Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I received a email from Helen Briggs Rutland County Council this evening.

I received a email from Helen Briggs Rutland County Council this evening.

I am not sure what she means by defamatory, is that a new word for criticism. Mentioning an officers name like Helen Briggs is not defamatory just because she does not like to be criticised. 

The content of my blog does not contain anything illegal or defamatory, it has been checked, by various people including PC Lloyd who was asked to read every page, His response was it was boring. I don't  know who asked the poor man to read all the posts.
At first I agree at meeting to a block, soon changed my mind when I realised this would be giving the Council the opportunity to do something they had wished to do for some time. At that meeting I was not happy because I had traced the abuse to Rutland County Council it was the legal department who suggested it was coming from the library. After I went away and thought things through I insisted the council should ban the person who was responsible for posting vile comments if it was a library user not stop everyone else viewing.

I had no proof it was coming from the library and felt the council were using this an escape, then I obtained proof that some of the most disgusting filthy comments had been posted from the Council Chamber.

Is it defamatory to say a officer is rude?

Now Helen Briggs has spent so much time thinking how to reply to my complaint, she can get on with finding the bank statements for me and the member of public who made FOI request.

Then get on and reinvest the £19 million to earn a better sum of interest. I hope a Home Economics Degree doesn't tell her to hide it in the tea pot in the kitchen cupboard.

I hope that is not defamation?

Below is Helen Briggs Email 
Dear Mr Brookes

Further to your complaint (email dated 31st January 16:14).

I should like to start by apologising for the fact that the block on members of the public being able to access your blog from the computers in the library has been implemented without you having been informed in advance.

However, I am satisfied that it is the correct action for the Council to take in the circumstances.  You will recall that towards the end of last year we did ask whether you would like public access to be blocked in response to what both you and Council officers considered to be highly inappropriate and offensive material being uploaded when there was some reason to believe that the material was being posted from the library computers.  After initially supporting the idea, you quickly changed your mind, which you were quite entitled to do.  At that time the way in which the internet service was provided to the library would have made it difficult to arrange for the blocking of the website, so we complied with your request.

Mr Pook did advise you at that time that we were intending to install new arrangements which would enable the Council's own IT team to regulate access more directly.  It is the completion of that installation which has led to the blocking of access.  From the Council's point of view it is considered that some of the content which you are posting yourself is defamatory of certain individuals connected with the County Council, especially officers.  Further, enabling continued unrestricted access by the public risks the addition of yet more undesirable material of the type which you too have said you would like to cease.

Access is now blocked also as far as the wireless network in the Catmose meetings area is concerned.  The combination should eliminate the scope for  material offensive to you being posted by any association with the Council's systems, a development which I imagine you would welcome.

Helen Briggs | Chief Executive
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758203 | f: 01572 758385 | e: hbriggs@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk

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