Showing posts with label Martin Brookes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin Brookes. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2024

Martin Brookes, a local resident, completed an impressive 121-mile walking challenge to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.

Martin Brookes, a local resident, completed an impressive 121-mile walking challenge to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.

Martin Brookes Conquers 121 Miles for Charity

Martin Brookes, a local resident, recently completed an impressive 121-mile walking challenge to raise funds for the Royal British Legion. Through the generosity of his sponsors, Martin was able to raise a total of £221.

"I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who donated," said Martin. "Your support has made a real difference."

If you would like to donate now, please use this link: https://socialsync.app/fundraiser/cr-8310851443kp 

Thank you

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year from Martin in Oakham, Rutland! Oakham Rutland Video Tour.

Happy New Year from Martin in Oakham, Rutland!

As the bells chime midnight and fireworks light up the skies, Martin in Oakham, Rutland, raises a toast to a brand new year. 2023 has been a rollercoaster, filled with its share of ups and downs, but as we stand on the precipice of 2024, it's the moments of joy, resilience, and community spirit that resonate most strongly.

The year saw the rise of community heroes – volunteers who planted trees, cleaned up streets, and organised charity events. From the New Oakham in Bloom volunteers beautifying the town to the Rutland Foodbank heroes and Community responders to name just a few organisations. Oakhamites proved their hearts of gold.

And now, as we stand at the threshold of 2024, we do so with hearts full of hope and anticipation. From Martin and everyone in Oakham, Rutland, I wish you a very Happy New Year! May the coming year be filled with good health, laughter, and the sweet fulfilment of dreams.

Here's to new beginnings, fresh starts, and the vibrant possibilities that await us in 2024!

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Martin Brookes, Independent Candidate, Rutland County Council, Election 4th May 2023

Martin Brookes, Independent Candidate, Rutland County Council, Election 4th May 2023

I am standing as an Independent candidate for Oakham South Ward in the Rutland County Council election on May 4th 2023.

I am a local resident and have lived in Oakham for over 15 years. I have a strong interest in local issues.

I believe that local people should have a say in how their community is run, and I am committed to working hard to represent your interests on the Council.

I am standing as an Independent because I believe that local people should have a say in how their community is run. I will be a strong voice for Oakham South Ward on the Council.

If elected, I will work to improve the following:

Roads and pavements: I will lobby for more investment in roads and pavements in Oakham South Ward. I will also work to ensure that potholes are repaired promptly.

Parks and open spaces: I will work to improve the upkeep of parks and open spaces in Oakham South Ward. 

Neighbourhood planning: I will work to ensure that residents have a say in how their neighbourhoods are developed. I will also work to ensure that new developments are in keeping with the character of Oakham South Ward.

Protect the environment: I will work to protect our environment and promote sustainable development.

Community safety: I will work to make Oakham South Ward a safe place to live. I will work with the police and other agencies to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

Local services: I will work to ensure that local services, such as libraries, schools and hospitals, are properly funded. I will also work to ensure that these services are accessible to all residents of Oakham South Ward.

Promote community cohesion: I will work to build a strong and cohesive community where everyone feels valued and included.

I believe that I have the skills and experience to be a good Councillor. I am a hard worker and I am good at listening to people and understanding their concerns. I am also good at working with others to find solutions to problems.

I would be honoured to have your vote on May 4th. Please vote for me, the Independent candidate for Oakham South Ward.

Thank you.

Martin Brookes

Candidate: Martin Brookes (Independent)

4th April 2023

Publisher: Martin Brookes 13 Willow Crescent Oakham Rutland LE15 6EQ

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Martin Brookes birthday fundraiser for PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide.

Martin's birthday fundraiser for PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide

I chose this charity whilst watching 

Roman Kemp Our Silent Emergency on BBC Three. 

It was sad to see Nottingham police had to assist a 11 year old.

For my birthday this year, I'm asking for donations to PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide. I've chosen this charity because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope that you'll consider contributing as a way of celebrating with me. Every little bit will help me reach my goal. I've included information about PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide below.

