. There is a
wonderful community which is welcoming and thoughtful. We value our properties and their
position; we value the safety of our children and we value Oakham as a town, plonking a great big
lump of concrete in a green space (which let's be honest are few and far between) will for sure,
change the outlook for many, change the approach to Oakham and surely will be going against
Rutland's environmental plans. I am not against Skaters, my children have scooters, I do not
automatically associate any person with a skateboard or scooter with anti-social behaviour. I'm fairly
confident most people are of the same opinion. What I would associate with antisocial behaviour is
a hang out, off the town centre. The area on centenary fields already attracts some undesirable
people (i know it's not the only area). I'm fairly confident that if you were to spend some time up
here over the weekend, there will be teenagers and young adults drinking, smoking cannabis and
setting off fireworks at several points during the evening. Allowing a meet up point to be built in this
area will no doubt bring more ocurences of such behaviour.
I am writing in relation to the proposed Oakham Skatepark, of which I have a strong objection to its
proposed location. It is proposed that the skatepark is located on the Centenary Field, Barleythorpe
Road, Oakham, LE15 6QH.
As you will be aware the proposed location of the skatepark is at Centenary Field and is bordered by
the busy Barleythorpe Road, Catmose College, three developments devoted to care of the elderly,
and residential dwellings.
The Centenary Field is leased to Oakham Town Council by Tresham College, of which the lease
remaining is circa. 95yrs. At the end of the lease, the land is expected to be returned to Tresham
College in the manner in which it was leased, green, open space. All equipment built on the field
during this time will need to be removed at this time.
Centenary Field - Current Usage
• The Centenary Field, has recently become home to a lovely, environmentally
friendly trim trail.
• The green open space is regularly used by:
o Walkers
o Families
o Students
o Local sports teams for ad-hoc team training
▪ A bootcamp fitness session,
▪ football training
▪ dog training sessions
Skatepark Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 2
▪ Harrington and Catmose College students also regularly use the field
during the summer months during school hours.
The current levels of field usage are for spacious activities attracting a wide ranging demographic.
Given the success of the trim trail, have OTC thought about the idea of adding an outdoor gym – like
the one at Rutland water, Sykes Lane where there is an adult outdoor gym area.
However, some of this usage does unfortunately already generate some antisocial behaviour
• Vandalism
o The new Centenary benchs have been vandalised with graffiti
o Bins have been pushed over with force out of their concrete bases
o Tree damage – see attached photo
• Drug use
o Needles and other signs of drug abuse are regularly found along the wooded
• Attracts groups of youths which causes intimidation to locals
o The staff from Catmose/Harrington schools are regularly around the
wooded border the Centenary Field to try and mitigate against this
intimidating behaviour to support both local community and their own
student population
• Litter
o Ongoing issues as bins are simply not used
o Bins that do exist are vandalised, pushed over and often overflowing.
My objections relate to the following areas of concern.
Proposed Location
I do not believe that the Centenary Field is the best location for the skatepark and urge that OTC
work with other areas of Rutland CC to find alternative locations – there are many locations in
Barleythorpe that could met the criteria and a holistic view of all locations should be looked into.
With this in mind I have made Barleythorpe Parish Council aware of this proposal and hope that you
can work together to find a more suitable location.
I note several locations in Barleythorpe that could be utilised and that Barleythorpe (rightly or
wrongly) is already subject to several large residential developments, of which plans for a skatepark
could be incorporated into.
I would like to see a feasibility study that looks into several locations across Barleythorpe and
Oakham Town Council and valid reasoning for and against each location.
The location of the proposed skatepark, as noted above, is on a busy road – this also leads to
distraction for road users as it is proposed to be cited close to the busy road and a very busy
junction – see attached photo for reference.
The location of the skatepark is close to residential dwellings, including three separate
developments for elderly care.
A recent example of where noise is an issue from a newly developed skatepark is in Cholsey, South
Gloucestershire (link below).
