Friday, October 29, 2010

Changes at Oakham Town Town Council

Deputy mayor Mark Woodcock said: “I think it is about time we listened to the people of Oakham and the people we represent.

Well said this is something, I have requested over the last year and have been savagely attacked for suggesting this is the purpose of the Council.

I hope Cllr Woodcock is a man of his word along with all the new Councillors.

Lets get a new Clerk
while we are at it! How can you trust a Clerk who supports a lying Councillor.

Get rid of the following Cllrs and dare I say it Oakham will have a Council made up of those who want to serve the town.

Cllr Dewis (Homophobic bigot)
Cllr Lucas (Homophobic bigot)
Cllr Swiffin  (Liar support by the town Clerk)
Cllr Spencer (Beech's puppet)