Friday, October 05, 2018

Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Tagged For Posting Grossly Offensive Content on Facebook about Diane Abbott Anna Soubry and PM Theresa May. BBC East Midlands Today News

Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Tagged For Posting Grossly Offensive Content on Facebook about Diane Abbott Anna Soubry and PM Theresa May. BBC East Midlands Today News

Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Tagged For Posting Grossly Offensive Content on Facebook about Diane Abbott Anna Soubry and PM Theresa May,

Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Tagged For Posting Grossly Offensive Content on Facebook about Diane Abbott Anna Soubry and PM Theresa May,

Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman said he has no intention of resigning from his position despite admitting posting grossly offensive and menacing  messages on social media.

Councillor Richard Alderman, 72, appeared in the Birmingham Magistrates Court today (Thursday, October 4) for sentencing

While acknowledging that he had caused embarrassment to himself and his family, Councillor Richard Alderman told the court that he planned to stand for re-election when the time came to let the “public decide”.

District Judge David Robinson said that while Councillor Richard Alderman had the right to express “strongly held views” over the internet, this did not include messages that were grossly offensive or of a menacing character.

Above: tag Oakham High Street 2014

He gave Councillor Richard Alderman a curfew that will force him to wear a monitoring tag and remain home between the hours of 7pm and 7am each night for the next six months.
That will make it difficult if not impossible to attend council meetings. Which I believe failure to attend council meetings for six months or more will lead to disqualification.

Councillor Richard Alderman was also ordered to pay costs of £160 and a surcharge of £85.

The charges related to several Facebook posts Councillor Richard Alderman made

In two, he referred to Labour’s Diane Abbott as a monkey.

“The monkey is out of its tree. Send it to the animal labs,” he wrote in one.

In another, this time related to Conservative MP Anna Soubry, Councillor Alderman wrote: “Hang, shoot and drown this witch to make sure it’s dead.”

In July, just two days after he was elected, Councillor Alderman targeted Prime Minister Theresa May when he posted: “Hang the b**** publicly for treason.”

Rutland County Council Statement: "Rutland County Council recognises the police investigation and subsequent court proceedings examining the publication of malicious content by Councillor Richard Alderman on social media have concluded, and we acknowledge the outcome.

"This matter is now being referred to the council’s Standards Committee, which will undertake an investigation and review Councillor Alderman’s actions against its Code of Conduct.

"The council is unable to provide further comment until the Standards Committee has concluded its investigation."

Detective Constable Damian Young, the investigating officer, said: "Alderman is a well-known figure within the Rutland community and was aware that the comments he was posting could be deemed both racist and malicious.

“Whether you are a councillor, public figure or member of the public, his sentencing today should serve as a reminder to all that any comments or posts of such a nature could be reported to police and will be subject to a full and proper investigation.”