Monday, April 08, 2019

Rutland County Council Election of Councillors for the Langham Parish STATEMENT OF PERSONS NOMINATED

Rutland County Council
Election of Councillors
for the Langham Parish


The following is a statement as to the persons nominated for the election of NINE Councillors on Thursday, 2nd May 2019 for the Langham Parish.

Catlin, Steve 3 Manor Lane, Langham,
LE15 7JL

Lissaman, David James 50A Church Street,
Langham, LE15 7JE

Maskell, Jennifer address in Rutland

Ovington, Pat 7 Sharrads Way, Langham,
LE15 7JY

Palmer, Brenda Gillian address in Rutland Independent

Palmer, Gail Sheila 4 Sherrads Way, Langham,
Rutland, LE15 7JY