Showing posts with label oakham.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oakham.. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Oakham Town Council Co-opt another lazy resident Rita Garwood of Westgate Oakham.

Oakham Town Council Co-op another lazy resident Rita Garwood of Westgate Oakham.

for the North East Ward.

Lazy because they can't be bothered to go out their home and speak to residents and call an election.

Co-option suits Oakham Town Council. Co-option is not democratic.

It is not clear when Rita was co-opted. 


I have no personal opinion of Rita Garwood. I am told she is a combination of former Cllrs Joy Clough and Joyce Lucas. If that is true how awful.

I do wish the council had employed as advertised a qualified clerk. If you click on Rita's declarations of interested on the council website you will be shown a former councillors document.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

theft of a pedal cycle in Ashwell Rd, Oakham.

 theft of a pedal cycle in Ashwell Rd, Oakham.
The cycle was left unsecured in a back garden.
This incident occurred between 18/07/2017 21:00 &19/07/2017 08:00.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

a burglary residential was carried out at a secured dwelling in Edmonton Way, Oakham.

On 17/07/2017 between 10:30 &12:20 a burglary residential was carried out at a secured dwelling in Edmonton Way, Oakham. Unknown person(s) had gained entry into the house by forcing rear kitchen window.  An untidy search of all rooms was carried out and property taken. The Occupants were not in situ at the time. There are currently no identifiable suspects, witnesses or CCTV and enquiries are currently ongoing.

If anyone has any information or has seen anything suspicious please call 101 quoting

a burglary residential was carried out at a secured dwelling in Tolethorpe Close, Oakham.

On 19/07/2017 between 03:00 & 03:15 a burglary residential was carried out at a secured dwelling in Tolethorpe Close, Oakham. Unknown person(s) have used a tool to unsuccessfully force garage door open. Suspect(s) then enters the premises via an insecure rear patio door but leaves empty-handed after activating the burglar alarm. The Occupants were in situ at the time. There are currently no identifiable suspects, witnesses or CCTV and enquiries are currently ongoing.

If anyone has any information or has seen anything suspicious please call 101
quoting LEP-190717-0364.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

burglary residential to a shed in Parkfield Rd, Oakham.

burglary residential to a shed in Parkfield Rd, Oakham. Unknown person(s) have gained entry to a garden shed and taken property. This incident occurred between 07/07/2017 23:55 & 08/07/2017 09:00.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

theft of a vehicle in Woodland View, Oakham.

 theft of a vehicle in Woodland View, Oakham.

Unknown person(s) have taken vehicle from outside owners address. The vehicle had a tracking device and was subsequently recovered, however tools were taken. This incident occurred on 07/07/2017 at 06:56.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

theft of a vehicle wing mirror in Browning Rd, Oakham.

theft of a vehicle wing mirror in Browning Rd, Oakham.

This incident occurred sometime during the hours of darkness on 17-18/06/2017.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

criminal damage to a dwelling in Barleythorpe Rd, Oakham.

criminal damage to a dwelling in Barleythorpe Rd, Oakham.

Unknown person(s) had damaged three downstairs window panes.

This incident occurred between 16/06/2017 01:30 & 16/06/2017 01:50.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Monday, June 12, 2017

report of a Burglary Dwelling at a property on South Street, Oakham.

report of a Burglary Dwelling at a property on South Street, Oakham.

This took place between 1430-1530Hrs on Wed 7th Jun.

Cash, jewellery and electrical goods stolen.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Friday, June 02, 2017

theft of an unsecured pedal cycle from Braunston Rd, Oakham.

theft of an unsecured pedal cycle from Braunston Rd, Oakham.

This incident occurred between 23/05/2017 16:30 & 23/05/2017 17:30.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

burglary residential to a secured dwelling in Alsthorpe Rd, Oakham.

one report of burglary residential to a secured dwelling in Alsthorpe Rd, Oakham. Unknown person(s) had gained entry to a shed and a pedal cycle was taken. This incident occurred between 10/05/2017 14:00 & 19/05/2017 14:00.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

theft from a secured vehicle in Martinsley Place, Oakham.

theft from a secured vehicle in Martinsley Place, Oakham. Unknown person(s) have removed the front and rear registration plates from the vehicle.

This incident occurred between 16/04/2017 00:01 & 19/04/2017 13:43.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

a burglary residential was carried out at a dwelling in Glen Drive, Oakham.

Between 09/04/2017 13:00 & 11/04/2017 11:30

a burglary residential was carried out at a dwelling in Glen Drive, Oakham. Unknown person(s) gained entry by forcing a rear ground floor window.

An untidy search was carried out and property stolen.

The Occupants were not in situ at the time.

There are no identifiable suspects, witnesses or CCTV and enquiries are currently ongoing.

If anyone has any information or has seen anything suspicious please call 101 quoting LEP 110417-0205.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

report of criminal damage to a vehicle in Westgate Car Park, Oakham.

report of criminal damage to a vehicle in Westgate Car Park, Oakham.

Unknown person(s) have caused criminal damage to vehicle by scratching an offensive remark into paintwork.

This incident occurred between 03/04/2017 08:30 & 03/04/2017 17:00.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

a burglary was carried out at a dwelling in Park Lane, Oakham.

Between 26/03/2017 22:00 & 27/03/2017 08:00 a burglary was carried out at a dwelling in Park Lane, Oakham.

Unknown person(s) gained entry through an unsecured ground floor window. 2 x laptops were stolen. 1 x Acer in a beige laptop bag containing accessories & 1 x Lenovo in a large black FIORELLI ladies bag. The Occupants were in situ at the time. There are no identifiable suspects or CCTV and enquiries are currently ongoing.

If anyone has any information or has seen anything suspicious please call 101 quoting LEP 270317-0093.

Monday, March 20, 2017

theft of money from Church Street Car Park, Oakham.

report of the theft of money from Church Street Car Park, Oakham. Individual changes money for another and later notices money missing from wallet.

This incident occurred on 17/03/2017 at 16:50.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

theft from a secured vehicle in Limefield, Oakham.

theft from a secured vehicle in Limefield, Oakham. Unknown person(s) gain entry by unknown means to the vehicle and steal high value tools. This incident occurred between 01/03/2017 19:00 & 02/03/2017 04:00.

theft from a secured vehicle in Irwell Close, Oakham.

theft from a secured vehicle in Irwell Close, Oakham. Unknown person(s) gain entry by unknown means to the rear of the vehicle and steal tools. This incident occurred between 01/03/2017 20:30 & 02/03/2017 06:00.

attempted theft in All Saints Church, Church St, Oakham.

attempted theft in Church St, Oakham. Unknown person(s) try to force open an Alms Box on the Church door. This incident occurred between 27/02/2017 13:00 & 27/02/2017 17:30.

Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialing 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.

a burglary was carried out at a secured unoccupied dwelling in Digby Drive, Oakham.

Between 06/03/2017 20:00 & 07/03/2017 09:00 a burglary was carried out at a secured unoccupied dwelling in Digby Drive, Oakham. Unknown person(s) had gained entry by unknown means. An untidy search was carried and it is not yet known if any property was taken. There are no identifiable suspects or CCTV and enquiries are currently ongoing.

If anyone has any information or has seen anything suspicious please call 101 quoting LEP 070317-0145.