What PAPYRUS do:

• PAPYRUS run HOPELINEUK, a confidential support and advice service for young people with thoughts of suicide or those concerned about a young person. HOPELINEUK is staffed by professionals trained in suicide intervention skills;

• PAPYRUS engage with volunteers and communities in our mission to save young lives;
• PAPYRUS offer a range of suicide prevention training, advice and support;
• PAPYRUS campaign for change and influence national policy;
• PAPYRUS raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding suicide.

Facebook pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to the charity. 

Please Donate

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Oakham Town Councils Lack Of Local Neighborhood Plan Patsy Clifton, Martin Brookes, Alf Dewis

Oakham Town Councils Lack Of Local Neighborhood Plan Patsy Clifton, Martin Brookes,  Alf Dewis

Mrs Clifton raised the issue of Oakham not having implemented a local plan.

Mr Dewis blamed Rutland County Council.

I disputed this because  readers will know I have previously published his reason
and repeat it in this video at the public meeting.

After the meeting Mr Dewis reprimanded me for criticising the Town
Council in Public and told me it was the not the correct place to do so
because I am now a town Councillor.

So where is the correct place Mr Dewis? The local press show no interest
and wont publish anything.

This blog in your opinion is the wrong place and now public meetings.

Oakham Town Council is not open to any form of criticism or scrutiny and
that needs to change.

I am pleased to say Langham parish council, who do not employ
a full time officer like so many parish councils they have achieved
the  implementation of a local plan. Which I am sure they won't

Or is it the case Rutland County Council are interfering with the
running of Oakham Town Council?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Martin Brookes

Martin Brookes

Twitter: @oakhamuk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/MartinBrookesOakham


Monday, July 14, 2014

Martin Brookes, Statement Regarding Leicestershire Police, Anti Corruption Unit Major Investigation, Rutland

Martin Brookes, Statement Regarding Leicestershire Police, Anti Corruption Unit Major Investigation, Rutland

DCI Hurst Head of the Leics Police Anti Corruption Unit, Today started a major investigation.

Two officers from the the unit interviewed me for three hours

They are currently investigating allegations of corruption between The Police and the local authorities, Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council.

The failure of the police to deal with homophobic hate crimes carried out persons who are members or connected to those authorities past or present.

I have no connection to the other investigation involving the UKIP Cllrs.

I am advised throughout the investigation that I should not compromise the investigation and will therefore refrain from comment or naming individuals until findings are made public.

As I did with the Standards Investigation into Sgt C Wharton.  I am continuing with civil action against the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police. Regarding that matter.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Martin Brookes

Friday, January 17, 2014

Mill Street, Oakham, Rutland, England, Photograph, Martin Brookes

Mill Street, Oakham, Rutland, England, Photograph, Martin Brookes

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rutland Times, Martin Brookes, cleared of stalking Homophobic Cllr Charles Haworth & Rutland County Council CEO Helen Briggs


The Rutland Times front page story, brings Oakham Town Council into disrepute.

The story shows the authority to be made up of Homphobic, Racist bullies. 

Although I am gay and can no longer be described as youthful, I have suffered Homophobia on 
and off since my youth, 

I had suffered nothing as bad I do from 2008 to this present day thanks to rapacious Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council and Leicestershire Police.

Earlier this week I communicated with Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe and asked
if he would be writing a letter to The Rutland  Times distancing his council from
Homphobic Bullying? his response was "no"

Maybe he and his good wife will pop on a purple dress at his charity tea dance this afternoon at Victoria Hall

Spirit Day turn purple for #SpiritDay LGBT youth wear purple to speak out against bullying 

Getting involved in Spirit Day is easy. Wear purple and turn your Facebook and Twitter profile pictures purple on October 17th and help create a world in which LGBT youth are celebrated and accepted for who they are. Click here to turn your profile pictures purple!

What is Spirit Day?

An annual day held on the third thursday of October when millions  wear purple to speak out against bullying and to show their support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth.

Where did the idea come from?

