Sunday, January 03, 2016

Chipperfields Circus The reason they did not come to Oakham this Christmas

Chipperfields Circus The reason they did not come to Oakham this Christmas

The Circus was considerate to residents and the park when making their decision.

Following the decision at the last meeting of the Planning and Parks Committee to
allow Chipperfields to use Cutts Close over the Christmas period the office has been
informed by them that they will not be able to attend in 2015. 

The e-mail received on
the 4th December is copied below for your information.

My apologies for the delay in my reply.
Over the past few days we have assessed the site and had meetings with local fun fair
We feel if we were to take fun fair rides and big tops on site together the site would
greatly suffer. This is a major concern !

We have been closely monitoring the long range weather forecast and it is looking
much the same as we have at present.

To make an event successful we must take the local residents into consideration at all
times. Normally on such an event we would lay tracking, however at this late stage, it
is not a possible to put this in place.

I would like to personally thank you and the members of the town council who voted
to allow this event to happen however due to the weather we feel it is best not to go
forward for this year.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss an event next Christmas, where we
would have sufficient time to arrange the tracking and possibly invite local dance
groups, and bands the chance to perform to make this a great event for the local

Once again thank you for your assistance.