In this case, plans had been approved for the skatepark in 2020, despite noise concerns raised. The
skateboards sound are created as tricks and jumps are performed, leaving a loud smack on the
ground each time.
During the lighter summer months, this will be an ongoing issue and whilst the park is busy, you can
imagine the sound that this is going to create at all times of the day and evening. Whilst I do
appreciate sounds barriers could be built to combat this issue, the sounds barriers are often
developed through tree and hedge planting, however, as you will see from the attached photo, it
appears that the Centenary Field is also a place where vandalism has been carried out and newly
planed tree have been snapped and broken – this photo shows it is not due to storm/weather
damage, this is a clear break/snap of the tree.
Anti-Social Behaviour
As you will be aware the proposed location of the skatepark is bordered by Barleythorpe Road,
Catmose College, three developments devoted to care of the elderly, and residential dwellings.
As noted above, there is already issues of anti-social behaviour and intimidation, but let me draw
your attention to just one of the many instance of the anti-social behaviour a skate park can cause.
The link above details incidences of children being too intimidated to skate at a local skatepark as
they feel frightened and intimidated. Of course this means additional policing is required, and
requirements to ensure CCTV is added – bringing extra costs and maintenance to the proposed
skatepark. Costs that during the lifecycle of the skatepark may not always be funded.
Again, let me draw your attention to several instances where CCTV is now required to be installed at
already developed skateparks in a bid to mitigate antisocial behaviour at skateparks.
I am writing to offer my objection to the proposed location for the Oakham Skate Park, I attended
the meeting last night 1
st November. There are many valid points on both sides of the proposal, but
from the meeting I felt that the overwhelming feeling was the improvement of provision for the
under 18’s is actually the issue. A skatepark would only cater for a small portion of this group, it
won’t provide for non-skaters or children with mobility or SEN conditions. There isn’t data being
presented showing the target age group is asking for a skatepark or if it will solve the. The lack of
available land would also mean if a skate park were to be built, then there wouldn’t be many
options for providing additional for the wider age groups. Oakham does already have a skate park,
this proposal is for a similar facility catering for a subset of the age group, so it would not be
providing a solution to the issue being raised last night. There was some very emotive points raised
last night, but due to the lack of location options it became a discussion about a skate park location
opposition vs not providing any facilities for the younger generation. If the skatepark is successful it
will only be contributing a small solution to a much wider issue. I am a resident on Prince George
Avenue and ASB and litter are an issue that exists currently, sadly its something that is tolerated at
low levels so there isn’t the statistical data to back up the experiences. Surely the time, community
effort and money would be better spent on a program which would offer provisions for a wider
portion of the age group and could include the views of the target users, something which wasn’t
present last night.
Centenary field is deemed to be a perfect location for a structure of this size by those heavily
involved in building skate parks around the country
The proposed size of the skate park would use 2% of the space at Centenary field and no existing
equipment would be lost
The positive community around skaters would actually drive away anti-social behaviour
Centenary field is not an area for over 55’s only, it is a public space right next to a school and is for all
ages, children already encouraged to use it
The interests of one age group should not override the interests of another age group
Centenary field is not a memorial – it is an open public space
Feedback from residents surrounding skate parks in other areas is that they thought it would be
awful but that it is not.
