Showing posts with label meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 26th April 2023 Agenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 26th April 2023 Agenda. Show all posts

Friday, April 21, 2023

meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 26th April 2023 Agenda

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6LN

01572 723627



TO: All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972, you are hereby

summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 26th April 2023

at 6.30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Town Council Offices, Rol House, Long Row,

Oakham, LE15 6LN.

Kathy Geraghty

Kathy Geraghty

Deputy Clerk to the Council


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para

10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and

public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be

filmed and recorded.


1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE: To receive and approve apologies

for absences.


DISPENSATION: Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or

Other Interest in any item on the agenda. The clerk cannot advise members on this.

Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are

respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are

also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28

days of any changes)

3. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: An opportunity for members

of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)


 4.1 To confirm the accuracy of the minutes from the meeting held on 12th April


Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6NL

01572 723627





IN ATTENDANCE: Cllrs: P. Ainsley, A. Buxton, A. Lowe, C. Nix, D. Romney, S-A.

Wadsworth (Chairman), L. Toseland & H. Williams

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: K. Bell (Locum Town Clerk), K. Geraghty (Deputy Clerk) & 4


Cllr Wadsworth opened the meeting and welcomed all present.




Cllr. Williams declared an interest in item 12/04-11.9 as she was a Trustee of

Citizens Advice Rutland. Noted


Members of the public were warmly welcomed to the meeting.

• A representative from UPs gave an update which was received with interest.

• The Chairman welcomed Mr Philip Wildmore who had been elected to the

council from May 2023.

12/04-04 2023 ELECTIONS: It was reported that there would be no contested Town Council

elections in May 2023. It was noted that the following had been elected:



Sally-Anne Wadsworth


Chris Nix

David Romney

 SOUTH WARD Paul Buxton

Hannah Williams

4 vacancies

12/04-05 MINUTES


MARCH 2023: It was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That the approval of the minutes be deferred to the

next meeting. Unanimous

12/04-06 COUNCILLOR’S QUESTIONS: There were none

These minutes are not a verbatim report of the meeting. but a summary of discussions and

decisions made

Chairman: ………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….

12/04-07 CLERK’S REPORT: The Locum Clerk drew attention to the following:

• RCC had shared the new livery on The Hopper Bus

• A new lock had been fitted to the Town Chambers.

• An invitation had been received for OTC representatives to attend the AGM

and Mayor making on 09 May 2023 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall,


• Temporary Road Closure, 17.04.23 – 28.04.23. Main Street, Greetham. All

vehicles would be prohibited whilst RCC undertook drainage works.

• Information received from the Lord Lieutenant regarding Coronation events.

• RCC Adult Learning Courses (copied to members) Noted

12/04-08 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: The Chairman drew attention to the following.

• She thanked Cllr and Mrs Lowe and the Deputy Clerk and her partner for their

help and support during the Oakham Easter Egg Hunt which was a popular

and fun event.

• To mark the end of the term for the current council an invitation was extended

for members to join her for an informal get together on 19 April 2023. Members

were asked to RSVP the Deputy Clerk if they would like to attend. Noted

12/04-09 WORKING GROUPS AND OUTSIDE BODIES: Members who attended any

meetings / events on behalf of OTC were invited to report. There were no

reports. Noted


reported that RYDA were keen on holding the RYDA Party in the Park at Cutts

Close on 01 July at 2.00 p.m. Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded


RESOLVED: That the request be approved Unanimous


12/04-11.1 Payments for Approval: It was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That the following payments would be approved

By Majority

March 2023

Iliffe Media Advert Rutland Times £228.00

AA Cleaning Public toilets £1,460.00

K & K Window Cleaner £34.00

RCC Operation London Bridge £248.67

Millennium Domain renewal £172.80

Arco Ltd Protective Gloves £45.41

David Wilkinson Grounds maintenance £1,500.00

Staff Costs £1,365.53

Staff Costs £1,142.55

Water Plus Water Charges £20.16

Ms S A Wadsworth Receipted Expenses reimbursement £38.66

These minutes are not a verbatim report of the meeting. but a summary of discussions and

decisions made

Chairman: ………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….

Iliffe Media Advert Rutland Times £96.00

PHS Group Public Toilets Cleaning &

Maintenance £478.04

HSBC Bank Charges £8.00

Total Energies Utilities £254.15

Total Energies Utilities £10.66

Pumpkin Print LtdKings Coronation Event £229.50

Millennium Telephone Charges £92.61

Staff Costs £195.47

Staff Costs Pension Contributions £839.55

TOTAL £8,459.76

April 2023

Travis Perkins Grounds maintenance tools £21.14

AA Cleaning Public Toilets £1,460.00

W & S Doody Rent of Rol House £2,850.00

Abacus Hire Grounds maintenance £247.20

BIFFA Grounds maintenance £2,536.44

Iliffe Media Advert Rutland Times £228.00

Zurich Insurance Renewal £4,956.67

Staff Costs £999.45

Staff Costs £1,812.35

RCC Annual Premises Licence –

The Bandstand, Cutts Close £70.00

Millennium Telephone Charges £92.61

Christmas Decorators Christmas Lights 2022 –

Out of Hours £840.00

S. A Wadsworth Punch & Judy Charity Donation £100.00

Mr L Anthony Reimbursement of expenses –

keys & lock to Town Chambers £38.98

TOTAL £16,252.84

It was further.