An amazing teenager named Brittany McMillan wanted to remember those young people who lost their lives to suicide and to take a stand against bullying.

Who participates?

Students, schools, organizations, corporations, media professionals, celebrities, parents and many more. Everyone from Oprah to Cher to Facebook and MTV have gone purple for Spirit Day. Even the White House joined the cause! Check out this year's Spirit Day Ambassadors

How do I get involved?

It’s easy! Go purple now and wear purple on October 17th and help us create a world in which LGBT teens are celebrated and accepted for who they are. You can also download our Spirit Day resource kit, which has ways you can turn your community purple. Spirit Day participants can also spread the word and tell their friends that they're standing up against bullying.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

District Judge John Temperley, verdict summary, Martin Brookes, Cllr Charles Haworth, Helen Briggs Chief Executive Rutland County Council

Martin Brookes accused of stalking and harrassing the chief executive of Rutland County Council and an Oakham town councillor has been found not guilty today (Monday).
District judge John Temperley found Martin Brookes, 47, of the Willow Crescent, Oakham, not guilty on all four charges at Leicester Magistrates Court.

Some of the points raised by District Judge John Temperley


Law outlined. Reference made to cases of Handysides and Lingens and Art 10 ECHR.

Freedom of expression is crucial to society, favourable comments and also those that shock or offend.

Re: Cllr Haworth, nature of conduct outlined, txts, calls, loitering nr house. Photographing and filming. DJ states he is only concerned with events during period of charge.

Homophobic Oakham Town Councillor and 
Former Deputy Mayor Charles Haworth

Ref made to Cllr Charles Haworth being arrested.

Events going back to 2009 are however crucial when putting the charge in to context.

Haworth refered to The Laughing Stocks as ‘satire’ stating it ‘lampooned’ people

            “I disagree, it is deeply offensive, crude, crass, vulgar and homophobic”

The effect on the defendant is relevant.

I am certain Haworth supported blog sites ‘Planet Neptune’ and ‘Brooks and Pender are twits’, on this Haworth was “economical with the truth” this undermines his credibility.

There is no evidence to support Haworth saying Brookes made a silent, anonymous phone call on the 27th of Feb. I have seen texts sent at that time and there is nothing offensive in them..

There is nothing to corroborate Howarths account re the alleged incident near his home which he says was on the 2.3.13. I am not sure it occurred and take no account of it.

17.3.13 Haworth says he had dozens of txts between 6pm and 1am arriving at a frequency of 1 every 10 seconds.

The exhibited evidence shows he received ONE!. There is no evidence to support Howarths account.

Def did send some txts earlier in the day using Chomp, he says these had the purpose of finding out who was TLS.  This evidence is uncontradicted. I accept the evidence of the defendant.

Re 19.3.13 I accept that the first meeting was a coincidence. Re 2nd incident Haworth says he was harrased, I have seen the photo, he appears relaxed. Officers Gower and Walker totally undermine Haworths  account

Defendant has explained his presence and spoke to PC Walker regarding what he was doing.
I reject Howarths evidence, he exaggerated and embellished his account.

24.3.13. at the Town Hall, Howarths account is uncorroborated, I haven’t heard from Councillor Lucas.

Def was entitled to be there. The defs evidence is in line with that given by PC Lloyd. PC Lloyd contradicts and undermines the evidence of Howarth.


The def says it was that afternoon that he was near the home of Haworth, he gave a clear explanation of why he was there. There is no evidence to show def was filming Haworth, for the purpose of the charge I ignore this incident.

9.4.13 Library, DJ summarises what happened here. In emailing the browser history of Howarth it was a calculated deliberate attempt to embarrass Howarth

(but in my viewnot the Judges, justified to show the Town Councillor enjoys far right Nazi proganda)

The def sent 67 texts during the charge period, some were using the Chomp system. I am satisfied that the defendant had suffered immense distress and that his motivation in sending these messages was to expose Haworth as TLS.