The proposed skatepark would be at least 30m from the nearest residents
Skating is a growing sport that encompasses skateboards, scooters, bmx and Rollerblades and
appeals to all ages
Skateparks are positive environments with supportive communities and excellent etiquette
There is growing research that skateboarding and associated activities actually reduce crime and
anti-social behaviour
Skate parks are seen as safe spaces by their users, supporting their mental health and ability to form
positive social relationships
Guidance says that skateparks should be overlooked and accessible, Centenary field meets these
The recommended distance between skatepark and the nearest housing is 30m, this easily
achievable at Centenary field
Centenary field was only named in 2018. It has no relevant connection to world war 1 or soldiers
that died. It was selected as an open space to place a plaque and bench. Adding a skate park would
not remove or detract from the name, the plaque or bench. This space would still be present and
There are older people who would welcome the interaction with young people
The Concerns that are being raised are concerns that would be valid wherever a skate park is
located, by using Centenary field OTC are directly addressing those concerns
It was suggested that lighting could be provided on a token scheme similar to that used at Greetham
Community Centre skate park, this would mean there would only be light when the skate park is in
use which should address people’s concerns about light pollution and spoilt views
We need to embrace our youth and stop assuming they are all ‘naughty’
The PCSO in attendance said she has a lot of engagement with teenagers in Oakham and feels that a
skate park would be positive, it would be an opportunity to know where Young people are in order
to reach out to them
It was suggested that teenager be encouraged to add approved graffiti to a specific part of the park,
this is known to encourage groups to take ownership of caring for the site and prevents unwanted
graffiti appearing
Not personally worried about ASB but can understand why others may be, however what is most
important is to rally round as a community to support young people
There was a working group of young people who were so passionate but they were let down and
that was a massive blow to them, if we could get this approved that passion can come back
Centenary field is listed as a park, not just green space
ASB in Oakham is remarkably low but amplified by things like Facebook
Skate parks do not bring ASB, that can already be found in various sites around Oakham
Young people who want to skate are putting a tremendous amount of effort in showing
determination and resilience
If young people don’t have access to a car they can not skate anywhere, not even Greetham
community centre
OTC already listen to residents and respond, when bins in Centenary field are overflowing one phone
call and they are emptied
If children are going to the skate park after school it could reduce the traffic problems in that area at
that time
Dog mess on the field is more of a problem than litter caused by children using the area
Children should get a say in if this is wanted
There are lots of opportunities for youth in Oakham but they are all adult led and require a fee to
attend. A skate park would enable self led play in a safe space.
Green space is important but children being a part of that green space is also important
Children feel they are always being told to get off their electronics and get outside, this would give
them a reason to get outside
Children said they have been watching others do tricks etc in videos and an Oakham skate park
would mean they could actually go out and learn these for themselves
A skate park will not detract from the green open space, it will enable users to be part of nature.
Dear council, can we please have a skatepark because I love my scooter and we have to go far away
to use it. If we don’t get one I will ask father Christmas for one. I’m a 7 year old boy who loves
scooting. Thank you from Ted.
I am sending this email on behalf of my family. Our family age range is from 65
down to 12. All of whom enjoy skating and scootering. I must add not myself but I
do enjoy watching them all. They have many many freinds who are also keen for
this project to be completed. We as a family have been to all of the 4 parks to see
for ourselves where it would/could be. Centenary field is by far the best place for
the new Skatepark. It is spacious and would have very little impact of the space
needed. It is central to Oakham - far safer than on the outskirts by the by pass. I
do not beleive it will have the anti social problems that some residents fear. In
Oakham we are very lucky as there is very little crime as such. The younger
residents desperately need things to focus on - a meeting place to socialise with
each other.
I was delighted to hear that The Oakham Skatepark Project might be able to offer Rutland’s
youth a space where they can go to get fit, practice discipline and learn a new hobby. After
the success that Great Britain and young Sky Brown saw in the Olympic Skateboarding
categories, I imagined a few more hobbyists and athletes might be inspired.
We have 3 boys who scooter, I skate and my husband BMX’s. Young people
absolutely need this, and the majority would enjoy and appreciate it. We’re in total
I honestly do not understand what the problem is with this site, other than a case of
severe NIMBY, there is a major lack of facilities for children 6+in Oakham, correct
me if I am wrong but didn’t the UK get medals in skateboarding and BMX in the
Olympics? Our current/future generations need facilities like this, and this site is
Honestly from building these things around the U.K this (Centenary Fields) is the
most practical place in Oakham to have one for many reasons. The fears raised by
those objecting are all shown to be irrational through many case studies from all
over the world. For people to object to the sounds of others playing and doing sport
whilst living next to a main road and just a few hundred yards from the train line is
absolutely beyond me.
