Monday, March 14, 2011

Rutland County Councillor Mr Mark Wells Conservative would prefer to work with Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Rutland County Councillor Mr Mark Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD

Representing: Oakham South East (East of Railway Line, South of South Street, Mill Street and Burley Road)

Mr Mark Wells (Cons)
4, Glebe Way
LE15 6LX

Telephone: 07802277334

He said along with another County Councillor

"He would rather work with Robert Gabriel Mugabe the current President of Zimbabwe than work with Council Leader Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD.

I find this statement disgusting Mr Mugabe's government wants to kill gay people and do many other very bad things. Mr Wells is my ward councillor. This could explain why I am treated in the way I am by the Rutland Conservatives and the Councils

Mr Begy may have his faults but I sure he does not hold Mugabe style views.

Mr Wells is stepping down in May, maybe he should go now?

After the meeting he approached me and asked a favour, "please don't publish the Mugabe thing it will do me a lot of harm"

I thought about it and decided to ignore his request, many of the problems in our area can be attributed to people like him. I most certainly don't owe him any favours.

This was a public meeting and yes Mr Wells, I have the right to publish all that is said at that meeting.