Showing posts with label spoke against fellow independent councillors (UKIP) may have changed his mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spoke against fellow independent councillors (UKIP) may have changed his mind. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rutland County Councillor Alan Walters voted for legal action, spoke against fellow independent councillors (UKIP) may have changed his mind, Special Meeting

Councillor Alan Walters who previously voted that the council take legal action and spoke against fellow independent councillors as they were at the time, he also supported the Tory mob by voting to set aside
£90,000 for this action.

It now looks as if he is about to change his mind at Monday's Special meeting at Rutland County Council.

This is shown on his new blog post.

The council report says the UKIP Councillors conduct has not changed since the last special meeting.

Is Mr Walters watching his back after the electorate objected to the large sum of money he approved
to be spent on legal action against the three councillors.

So why is he now saying "I will be listening closely to the debate as it unfolds, and looking for any evidence which would support the call for legal action and thereby  justify the potential risk to tax-payers money of pursuing such action. At the moment, I am not convinced, but will listen."

Cllr Walters constantly changes his mind and has often supported the Tory majority.
He claims to be a closet Labour Party Supporter. I see the problem for Alan is he is
Oakham School educated and all his old chums are Tory.

He has also published a point that is incorrect.

The public do not have to submit their questions/deputations for approval.

He is correct to say a request to speak or ask question must be put to the council before
the meeting.

The deadline passed last Thursday for this Monday's meeting.

There are some types of meetings when you can give short notice.

Rutland County Council democratic services used to fool  people in the past by asking them to submit questions and deputations and they were edited to suit the council.

This was stopped after the last special meeting, when Geoff Pook agreed they could not edit the
deputation I gave. This Monday I can not attend due to  police interference and will wait outside for the outcome of the meeting.

Mr Walters speaks of debate? is it really a debate when an independent councillor can only speak once and then respond once to the answer if it was a question?

At the last meeting the Tories and Alan Walters used the time for debate to attack the UKIP Councillors
and Tory Baines even publicly pointed the finger of corruption firmly in the direction of Cllr Gale.

And we must not forget the private meeting recently held by the Tories to discuss their proposed outcome
when a few trusted independents were invited to attend, I am not sure if Leicestershire Police were invited
to join that meeting.

I am not sure if Bevan Brittan are still advising the Council on this matter.

The last financial year 2012- 2013 Bevan Brittan received payments totalling £26,000
from Rutland County Council

Special Council Meeting

Alan Walters

Posted on July 28, 2013 by onecouncillor

Local readers will probably be aware that a group of 3 councillors recently decided to join UKIP.

A Special Council Meeting has been called for this Monday the 29th July 2013, at which reports will recommend bringing (further) legal action against this group of councillors, who previously called themselves the Anti-Corruption Group.

Residents are welcome to attend the meeting, to be held in the Council Chamber at 7pm, to listen to the debate and witness the vote.  However the public cannot now speak at the meeting unless they have previously submitted questions/deputations and had them approved.

I will be listening closely to the debate as it unfolds, and looking for any evidence which would support the call for legal action and thereby  justify the potential risk to tax-payers money of pursuing such action. At the moment, I am not convinced, but will listen.

Readers are strongly urged to attend this meeting if they are able to do so.

Date: 29 July 2013
Time: 19:00

Special Meeting of the Council