The "skate park" behind the castle is so small and poorly designed it’s almost
impossible to use it for its intended purpose. It’s mainly used by young kids and
scooters when their parents take them to the park. As a keen skater it would be
great to have a safe space to skate and exercise as well as have somewhere
children and other adults can learn a new sport. A skatepark opens up a place for
many sports not just skateboarding. There’s roller skating, roller blading,
skateboarding and scooters as well as BMXs. It’s very common on most skate parks
to grow a community of friends and have people of all ages teaching others how to
improve techniques and look after their skate and riding equipment. That’s
something that hasn’t been able to happen in Oakham as the experienced skaters
have to travel to Leicester City centre to have a big enough and safe enough skate
area. I myself am fed up of having to use the train and busses to get somewhere I
can exercise and skate and would 100% use and be more than happy to give advice
and tips to new skaters and younger people if they were interested in starting a new
There are many reasons that myself and my scooter mad 12 Yr old son support the
Skatepark project. This will be a much-needed positive social space, where children
of all ages (and adults) can meet to have fun, learn new skills, exercise and enjoy a
sense of community. Young people are less likely to engage in antisocial behaviour
if they have somewhere, they see as a home from home, where they can make
friends and be a part of the skatepark family, whilst benefitting their health and
improving social skills, learning about risks and building confidence. We would be
100% in favour of a new skatepark, a much-needed designated place for all to enjoy.
There has never been a decent Skatepark in Oakham and it’s about time there was.
Stamford has had Skateparks for years, as have Melton and Uppingham – all well
supported and used. They are really good and not rubbish – all having fantastic
facilities for our youngsters and they keep them off the streets and give them a
passion to pursue as they grow.
Melton, Uppingham, Stamford and even Greetham all have excellent Skateboarding
facilities…. Oakham has been left behind. It needs something decent so that future
Olympians are able to practice their sport.
After living in Oakham for 26 years bringing up our children here and now having our
Grandchildren living in Oakham it concerns me that we still have so little leisure
facilities for the youngsters. I attended the recent meeting at OTC and was very
impressed with the responses from the many youngsters who attended to give their
support for a skatepark. Even most of the residents who lived nearby were in
support but just didn’t want it “in my back yard”. I remember that area before they
built all the new houses on it, so it could be said they have actually taken away an
area for the young. I’ve been looking closely at the proposed site for the skatepark
and feel it is sufficiently far enough away from the houses and the Care Village
(where one of my relatives is actually accommodated) that it would not interfere with
their lives. We must not forget; these young people are the future of Oakham and we
must not make them feel unwanted.
As the grandmother of two teenage boys, I am concerned about the lack of facilities
in Oakham for informal recreational activities for teenagers.
So far as I am aware, there is only one accessible space locally for e.g., ad hoc ball
games but nothing else. There are no tennis courts other than at membership clubs,
no swimming pool the only local public swimming pool having closed as it was
unsafe, only one youth club which has only one weekly session, no cinemas and no
other place for teenagers to meet for healthy recreational activities.
I am aware that local parents are working hard to persuade the local authority to set
aside land for the creation of a new purpose-built skate park as although there is a
small skate park at Cutts Close it is totally inadequate for what I understand to be a
very popular activity for young people. In the circumstances I support the efforts of
local parents and would urge the Council to set aside land to enable a new skate
park to be accommodated.
Having moved to Oakham when I was 14, I can sympathise with the youth of today,
as they actually have less to do now than we did 27 years ago! I now have children
myself and also a close relative in the Care Village who I have spoken to about the
challenges you are facing. We cannot see how the Skate park would have any
impact on those residents in the Care Village. As for the houses in close proximity,
they were built and purchased knowing that there was a park and playing field on
their doorstep. I cannot see how an additional facility on this area would have any
impact on anti social behaviour. I wish you all the luck in achieving your goal and
hope that when the vote occurs the Town Council remember that they are
representing all age groups in our town!
