Showing posts with label says Harrington Free School Prospectus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label says Harrington Free School Prospectus. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

Rutland County College, says Harrington Free School Prospectus, Dishonest, Doubts Trustworthiness of Institutions Catmose College, Oakham School, Uppingham Community College

This evening I attended the Special People (Children) Scrutiny Panel at Rutland County Council.

The meeting was held to consider if Rutland County Council would be making comment to Department
of Education regarding the Catmose College and Uppingham Communtiy College proposal for a free
school (Harrington) which has the full support of Oakham School.

I held my protest before the start of the meeting.

The Catmos College Principle Stuart Williams above with others including a Trustee of Oakham School
gave a proffesional presention and would not be drawn into the very public post 16 dispute we all know is
going on. Of course all created by the Tory Trash at Ruland County Council.

Although I am sure Stuart Williams out of public veiw is a bit of a sly old bugger otherwise he would
not be doing the job he does I am told so well.

Sadly for Rutland County College once again they have shown there desperation. Saying Catmose College were lying and were not impartial when it comes to giving students 16+ advice and they mentioned they
were not invited to the school assemblies. After their presentation they handed out 3 documents to Councillors and public, (public mainly school and college governors)

the documents shown below state the prospectus is dishonest and factually incaccurate, wholly misleading and they go on and on finsihing with largely a work of fiction.

They also say Serious doubts must be raised about the trustworthiness of an instititution that lends its name to such a document.

I find it hard to believe Rutland County College is a proffessional organisation producing stuff like this.

Rutland County College run by Casterston College admitted they run both colleges on two budgets and
are not ready to merge the two as orignally planned.

They fear the approval of a Free School here in Rutland and another in Stamford suggesting Rutland  County College would not be viable.

They pointed out the roll has increased and they only had three months to get the college open after Tresham pulled the plug on Rutland College here in Oakham. It looks to me as if they should have not attempted to gain political favour from Rutland County Council by coming to the rescue of the Tory council which was failing its students and parents. I am sure the council would have fallen if back in that gloomy September there was no 16+ eduction here in Rutland. The management of Rutland County College does have council employees on their managment board, that wont safeguard their college. Rutland Tories spend a life time
stabbing each other in the back that's why we have such a backward council led by thugs liars and bullies like Helen Briggs.

Harrington College has in my view played a trump card by winning the support of Oakham School a good percentage of those sitting on the scrutiny panel attended the school and many still have connections as old oakhamians.

The lady from Rutland County College made a number of errors
she said students would all leave the country, I think she meant

She also was critical of the Harrington proposed selection process
stating Rutland County College were all inclusive and did not
discrimninate (of course accept when giving out awards paid for by
myself and other Oakham tax payers)

The last message displayed from Rutland County College is stupid, Rutland County
Council will have no say in the running or financial side of the Free School, so there
would be no reason for Rutland  County Council to withdraw funding. I am sure
they would if the College ended up with no students.

Harrington state they are not in competition just filling a needed gap.

It will be interesting to see how this develops lets hope the fight does not cost any young
persons future.

I could only stay for two hours so I dont yet know if Rutland County Council is to send any comment to the DFE.

I met a parent in Tesco who told me they had received information from Harrington and they did not see any difference between their proposals and Rutland  County Colleges adding it caused them more confusion.

Documents handed out by Rutland County College.