Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sitting at Leicester Station reading vile comments on my blog.

Sitting at Leicester Station reading vile comments on my blog.

I can only assume they are posted by someone who is unstable and knows me.

Maybe its Gordon Sheasby he tends to spread gossip and sent me a lot of unhelpful e-mails over the past year.

Below is an example of one he sent at the time Cllr Lucas and Dewis attacked us for holding my party in a gay bar this year.

He and other local people discredit me a joke really, The cowardly comments seem to reflect them more than do me.

I am sick of the junk mail and phone calls. This has gone on for far to long I wonder when you are going to stop.

Who ever you are go and get help you need it. PS I don't hate you I pity you.

Why not have that coffee you wanted in the past?

Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 08:02:11 +0000
From: gsheasby@btinternet.com
Subject: Gay Wedding in Oakham today
To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com

There will be a civil partnership sometime today at the registry office in town.A couple from Pboro are getting married,i don't know what time,probs about 2pm. My former friends from Pboro will be in attendance, you can't miss them, one is Asian ,one American, both tall and medium to fat build, and both very OTT and very gay and loud. I don't speak to them now after they upset me at Xmas.They have tried to build bridges with me but i don't want to bother with them anymore, they are an embarassment to gay men, the way the behave.  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=330640546453&index=1
Here is the wedding reception link, it does'nt mention that they are getting married in Oakham, but i know that they definately are, might be a good photo opportunity for your blog to piss off Joyce and Alf as it think it will be a very gay wedding. If you look at the guest list, you will find a a profile with picture of my Former Friends Alex Wehr on the list, his partner the Asian guy Moz Giga is also on Alex profile picture,so you will recognise them if you decide to go and photograph the wedding. It would be good to see what they are dressed up as, i will be out of my house, as i got a feeling that Alex and Moz may call in to try and be friends with me again, and i'm not i nterested