I would like to express my favour for the provision of a skate park in Oakham. As the
parent of two young children I worry about the desperate lack of facilities for the
teenagers of our community.
Having lived in Oakham for over 10 years now, worked at a local school for 5 years
and being the mother of 3 young boys, I would like to voice my support for the
proposed skatepark. More facilities and activities are desperately needed for
younger people in the area, especially with the growing population. A skatepark is an
ideal way of getting young people outdoors and active – away from their phones and
games consoles. This will have huge benefits for their wellbeing.
I wholeheartedly support the development of a larger and more challenging skate park
in Oakham. I see ones in other towns when travelling for my son and see space for all
ages of users, including adults to be there together in an active and vibrant setting
where many different groups come to enjoy numerous activities including stunt
scooters, boards and bmx.
I would like to write to propose my support for the Skate park in Oakham, in particular
on the Centenary fields park.
As a mother, I have 2 teenage boys. Whilst we live in a beautiful, peaceful and
crime free area, the downside to Rutland is there is no facilities or places for young
people to go. If you have a sport mad child and can afford the club fees, yes a
young person could do everything there is to do with sport – gymnastics, sailing,
athletics, rugby, football, tennis, cricket to name but a few. There is also guides
and scouts. However, most clubs and activities come with a cost; financial and
time. As a parent if you can afford to pay for the clubs and do not have other
commitments such as childcare and work in order to take your child to them, clubs
in Rutland are achievable. More and more many families are not in such a positive
position and therefore most activities for young people are out of reach. In today’s
times of austerity, cost of living and poverty rocketing, for many this is
unachievable. As a parent in such a situation I can imagine the heartache of
explaining to your child that you cannot afford the activities on offer.
Covid has brought many more problems for our community and young people in
particular. As a mother of a child struggling with social anxiety as a result in part to
the lockdowns, I spend much of my time working to pay for my child to attend many
activities as well as counselling to help my child overcome his barriers to his
mental health. My child is lucky because I can afford it, I work full time and I make
time to dedicate to his well-being. Others are not so fortunate.
Furthermore, I am Group Scout Leader and run scouts in Oakham, providing
scouting for all ages. We support around 100 young people and wish we could
support more. Every week I get numerous emails from parents requesting their
children to join. Every week I have to turn most people down as we do not have the
adult volunteers to set up new meetings. It breaks my heart that I cannot help
more. We offer free membership and activities to those who cannot afford it. It is
hard work with everything else I do, but I do it because I am passionate that every
young person should have a voice; every young person should have a safe space,
a place to be who they are and a place to discover who they are where they are
not judged. Sadly in Rutland and Oakham, I feel young people do not have a voice.
I quote a gentleman at one of the sessions OTC ran about the skate park who
stated when the young people finally plucked up the courage at the end to speak
‘oh they are getting the young people to talk for the sympathy vote’. When you
have people objecting to others who give their spare time and energy to create
vibrant and exciting opportunities for our young people, it makes me incredible sad.
A lot of young people overheard that comment!
Through my volunteering I have been so fortunate to watch young people develop
and grow and yes, give back to the community and leaders/ volunteers who give
them opportunities to thrive, grown and shine. I have been in tears listening to
parents open up about their struggles with their children who have additional needs
and listening to their stories when they come home after a scout meeting or camp.
It is a privilege. More people like Jon and hopefully you OTC need to know what
huge impact this has on our younger generation.
A skate park would provide those amazing young people who attended the
meetings a voice, a space to call their own, a space where hopefully they wont be
judged. Listening to the negative labelling of our young people in Rutland is sad.
Yes there are pockets of young people who cause concern, likewise with adults.
Often those young people come from troubled homes, they don’t feel happy or
comfortable in their homes and they don’t have a safe space to go once school or
college is closed. Those young people probably feel they have no-one or no-where
to go and so roam around, sometimes getting into mischief, but not always.