Haworth was arrested, the police would not tell Def who it was that had been arrested, the abuse of the defendant continued. I accept Mr Swinglers submission that the defendant was ‘at his wits end’

The defendants actions DO amount to a course of conduct sufficient to be harassment BUT, weighed against all that had occurred his actions were reasonable and as such I find him  NG of both charges.

Re Briggs. In the period 16.12.12 to 6.6.13 the def sent emails and made blog entries impugning her ability and integrity. On this there is no factual dispute ex HVB1-12 are accepted by the defendant. But is it stalking or harassment?. I give account to the stat defences and art 10.

Briggs says “I have been in local government many years, I accept challenge and criticism” but she says defs actions were “disturbing” and that “no single individual has caused her such distress”
The attack transcended into her family life. She never asked def to remove any material.

She said the length of cc lists on emails was a personal vendetta against her.

Def defended his right to comment on her probity and conduct re Aman Mehra. There are many rumours in public domain regarding her probity and Mehra.

Def admitted receiving info from others in good faith.

I am only concerned with events in the charge period, Briggs and RCC are not on trial, I am not trying to resolve issues involving them.

However def sent a large range of emails on many issues, they did not all concern Briggs!. He has strong views and is obviously a thorn in the side of Briggs who has suffered genuine distress.

As a chief exec she should accept robust challenge

The case of LINGENS served by the defence involves a politician but is wholly analogous to Briggs.

Crown say def launched a systematic campaign against briggs alleging BULLYING, NEPETISM, MISUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND PAYING BLOOD MONEY TO MEHRAS WIDOW.

Def says that it was all already in the public domain, some nationally inc BBC and Private Eye. Much of what def says is either correct or a repetition of other material.

He has personal views which are harsh, shocking and at times offensive.

I do not interpret his blog as a personal vendetta, the posts are at irregular times and cover a broad range of subjects.

Emails are of greater concern, not all are of direct ref to Briggs, but they DID amount to a course of conduct pursued by Def.

BUT – The emails were consistent with defs rights under art10 ECHR, they are sent using his freedom of expression and as such are not unlawful harassment and I therefore find the def NG of both charges.

(DJ asked if cps wished to apply for a restraining order, only on Briggs!!!!!, they said no but stated it was a matter for the DJ, his response was “I’m not making one”)

The DJ concluded by stating in open court “this was a long complex case, it is rare for a case of this length to be heard in the Magistrates Court, I wish to thank both advocates for their skill and expertise in presenting the case, it is clear that a lot of effort went in to preparing this case and that was of great assistance to me”

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Martin Brookes, Court Trial Details, CPS V Martin Brookes, Leicester Magistrates Court

Martin Brookes, Court Trial Details,

CPS V Martin Brookes

People should not be afraid of their governments
Governments should be afraid of their people

The Trial starts on Monday 23rd September 2013

Last week I spent two whole days with my expert solicitor,
going through what the police and CPS describe as evidence against me.

Goodness knows how much this case is costing the tax payer?
I am told it is going to cost many many thousands

The trial is estimated to last 3 days.


Leicester Magistrates Court

Address:15 Pocklingtons Walk
Telephone:0116 2553666
DX Address:DX 304401 Leicester 42

If your afraid to say something on the internet because you fear
your government then you may need a new government. Michael S, King 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oakham Town Council, Election, OSE, Candidates, Martin Brookes, Leanne Martin, Stan Stubbs

Oakham Town Council, Election, OSE, Candidates, Martin Brookes, Leanne Martin, Stan Stubbs

So the rumour was true Oakham Town Council found two candidates to stand against me.

Interesting both candidate live in wards where no one called for an election. it is a pity no one
seems to be able to get of their bums and go out and meet the people and collect signatures
to call for an election.

It is further rumoured these candidates have been told what ever the outcome they will be co-opted.

Mr Stubbs lives almost nest door to the Town Clerk he only moved in last year after buying a house
I have visited many times in the past. I fitted and tiled the kitchen.

