Thursday, August 01, 2013

Laughing Stocks Oakham, Blog, Oakham Town Council

Yesterday in court it was made known that the Oakham Town Councillors blog. Which has been used to attack me and friends since 2010. Will be exhibited by the defence at the trial. In its full un-editted glory. The author a serving Oakham Town Councillor long term unemployed who I cant name here for legal reasons. Is critical of my unemployment and claimed I am a rent boy with an anal sodomy fetish. Published a photograph of a local teacher claiming they were a customer of mine. This was removed after the teacher made a complaint to police. Leicestershire Police say they did not tip of the author. I say crap. They have always communicated with the author. They were for a long time a member of a police committee.
Shockingly they are currently representing Oakham Town Council on another comnittee at another organisation that requires confidentiality.

The author and Councillor some how obtained a private letter a member of the public sent to Leicester City Council and published it.

They also published a private email sent from a ward resident to Geoff Pook former Monitoring Officer at Rutland County Council.
They Councillor refuses to tell the police how he obtained the letter and email.

Shockingly the CPS has said it will not be charging this councillor, not even with misconduct in public office.

It is said Cllr Dewis was kicked of the CAB committee. breaking a long tradition of the Chairman serving on it. Cllr Alf Dewis has never explained why.

I think it is disgrace these badly behaved Town Councillors can behave as they please and when I object they call on the local police and falsely claim I am stalking and harassing them.

Not so many years ago a Rutland County Council described the Town Council as disfunctional.

Not much has changed.

Looking at Oakham Laughing Stocks

I can think of many more words starting with  D to describe the author and councillors and the old guard who support them.

Deluded. Demented and Defamatory