Sunday, August 30, 2015

Residents Angry with Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council CCTV Introduced into residential areas of Oakham

Residents Angry with Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council
CCTV Introduced into residential areas of Oakham

One of the extra large poles erected in South Street Oakham

The one referred to in the resident's letter has been place on
Town Council land by Rutland County Council without consent.

Personally I don't object to CCTV. What I do object to is Rutland
County Councils continually doing things without properly
consulting residents.

Letter sent to Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM  another resident to add to her hit list?

### WestField Ave

29th Aug 2015

Dear Mrs Lucus,

I hereby wish to state my anger and dismay at the enormous and intrusive pole that has been cemented into the ground of Royce playing area.
It can be seen from EVERY window at the front of my house together with both my drive and seating area!

I find it at the very least, UNBELIEVEABLE that the residents of both Princess Avenue and West Field Ave and all those adjoining the park, have not had ANY form of notification or indeed consultation concerning this pole and from what I have since learnt, the forth coming CCTV!
Don’t Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council, have to follow rules, regulations and guidelines as “jo public?” it would seem not?

No member of either Council thought it may be of interest to local residents, to warrant a knock on the door? Even though you yourself only live a few doors away (although out of the eye shot of the offending pole/CCTV!) and often have a walk/inspection of the park…

The positioning of said item, seems quite random. I understand from conversations had within the last few days that historically, there have been worries about youths climbing onto the old garages at the end of Princess Ave? (Which I might add are an eyesore and danger in themselves) Why not have the cameras fitted there then? Instead of in a grassed area in full view? To all. Who decided this was the best place? As I live #################, I fear my privacy has greatly been reduced if I will have ANY left at all? As soon as I step out of my front door I will be “in view” my private sitting area, which cannot be seen by road, path or park will also be seen by camera! Surly that’s against my basic human rights?

Where will the pictures be viewed at and by whom? And how am I to know who has access to them?
Let alone have such equipment so close to my house may affect me directly when I come to sell my property. Questions like

“is this a crime hotspot? As you have CCTV present?”
I have spoken to a local estate agent who has said this could be seen as a negative, depending on the individual!

So whose idea was it? And how much of my Council Tax is going towards paying for it?
I do know that many of my neighbours have the same concerns and opinions as me. Mr David Brown has stated to my partner that if there is a strong negative feeling from residents, he would take it down. Therefore I’m asking him to do just that ASAP!
A copy of this letter, will be forwarded to the ICO and also the Local Government Ombudsman

Yours sincerely,
