Showing posts with label Leanne Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leanne Martin. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Leanne Martin, Simon Dyer, The Co-option of these Oakham Town Councillors was unlawful, procedure started for judicial review

Leanne Martin, Simon Dyer, The Co-option of these Oakham Town Councillors was unlawful, procedure started for judicial review

Last year when I applied to be co-opted onto Oakham Town Council Oakham Town Council
the co-option process was held in private.

I was told I was not considered, Oakham Town Councils dodgy Clerk Richard White said "how do you know what happened at that meeting it was an exempt item"?

I have searched the councils records for the agenda and minutes.

These records clearly show at the meeting I was not considered.

Although Simon Dyer very soon got fed up with the council and resigned after a short period. I will be seeking to challenge both co-options as unlawful on two points:

1. I was not included in a vote.

2. A democratic process was unlawfully discussed and voted upon as an exempt item.

I made a complaint to Rutland County Council and requested a judicial review, as normal they play silly games just as you would expect from Rutland County Council led by the dishonest Chief Executive Helen Briggs in her role is returning officer.

Rutland County Council are aware that I have made verbal complaints to Oakham Town Council, They have requested as part of the process I write to Oakham Town Council, I did that and this morning I have received a letter from the Mayor rather jokingly saying the council will investigate. To help them the evidence of is pasted below.



To decide whether to exclude the Press and Public under the Public Bodies
(Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 during consideration of Item 18 on the agenda due
to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed

18. CO-OPTION (Appendices K(i), K(ii) and K(iii) – Application letters from
candidates for the co-option)

To decide on the co-option of two new members to the Council.
(i) One member for the Oakham North East Ward
(ii) One member for the Oakham North West Ward


It was proposed by Cllr Alf Dewis, seconded by Cllr Stan Stubbs and agreed with 9 votes for and 1 against by Cllr Adam Lowe to exclude the Press and Public under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 during consideration of Item 18 on the agenda due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed

149/13 CO-OPTION (Appendices K(i), K(ii) and K(iii)
Cllr Adam Lowe introduced the item following the interviews by himself, Cllr Alf Dewis and Cllr Mrs Maureen Dodds with three prospective candidates on September 5th 2013.

(i) It was then  proposed by Cllr Mrs Joyce Lucas, seconded by Cllr Stan Stubbs and unanimously agreed that Mrs Leanne Martin be co-opted as a member for the Oakham North East Ward 

(ii) It was then proposed by Cllr Mrs Joyce Lucas, seconded by Cllr Stan Stubbs and unanimously agreed that Mr Simon Dyer be co-opted as a member for the Oakham North West Ward.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oakham Town Council, Election, OSE, Candidates, Martin Brookes, Leanne Martin, Stan Stubbs

Oakham Town Council, Election, OSE, Candidates, Martin Brookes, Leanne Martin, Stan Stubbs

So the rumour was true Oakham Town Council found two candidates to stand against me.

Interesting both candidate live in wards where no one called for an election. it is a pity no one
seems to be able to get of their bums and go out and meet the people and collect signatures
to call for an election.

It is further rumoured these candidates have been told what ever the outcome they will be co-opted.

Mr Stubbs lives almost nest door to the Town Clerk he only moved in last year after buying a house
I have visited many times in the past. I fitted and tiled the kitchen.

Leanne Emma  is not know to me but according to her facebook profile she does not like the NHS
so if elected or co-opted she should get on fine with the deputy Mayor who is employed by the NHS.