Friday, September 02, 2022

PC Andy Gardner A former Leicestershire Police officer was the subject of a gross misconduct hearing on 2 September 2022

PC Andy Gardner

A former Leicestershire Police officer was the subject of a gross misconduct hearing on 2 September.

Former PC Andy Gardner was alleged to have breached the standards of professional behaviour, namely honesty and integrity; authority respect and courtesy; and, discreditable conduct.

The allegations related to another serving officer who he had been in a relationship with and his unlawful interference with her private social media accounts, resulting in a criminal conviction.

In November 2018 PC Gardner hacked a social media account and changed the password enabling him to access the account without the owner’s knowledge, which he kept hidden until he was arrested.

On 7 February 2020 PC Gardner was charged with an offence of computer misuse.

On 17 June 2020 he pleaded guilty to the offence of computer misuse at Northampton Crown Court and was sentenced on the 7 March 2022 to a 12-month community order.

He was also made subject to a restraining order for three years preventing him from contacting or going within 100 metres of the woman he had the relationship with.

The allegations were proven and, had he still been a serving officer, he would have been dismissed from the force.