I would like to address some of the concerns raised by the objectors at the meeting
and on line. As a Community Safety Officer with 13 years’ experience of working in
Rutland as well as 3 years as a Probation Officer covering, amongst other areas
Rutland, I feel my comments are justified and qualified;
1. People do not buy the right to a view. If you buy a house overlooking a
park, there is a certain expectation that that park will change over time
but also that people will go there for recreation. There will be a certain
noise level not found if you buy a house on a road with no open spaces,
the same way as you would expect an increased noise level if you live in
a flat as opposed to a detached house. The lady who stated the skate
park would bring more people, groups and noise to the area, well yes it
will. It is a park, that is what is intended for – fun, noise, laughter and
families enjoying time outside.
2. People can only object if it is to do with access, or light affecting their
house and if the skate park is built to guidelines in terms of distance
from houses etc, there is little objectors can do should a planning
application go ahead.
3. Planning can overcome concerns such as littering, lighting, CCTV
for alleged ASB hotspot. If you take Greetham as an excellent
example- their all weather pitch is floodlight but can only be used
during a set time and people who want the lights pay for a token
and it reduces the tax payers burden on funding the project.
Greetham is an amazing example of how the community has
come together to provide facilities for their young people. What a
great parish council they have.
So finally, what is there currently for our younger people? Well a youth club once a
week that is free and…. Well nothing else, nothing else at all. For a market county
town I find that appalling! No cinema, no other youth groups, no youth cafes, no youth
drop in centres anymore (thanks RCC!) , an ageing community who misjudge and
mislabel our young people and have no understanding whatsoever of the impact this
will cause them! If you are told constantly you are trouble, you kids cause ASB, go
somewhere else we don’t want you… over time this can have long-standing
psychological and emotional impact. Community hub – gone; Jules – gone; swimming
pool - gone. It really is about time as a town council you buck this trend and start
investing in our young people, because at the end of the day if we don’t, what have
they got to anchor themselves to Rutland with, to feel wanted and to feel like a
Rutlander who in time will invest their energy, their time in making Rutland a fantastic
place to live.
I would like to express my support for the building of a skate park at Centenary Fields
in Oakham. The town has expanded significantly over the last two decades and new
family homes continue to be built, but facilities for those families are not keeping up
with development and are woefully lacking.
Having read through the objections there is a significant undertone of nimbyism, with
comments such as a lack of baby change facilities showing how desperately difficult it
is to come up with a reasonable objection. The suggested site it ideally located close
to the outstanding secondary school and six form college, children already go past the
site to and from school and it is unlikely to be occupied at night since it is rather
difficult to skate in the dark. Giving children and young people somewhere to safely
socialise in a open site with excellent visibility all round is highly likely to deter anti
social behaviour, not cause it (I'm sure our police service can verify this).
I am writing this email in favour of a skate park in Oakham at centenary fields.