Leanne Emma  is not know to me but according to her facebook profile she does not like the NHS
so if elected or co-opted she should get on fine with the deputy Mayor who is employed by the NHS.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Leicester Photographs, Martin Brookes

No Tipping

Photography Leicester

Leicester High Street



Street Artist





Boots miles for macmillan




King Richard III



Highcross Shopping Centre


Granby Street

Big Issue

Marks & Spencer


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Martin Brookes, Oakham, Rutland, Request, Support Required

Support Required.

I am pleased to report that people are offering  me support, during this difficult time.
Others have have asked how they can help.

If you wish to help please write to my Solicitors who are a brilliant team.

I would particularly like letters highlighting anything you my have been told by
any one connected to Oakham Town Council and Rutland Council, this includes
information relating to the Councillors past and present who make false allegations of Paedophilia
against me.

A fine example of a letter written by a respectable member of our community is shown below
as an example. (I wish my grammar and spelling was as fine)


From: ############
Sent: 21 May 2013 16:56
To: 'krysia.wolska@mandersol.co.uk'
Subject: Reference for Mr Martin Brookes

Dear Ms Wolska,

I am pleased to write a few words as a character testimonial for Mr Martin Brookes, whom, I understand, you are currently supporting against a number of charges of harassment made by some individuals in the local community.

I have been on the full-time ################ September 19##, although I am not a permanent resident of the town and I have no involvement whatsoever in the local politics which seem to lie at the heart of Martin’s imbroglio. Neither do I know personally or hold any grievance against any of the complainants who have raised the charges of harassment. Moreover, my acquaintance with Martin goes no further than friendly discourse and I therefore consider my appraisal of him quite impartial and objective.

His arrival here in 2006 was brought to my notice by a long-standing and highly-respected friend (from #####) who in the past has used holiday accommodation in a North London ###### Martin was ######. ###### I meet Martin in the town and am always happy to engage in conversation, and to listen sympathetically to the problems he has suffered.

In my judgement, in the light of my having known Martin directly and indirectly, he is an honest, trustworthy, kindly and decent character, who responds positively to courtesy and respect. I can appreciate that his outspoken political views and openness about his sexuality cause consternation in the small, provincial community of Oakham, Rutland, but as far as I am aware, he has done nothing to justify the torrent of abuse, hatred, threats of violence, intimidation and torment that he has endured, much of which has been at the hands of individuals who have hidden behind the cloak of anonymity, either through the internet or in the hate- and nuisance-mail that has been directed to him. In striking and complete contrast to this, Martin has always taken pains to identify himself openly as the author of his (admittedly) critical publications. Those who are claiming harassment by him should contemplate what it must be like to be on the receiving end of such an orchestrated campaign of venom. Much of it emanated from the internet channels of those who styled themselves “oakhamlaughingstocks” and “oakytaxidriver” and who conducted a relentless campaign of hatred targeted at Martin, all with the ‘protection’ of anonymity until they were silenced by the arrest, apparently, of one of the perpetrators.

While I have no objection to this information being used in Martin’s defence, I would rather my name and connection with ######### be treated with discretion. I have already suffered at the hands of one of Martin’s internet assailants, who only expurgated  the offending text when I complained to the Police, and I am currently considering action against that party, when his or her identity is formally disclosed.

I very much hope that this unpleasant matter can be brought to a fair and just conclusion.

With good wishes,

Yours sincerely,


Sunday, November 04, 2012

Oakham Fireworks, Photographs 2012, Oakham Rugby Club, Rutland, Martin Brookes

Oakham Fireworks, Photographs 2012, Oakham Rugby Club, Rutland, Martin Brookes

Rutland Lions, John Photographer Rutland Times and Rutland Mercury
PCSO's Leicestershire Constabulary in silly winter hats

A very cold night, thankfully it was dry this year. 

The crowd was as big as ever, I imagine it is due to financial pressures that there was a large crowd of spectators outside this year.

Mr Gray from Rutland Lions came out to collect donations, of course asking Mr Brookes, do you have any money? If I had the money I would have gone inside the ground, I think it was wrong for the Lions to come outside begging and especially asking me by name. 

I purchased my poppy for remembrance Sunday today a much better cause.