Saturday, October 03, 2015

What Rutland Conservatives think of Alf Dewis Oakham Mayor and Oakham Town Council

What Rutland Conservatives think of Alf Dewis Oakham Mayor and Oakham Town Council

A private twitter message from a Rutland and Melton Conservative Member

Alf is an idiot, as are most of the other old buffoons. I think most of us know that already.

The same Conservative have been chatting about my proposal to abolish the
costly and pointless town council.

@#######  Yup. I was talking with Cllr ####### yesterday. Without mass public petition it's impossible to get rid of them despite them being useless.
Maybe you should set up a table in the street !

I am thinking about this one because the online petition is not adequate.

I need a thousand names and signatures and addresses to call for the Local
Governance Review.

Maybe this local Conservative will join me at the table?