Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rutland Times, Martin Brookes, cleared of stalking Homophobic Cllr Charles Haworth & Rutland County Council CEO Helen Briggs


The Rutland Times front page story, brings Oakham Town Council into disrepute.

The story shows the authority to be made up of Homphobic, Racist bullies. 

Although I am gay and can no longer be described as youthful, I have suffered Homophobia on 
and off since my youth, 

I had suffered nothing as bad I do from 2008 to this present day thanks to rapacious Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council and Leicestershire Police.

Earlier this week I communicated with Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe and asked
if he would be writing a letter to The Rutland  Times distancing his council from
Homphobic Bullying? his response was "no"

Maybe he and his good wife will pop on a purple dress at his charity tea dance this afternoon at Victoria Hall

Spirit Day turn purple for #SpiritDay LGBT youth wear purple to speak out against bullying 

Getting involved in Spirit Day is easy. Wear purple and turn your Facebook and Twitter profile pictures purple on October 17th and help create a world in which LGBT youth are celebrated and accepted for who they are. Click here to turn your profile pictures purple!

What is Spirit Day?

An annual day held on the third thursday of October when millions  wear purple to speak out against bullying and to show their support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth.

Where did the idea come from?

An amazing teenager named Brittany McMillan wanted to remember those young people who lost their lives to suicide and to take a stand against bullying.

Who participates?

Students, schools, organizations, corporations, media professionals, celebrities, parents and many more. Everyone from Oprah to Cher to Facebook and MTV have gone purple for Spirit Day. Even the White House joined the cause! Check out this year's Spirit Day Ambassadors

How do I get involved?

It’s easy! Go purple now and wear purple on October 17th and help us create a world in which LGBT teens are celebrated and accepted for who they are. You can also download our Spirit Day resource kit, which has ways you can turn your community purple. Spirit Day participants can also spread the word and tell their friends that they're standing up against bullying.