Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ed Reynolds Rutland Parliamentary Liberal Democrat Candidate Hustings Opening Statement Video

Ed Reynolds Rutland Parliamentary Liberal Democrat Candidate Hustings Opening Statement Video

A Liberal Democrat Mr Hudson read his statement.

The following is typed as accurately as I could be as  I listened:

Ed Reynolds is a truly local candidate, his family were tenant farmers
in Cold Overton for 60 years. He lives in Oakham with his wife
and nine month old son. He mum and dad brothers and sisters all
live locally. Ed wants the same things for all those who live here
as he wants for his family. Best local NHS services, The best schools
and affordable housing. The best care for the elderly. Ed is new to
politics and has worked in renewable energy for the last seven
years and currently work for a company based her in Oakham.
Growing up means he understands local issues such as transport
mobile and broadband connectivity. If elected Ed would work so that
the proposed cut to the local fire, police and ambulance service do
not effect local response times. Ed joined the Libdems because
he believes in fairness and equal opportunities for all.
In 2010 the Libdems were crucial in performing a stable
government and rescuing the economy. Our policies have directly
benefited people living in Rutland and Melton, such as introducing
as introducing a pupil premium which has delivered £5.5 million
to local schools. Ed is proud the Libdems are committed to
protecting the education budget from cradle to college and
we will deliver the money the NHS needs. As well as setting mental
health waiting list targets. The Libdems are the only party to deliver
a stronger economy and a fairer society. Ed will always put his
constituents first. He will always fight to help the young and the
vulnerable. He hopes to reconnect people to the political process and
rebuild trust with the electorate,