RESOLVED: That the payment of £2,719.40 (net) in respect of

additional Christmas lighting charges would be

withheld pending a discussion with the contractor.


12/04-11.2 Receipts for Noting: Noted

Petty Cash Receipt £11.16

Emily Platt Rent £800.00

Bowls Club Rent £923.38

Cheque deposit £94.00

Emily Platt Rent £800.00

TOTAL £2,628.54

12/04-11.3 Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2023: The bank

reconciliation as prepared by the Clerk and copied to members was

RECEIVED AND NOTED as follows: Noted

These minutes are not a verbatim report of the meeting. but a summary of discussions and

decisions made

hairman: ………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….

Current Account

Balance at 28.02.23 £98,123.25

Plus Receipts £2,628.54

Less Payments £8,459.76

Balance at 31.03.23 £92,292.03

Business Reserve Account

Balance at 28.02.23 £150,915.08

Combined Bank Balance £249,038.33

12/04-11.4 Community Lighting Recharge: Additional information was

presented to and considered by members. Following a discussion,

it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That prior to the council being able to approve the

payment of the outstanding balance that additional

negotiations were needed between RCC and OTC.


It was further.

RESOLVED: That a Working Group would be set up consisting of

Cllr. Ainsley, Cllr. Lowe and the Clerk who would

arrange to meet with RCC. Unanimous

It was further.

RESOLVED: That consideration of the payment of the outstanding

balance be deferred pending the outcome of the

OTC’s negotiations with RCC. Unanimous

12/04-11.5 Oakham Hopper

12/04-11.5.1 Update

• Cllr Williams gave a verbal report following her

journey on the Oakham Hopper earlier in the


• County Councillor Payne had thanked OTC for

funding the Oakham Hopper and asked if

Alsthorpe Road could be included on the route.

Regrettably this was considered unlikely as the

road layout and the speed bumps which might

render it not only unsuitable but may lead to an

increase in vehicle maintenance and service

provision costs. Noted

12/04-11.5.2 Use of the Oakham Hopper on 07 May 2023. It

was reported that RCC had confirmed that the driver

would be happy to work extra non contracted hours

which would cost £255.00 for the extra day service

plus fuel costs. Following a discussion, it was

proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That the costs be approved


These minutes are not a verbatim report of the meeting. but a summary of discussions and

decisions made

Chairman: ………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….

It was further.

RESOLVED: That RCC be advised that OTC

would like the service to run on the

day between the hours of 10.00 a.m.

– 6.00 p.m. Unanimous

12/04-11.6 New Bank Account: Members were asked to consider setting up

a new bank account such as one with Unity Trust Bank. It was

noted that the account could be set up with multiple signatories with

dual authorisation for payments. It was further noted that the Clerks

could have view and submit access whilst signatories would be able

to view, submit and authorise. It was also noted that the council

would have the option of being able to apply for a credit card linked

to the account which could be used for small items of expenditure.

Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That an application would be made for a Unity Trust

Bank Account. Unanimous

It was further:

RESOLVED: That the account signatories would be Cllrs. Ainsley,

Nix, Romney & Williams. Unanimous

It was further:

RESOLVED: That an account linked credit card would be

declined. Unanimous

It was further:

RESOLVED: That the Clerk and members of the Finance

Committee would look at investment vehicles for

consideration at a future meeting of the Finance

Committee. Unanimous

12/04-11.7 Internal Auditor: Following a discission, it was proposed,

seconded and:

RESOLVED: To approve the appointment of the LRALC Internal

Audit Service in respect of the financial year ended

31.03.23. Unanimous

It was noted that a provisional date of 26 April had been set for the

Internal Audit. Noted

12/04-11.8 Commercial Bin Collections 2023 / 2024: It was reported that

RCC had updated their commercial waste collection service for

2023 / 2024 and unfortunately prices had increased slightly.

Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That OTC would continue to use the service and

would note the price increase. Unanimous

12/04-11.9 Grant Application: Rutland Citizens Advice: It was reported that

Rutland Citizens Advice was seeking £5,000.00 from OTC and that

the funding application had been copied to members. Following a

discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That OTC would award £3,000.00

By Majority (1 abstention)

These minutes are not a verbatim report of the meeting. but a summary of discussions and

decisions made

Chairman: ………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….