Firstly, I want to start by saying that I have been sending emails raising my worries that
there are no basic amenities for young people in Oakham since 2020. Upon finding the
skate park project I have found great respect for jon dixon and thank him from the
bottom of my heart for taking on the challenge of getting the voices of young people
heard. I worry that without him and his knowledge the skate park project will fail and
that saddens me.Me, my partner and 3 young children attended the meeting at long
row and believe the majority of the room were actually in favour of a skatepark in
oakham, the problem was just the location. I guess neighbours are scared of the
unknown and that's understandable. The main points against the skate park were
worries of Anti-social behaviour, which neighbours of centenary fields stated is already
happening there.. so, my answer to this is - if its already happening, what difference
will a skate park make ? I for one will be attending the skatepark with my children, so I
believe a greater adult Prescence will deter this behaviour. Litter was another point
raised, which actually is one of the reasons why I'm very passionate about the skate
park being built on oakham town council land! I walk through centenary fields twice a
day 3 times a week.. and i have complained around 6 times to the council that the bins
are full - the bins were emptied each time I told them! Couldn't be happier. So yes,
litter will potentially be a problem (it is already!) But Oakham town council do a great
job of policing this !Another point raised was that the road the skate park is near is too
dangerous - most of the unsupervised audience of the skate park walk along that road
twice a day to get to school. Younger children, I would expect would have an adult with
them?! Also, there is a pelican and zebra crossing very close so ample crossing
opportunities! Another point was the noise - however, the people against this location
were telling us until they were blue in the face the park was FULL of teenagers until
gone 11pm - so, my point is again - what difference would it make ? And the local beat
officer stated if this was a problem, they would be sure to intervene. We are never
going please everyone no matter what we do. However, we can't just not put a skate
park in oakham "incase anti-social behaviour increases" or "because litter will be a
bigger problem" that's like saying let's not live our lives incase we die - which is
ludicrous!! Let's make a difference! Let's wake up and see the basic needs of our
children are not being met! Let's wake up our sleepy town and give our children an
opportunity to take risks, to make friendships, to learn empathy and to learn a new
skill! Centenary fields will make a great location! Thanks for taking the time to read my
Here Is my statement in favour of the Skatepark at Centenary Fields:
There has been a great deal of back and forth about the skatepark, concerns, and why we
should provide the skatepark – just ’not in our backyard’, as it seems. So I shall cut to the
chase. The skatepark appears to fill all of the requirements to be placed in Centenary Fields, it
is much longed for, and will be the beginning of something wonderful for the youth of
Skateparks drive out antisocial behaviour
Anti social behaviour will not be coming from the proactive kids, so failing to provide a
skatepark will simply punish the ‘good’ kids
They offer opportunity for fitness and socialising
This socialising develops empathy (something that appears lacking in those who do not want
the skatepark in their ‘backyard’)
The area proposed Is a space for ALL
The retirement village is not made more vulnerable by the skatepark, as has been implied,
and if accessing it is a problem, then why will the skatepark change that?
The pond Is of little risk as far as I see it – it is so shallow?! Also, if it is a risk, then so are
roads, rivers, the weather, stairs, etc. Risk comes with life and is something that is minimised
when kids are taught to think proactively – something that a skatepark can encourage!
The meeting showed that the children who want the park are polite (more so than many
adults in attendance) and kind and will not cause issues, but bring a sense of community –
something else that seems to be lacking in the area from some!
It appears to me, that the benefits much outweigh the ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’ put forward
by those in opposition.
One thing is for sure: Sky Brown would not have won an Olympic medal were she not given
the chance to try. While she is an anomaly, for some children, they will win when they are
given the chance to thrive and are not made to feel like second class citizens in their own
home town. This is as valuable as an olympic medal, as chance and opportunity are absolutely
crucial to provide a strong foundation for the youth to springboard themselves into society as
strong, well rounded individuals.
This is the future I want for Oakham, and steps like these are, I believe, how we get that ball
I fail to see any reasonable reason why this project should not go ahead immediately. I
attended a meeting on 1st November, where I patiently listened to every argument. It was the
biggest example of NIMBYism I have ever witnessed.
The children and teens of Oakham need and deserve our support to help them to flourish,
they cannot be held responsible for those who will always choose to partake in antisocial
behaviour. It makes me feel incredibly sad that there are a few who apparently wish to quash
the spirit of some amazing young people. Let’s give them what they deserve.
I am excited to hear Oakham is interested in building a skatepark for the community. I have
been a keen skateboarder for 22 years. For me skateboarding provided me with a safe place
to build on my self confidence and make life long friends. To this day we still meet up and use
skateparks as a foundation for our life long friendship, sometimes with our children in toe.
Skateparks can be seen as a playground, a gym, a creative laboratory and a community center
all in one. Having this as an opportunity for Oakham I would recommend it 100%
Could I please make the following submission in support of the proposal currently under
scrutiny for a Skatepark to be installed at the Centenary Field site in Oakham.
I wholeheartedly support this welcome initiative for the following six reasons.
