Showing posts with label make slanderous comments about a member of public. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make slanderous comments about a member of public. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cllr Joyce Lucas and Cllr Charles Haworth, Oakham Town Council, make slanderous comments about a member of public

Cllr Joyce Lucas and Cllr Charles Haworth, Oakham Town Council, make slanderous comments about a member of public

After this evenings town council meeting Cllr Lucas locked the front door of Victoria Hall and
spoke to a resident who had attended the meeting.

Cllr Charles Haworth was present.

Cllr Lucas made slanderous and malicious allegations about another member of the public who had supported the residents regarding the Barleythorpe Field and Park School development.

Fortunately this man has a mind of his own and replied he can make his own mind up about people.

They repeated this outside the hall to me.

How long are these two quite vulgar councillors going to be permitted to behave in such a disgusting fashion?

The resident wants the support of his ward councillors and not a dose of vile gossip which Lucas is happy
to administer at any given opportunity.

Fortunately Cllr Dewis the Mayor was about and did the job one should expect from a councillor he listened to the residents concerns.

During public deputations members of the public expressed their concerns, that Councillor were not
interested in residents. It was good to hear.

That is a message I often pass onto the council and receive sustained abuse for doing so.

durring the meeting
Cllr Haworth found some members of the public's comments amusing. Why? is anyone's guess
Cllr Lucas kept sneering.