Cllr. Lowe requested that his abstention be recorded in the minutes.

Cllr. Williams having declared an interest did not participate in the

voting or decision making.

12/04-12 QUEEN ELIZABETH STATUE LEASE: Earlier this year OTC had agreed to

contribute give £5,000.00 towards the erection of a statue to the late Queen

Elizabeth II, a request had now been received for OTC to help with the cost of the

management and maintenance of the statue. It was noted that the land on which

the statue would be placed belonged to RCC and it had been suggested that RCC

could transfer the land to OTC or that OTC managed the land under license from

RCC. Members were asked to consider the following options.

Option 1 Pay the £5,000.00 already agreed towards the statue, take over the

management of the statue and discuss land transfer options.

Option 2 Retain the £5,000.00 as earmarked reserves to cover the insurance

and management of the statue and discuss land transfer options.

Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: Options 1 and 2 declined. By Majority

3 for, 1 abstention and 4 against


12/04-13.1 Wooded Area adjacent to Centenary Field: The Handyman had

visited the site and met with a resident who had raised this issue.

Some remedial works had been carried out and a proposed works

schedule would be prepared for approval. Noted

12/04-13.2 Tree Report: The previous tree inspection was carried out in 2021

and all of the “not tolerable” or high-risk recommendations

contained within that report had been actioned. “Tolerable” or

medium and low risk recommendations were being monitored and

remedial work carried out when required. It was noted that the next

inspection was due in August / September 2023. Noted

12/04-14 MATTERS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA: There were none.

12/04-15 EXEMPT ITEMS: Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during

consideration of the following items on the grounds that they relate

to individuals and the financial affairs of particular persons. This

information is classed as exempt under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of

Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act

1972 (as revised by The Local Government (Access to Information)

(Variation) Order 2006). Unanimous

It was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That the time being 20.08 hours the meeting would be suspended for a five-minute

comfort break Unanimous

These minutes are not a verbatim report of the meeting. but a summary of discussions and

decisions made

Chairman: ………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….

The meeting resumed at 20.13 hours. To transact the business on the agenda it was agreed to

extend the time allowed for the meeting by an additional 15 minutes. Unanimous

12/04-15.1 Staffing Issues

12/04-15.1.1 2022 / 2023 National Salary Award: Following a

discission it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That the National Salary Award

would be approved and backdated to

01.04.22. Unanimous

12/04-15.1.2 Increments: It was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That the Deputy Clerk would receive

2 increments, one being her service

increment backdated to the

anniversary of her appointment with

OTC, the second would be in

recognition of the Deputy Clerk

gaining the ILCA qualification and

would be backdated to the date of

qualification. Unanimous

12/04-15.2 Appointment of new Town Clerk: Several expressions of interest

had been received. It was noted that the application closing date

was 30 April 2023. Noted

The time being 20.28 hours, to transact all the business on the agenda it was agreed to extend

the time allowed for the meeting by an additional 15 minutes. Unanimous

Cllr Toseland left the meeting at 20.28 hours

 12/04-15.3 Review of the following Leases

12/04-15.3.1 Bowls Club

12/04-15.3.2 Tennis Club

Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That OTC would like the lease review to be

concluded at the earliest opportunity and with this in

mind Cllr. Ainsley and the Clerk would invite both the

tennis and bowls club to a meeting and continue

working with the council’s solicitor. Unanimous

12/04-15.4 Tenders received for Flowers & Building contracts: Following

a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That having considered the quotations received and

with having regard to due diligence, the council

selected the quotations which it would accept. The

contractors would be notified. Unanimous

12/04-16 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: Confirmed as the 2023 Annual Meeting

of the Town Council

There being no additional business, the meeting concluded at 8.45 p.m.

These minutes are not a verbatim report of the meeting. but a summary of discussions and

decisions made.

Chairman: ………………………………………….. Date: ……………………


To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk.

7. CLERK’S REPORT: To receive information

8. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: To receive information


9.1 To receive and consider reports from members, working groups and

outside bodies.

9.2 Coronation Prizes.

Background: On 7th May we will be celebrating the Kings coronation.  As part of these celebrations, we have advertised that members of the public can dress as Kings and Queens and join the parade into the park.

We would like to give prizes for the best dressed.

Age groups under 5’s, 6-10 years, and 11 years and above. This would require 6 prizes.


To purchase 6 x Coronation mugs at cost of £60

To purchase 100 coronation badges to give to the public at a cost of £100

This money would come from the coronation budget.

The foldup tables are broken & need replacing in the shelter.