- Generally speaking, Oakham is not well provided for in terms of
amenities for children and teenagers especially since the cinema project
was abandoned despite very strong support from the community and we
have now also lost Oakham Swimming Pool – a further blow.
- Skating, scootering and skateboarding are all healthy outside exercise
activities which teach motor coordination skills as well as promote
teamwork – highly preferential to children and teenagers being stuck
inside on their PCs or phones.
- Skateparks have been shown to reduce the incidence of youth anti-social
behaviour with Skaters unwilling to allow a small element to ruin the
facility for all – in that way they are, I believe, self-policing.
- The proposed location at Centenary Field is a very visible location, in
itself acting as a deterrent to anti-social behaviour and optimal for the
police to keep an eye on when driving past.
- The nearest alternative facilities are in Greetham, Melton Mowbray and
Stamford and this coupled with the relatively poor bus services that
Rutland has means children have to be driven back and forth on up to 30
mile trips putting pressure on parents and hardly supporting RCC’s
climate change initiative.
- Skateboarding was recognised internationally by becoming an Olympic
sport at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Perhaps, in the not too distant future,
we’ll be watching some of our own, home-grown Skaters performing in
Paris or Los Angeles – A source of pride for Oakham and Rutland too.
Dear Committee,
Over the past weeks and months I have been taken by the very proactive, balanced
and engaging debate around a new skatepark for Oakham. My involvement has been
practical (walking the ground and engaging in the debate) but also as a trustee of a
large sports club based in Oakham listening, with increasing delight around the very
passionate narratives from children between the age of 6 and 18 who will use the
In my view, this opportunity is one where the community can take real pride in
enabling a sporting facility that straddles generations but also, caters for a wide range
of individuals who could not take part in this activity if it were to be placed in a remote
location. Never before, have I witnessed such detailed examination, public enthusiasm
for a project, police support, business support, Councillor support and community
Recognising also, that there are some who oppose the location but not the idea, there
should be balance across the view that such a project does not recognise the position
of the elderly people who live nearby. The truth however, is that elderly people do not
want to be isolated from their community (a ban or absence of young people) and
across Rutland, there are examples of children meeting regularly with elderly people as
part of the health and well-being partnerships that keep communities together.
The proposed skatepark is much, much more than a small footprint of concrete –
indeed, it is a beacon of hope for children who are not able to play football, rugby or
cricket; it is a place of safety for the wider community and it is a centre of engagement
across age groups as they meet, forge friendships and challenge themselves in an
exciting and physically demanding sports environment. As we reach out for inclusion
across our community, let’s not lose another opportunity to focus on our children and
young people – they have a voice, we need to listen.
The rear-view mirror is small for a reason – we’re not going there.
Please, on this occasion……listen to the voice of the child and support their dreams for
an accessible, safe place for them.
Many thanks
Dear Oakham Town Council ,
I am writing to show my full support for Jon and his Skatepark project.
As Rutland foster carers , we have looked after many children who have benefited
from adults and peers advocating for what is important to them and I feel it is the
duty of us all to consider youngsters needs within our community.
The recent new John Lewis advert about fostering really hit home for us as we
have had many children and young people arrive at our door with little or no
belonging , or just a black bag.
When a young person arrives and the one and only important item to them is a
skateboard, a scooter or a bike, the first thing we would do would be to head to a
My husband, also a big supporter of a skatepark being built in Oakham, is a bmx
rider, both our boys ride scooters and skateboards and I'm a roller derby player
and junior coach.
To us, this provision would prove invaluable as it would allow us all to do
something together and just have fun with our young people.
Part of our responsibility to young people in our care is to ensure their physical,
emotional and mental needs are met. Young people spend too much time indoors
and on devices, especially those who are vulnerable and isolated through their
previous experiences.
If young people interested in outdoor sports, have this to go to, I believe it would
improve their social, physical and emotional well-being.
We hope the council can share so many supporters views on how important a
project this is for all young people.
Skatepark Working Group Feedback Report Appendix 3