Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jinky's Pub Oakham Melton Road Oakham Rutland

Escut Rutland
Back in May 2008 John Woods  a local businessman applied for a licence to open a new pub in the west end of Oakham.

John Woods  applied to the Licensing Authority at Rutland County Council to convert the buildings at 14-16 Melton Road into a bar and restaurant called Jinky's.

His application included proposals to show films indoors, provide live and recorded music, facilities for making music and dancing or anything similar and the provision of late night refreshments. He also wanted permission to sell alcohol for consumption on and off the premises.

Oakham residents have often highlighted the west end of the town as a priority for improvements, but a county councillor feared the plans could hamper future projects.

Rutland County Council said: "The snag with these plans is that we are looking at major regeneration of the area over the next five years so the development of new businesses might not be the best thing at the moment.
"To do something major in that area will be a big job, not a quick solution where a cosmetic change will do, and if new businesses are there it will be hard to come up with a regeneration scheme."

Put simple the Council did not want a pub, Mr  Woods was having none of this and opened his pub.

Rutland County Council noticed a pub had opened and a lot of people were enjoying the service Mr Woods provided. Some Councillor were not happy it was not posh, the Town Councillor also noticed and wanted the place closed.

Understandable people living nearby were unhappy because the pub was open very late and drunk customers can be very noisy.

So in  March 2009 Jinky's was told bed early, and closed its doors at midnight.

Now Jinky's is back in the news Rutland County Council want to close it down.

Where will the customers go? maybe they can all visit the posh Italian in Gaol Street. I know its posh because a former town councillor told other councillors at a planning meeting it was ok to extend hours because the owner used to work for Rutland County Council and I know her so it will be ok. That was back in the days when Oakham town Councillors forgot to declare interests.

I don't use Jinky's, I fear if I was to venture in I may want to leave very quickly. The thought of it reminds me of when I first ventured into a gay bar at the age of 18 in London called the Colherne by mistake, very scary all those big men in leather uniforms, I had chosen the wrong place and quickly ran out. I am not saying Jinky's is a gay bar, no the opposite very macho bar, for scary football supporters and soldiers. What I am trying to say is everyone is different and needs different places to drink. I can't see any of these customers wanting a quiet drink in the Whipper Inn. Although the last time a friend took me there it was almost empty accept for two old rutlanders, the man started moaning 'we put up with the two gay guys, because they knew how to run a bar, these new Indian owners have ruined the place of course were not homophobic or racist.' His wife sat in an embarrassed silence. I do love the older Rutlanders attitudes. So maybe the Whipper Inn would welcome the custom. £6 a glass of wine I guess is not the same as a £1 a pint

Anyway back to Jinky's

Jinky's provides a service to a large group of locals I am guessing some of them are builders if they want to keep the bar why don't they help improve the look. Mr Woods is not very good at DIY. I feel certain if the outside looked better some people would be happy.

 The bar always welcomes home troops by displaying posters in the window.

I am not sure if it is true, I am told one poster counting down the days, was to welcome a ex offender home from prison.

Mr Woods has attempted to improve things by entering into the spirit of Oakham in Bloom.

Jinky's has multi coloured windows reminded me of Pinchbeck Nursery School.

you will notice they are all real wood they can not be replaced with UPVC as this building is listed and in a conservation area. Meaning planning will only recommend its demolition if Tesco wanted to build a petrol station.

Jinky's Oakham in Bloom Support

I wonder why Mr Woods locks his customers in
well he must do! The only way they seem to 
be able to leave is by kicking down the wall and fence 
at the rear of the pub. 

Once again you can see from the photographs below
Mr Woods has improved the pub by planting the garden

I understand Darts are now being played 
A Oakham Team would be good
now darts is become more popular once more

Jinky's is not just a blokes bar ladies are welcome
I saw one dragging her fella out and pulling his trousers 
down in the street. Just could not
wait to get her fit man home lol.

It must also be hard to please the Council when you have a conservation officer 
who wants to preserve a unused loo at the rear of these premises
but has no issue with Tesco wanting to demolition a dwelling in a 
conservation area and tarmac for extra parking.

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