 Denny International® Trestle Table Indoor Outdoor Garden Catering Heavy Duty Folding Table for Picnic Party Dinner (5ft) £38.97 x 4 = £155.88


 10.1 Christmas Contract 2021-2023

Only Oakham Town Council could rent Christmas lights at a cost far greater than purchasing them and then decide to go out to tender thinking the current contract has ended.



 11.1 Payments for Approval To follow.

 11.2 Grant Application: Oakham Pride 2023


For Applications for the Financial Year

April 1st 2022 – March 31st 2023

Part 1: Your Details

Your Name: Lucy Slessor

Name of Organisation:

Oakham Pride

Telephone: E-Mail:

01572 368271


123 Brooke Road, Oakham

If you are applying on behalf of a community or voluntary group, please

give its name and address

Oakham Pride

123 Brooke Road


Part 2: A Description of your idea

What do you want to do?

We are hosting our 2nd Pride event. We will be using Cutts Close and having a

Pride March from Oakham Castle. We are seeking finding to help with this year's

event to enable us to use fundraising as a launchpad for future events.

Part 3: Your Community

Who would benefit from your project?

Pride is an event for all local people. We are particularly keen on engagement

from young LGBT+ people. These youngsters are often vulnerable and suffer

from loneliness and isolation. This is a very inclusive event with a focus not only

on LGBT+ but also accessibility, families and education.

What difference will your project make?

This event allows us to continue the work done last year and will help establish

us as an annual event. We have had positive feedback from young people,

families, schools, and the local businesses who benefit from increased foot fall in

town last year.

Part 4: Monitoring

How will you monitor the project once it has started?

This event will be fully planned. We have worked with community champions to

ensure that all safety and security measures are in place.

Part 5: Funding

What is the total cost of your project? (Please remember to enclose two

quotes if applicable)

£ see attached document

How much money are you applying for?


Have you applied for funding from anywhere else? Please give details

No, although we are planning fundraisers and have received a donation of £500

from Peterborough Pride.

Please give an approximate breakdown, if applicable, of how you expect to

spend the money:

I have attached a document with a breakdown of costs

If your application is unsuccessful, are funds available to ensure your

project goes ahead? If yes, please give details:

We currently have sufficient funds to support (a version) this year's Pride event.

We would need to forgo some of the accessibility measures e.g onsite disable

access portaloos) so would not be as inclusive for those with disabilities



Note: Please remember to supply the most recent set of accounts, if applicable,

of your organisation.

Please return this form to: Town Clerk

Oakham Town Council

ROL House

Long Row



LE15 6LN

Request for financial support for Oakham Pride from Oakham Town Council.

Pride is a unique and important part of a town's annual calendar bringing the LGBT+ community

and allies together to promote inclusion, equality and diversity.

Oakham Pride launched in 2022 with a parade followed by a festival in the castle grounds. The

event was far better attended than we had anticipated with over 500 attendees. The feedback

from the day was overwhelmingly positive and we were especially proud of the engagement we

had from the town's young people and families.

It is estimated that around 1-in-5 adults under 24 no longer identify as 'cishet' and in small rural

towns such as Oakham that do not have a thriving LGBT+ 'scene', an event like Pride is the only

chance the community has to show support and celebrate sexuality and gender identity.

We are now looking to build on the success of Pride 2022 and provide a bigger and better Pride

2023. We are planning a parade followed by a festival again, but this time (with thanks to you)

this will be in Cutts Close Park.

We predict that our total costs for this year will be £3000 with the following breakdown

Performing Acts and volunteer



Health, Safety, first aid £800

Prizes £300

Decoration, banners,



Bins and toilets £300

We are asking if Oakham Town Council could help support this event by offering funding of up

to £2000 towards the cost of the event. We believe Pride reaches teenagers and young people

in a way that most town events do not. We are also fundraising with a selection of smaller

events including a tea party and a masquerade ball alongside online fundraising, charging for

stalls and a repeat of the 'Big raffle' we held last year. Should it be necessary, we are happy to

be fully transparent to the council about our accounts and budget and meet any necessary legal

requirements. This is an opportunity for Oakham Town Council to support the teenagers of

Oakham and show its commitment to diversity and community spirit and we welcome any

support you can offer. Financially, we aim to use this year's event as a platform to be able to

self support moving forward and hope to raise sufficient funds this year to host next year's



 2023/0351/FUL: External works in support of decommissioning of the bank,

consist of existing external ATM and night safe remove.

10 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AN

 2023/0402/FUL: Single storey side extension.

4 Don Close, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6JS

 2023/0408/FUL: Proposed garage/workshop.

53 South Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6BG

13. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION IN PRIVATE: To resolve that the press and

 public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items on

 the grounds that they relate to individuals and the financial affairs of particular.

 persons. This information is classed as exempt under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of

 Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as revised by The

 Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).

 13.1 Staffing Decisions