Monday, January 04, 2016

Oakham Mayors Secret Plans To Promote Oakham to attract visitors from Rutland Water 2016 Rutland Radio News

Oakham Mayors Secret Plans To Promote Oakham to attract visitors from Rutland Water 2016 Rutland Radio News

Today Cllr Alf Dewis is boosting his personal ego by speaking to Rutland Radio News.
On behalf of Oakham Town Council or should that be a small part of that because it
would seem like me other don't have a clue about what he his talking about.

He says in one clip the council is planning to find ways to attract visitors from
Rutland Water to Oakham.

I asked another Councillor if they knew what he was talking about here is their response:

I have no idea about any plans martin, which is bad considering I am on promotions group! 

I do wish Cllr Alf Dewis would stop pretending when talking to the local media.

during a later clip he claims people visit Oakham to its floral displays, no disrespect to
those who volunteer on some of the beds or the company that is paid far to much to hang
and tend a few baskets I can't see they are the real reason people visit Oakham.

As for Oakham in Bloom and the entering and doing well in the East Midlands in Bloom
Competition that is good but have you seen how many places actually enter, many other towns
and villages which look much prettier don't even enter any competitions.

His most daft comment is that people come or stay in Oakham because of the skate park.

I suggest Cllr Dewis stops by the train station especially out of term time when young
people are travelling to neighboring towns to use their skate parks. I also suggest he opens
his ears and listens to the comments made by user of Oakham Skate Park who describe
it as "crap" and worse. £48,000 for a piece of junk, I can only assume when the new park
at Melton opens the Oakham Skate Park will become even more neglected.

As for promoting Oakham I am hoping the promotions of Oakham working will come up
with some suggestion this year on how the town council can attract visitors to Oakham.

In the past the group has not used its advertising budget.

It has supported some very ugly signs provided by the Town Partnership
and a table style tourist information sign like the one at Hambleton which
shows a very out of date almost historic Arial view photo of Oakham and a list
of tourist attraction which includes an no 6: an award winning loo located in a car park
which now smells due to poor costly cleaning, there has been an attempt to mask
that stink with the installation of electronic air fresheners, hardly a tourist attraction.