Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last chance to see Arts for Rutland hippos

Last chance to see Arts for Rutland hippos

Hippos seen and stolen from around the county last summer are on display for the last time.
The Hippos described as works of art are at Rutland County Museum in Catmos Street, Oakham,
until May 4.

They will return to St. George’s Barracks in North Luffenham to be auctioned in aid of the Army Benevolent Fund and Arts for Rutland on May 21.

Arts for Rutland project officer Joy Everitt said in the Rutland Times: “We’ve already had a really high level of interest in this event just from word-of-mouth and I think people are getting genuinely excited about having the chance to own a piece of Rutland history.” I have not heard any exciting comments, the most common comment I hear is what a waste of Arts Council money and the over excitement of Joy Everitt on Rutland Radio saying "the bar will be open late and I mean very late"

I also heard her say some sponsoring companies have been given Hippo's, since when has sponsorship meant ownership of tax payers property? (Art Council Money is tax payers money, before one of her mob leaves a rude comment)

Tickets are £35 from 07770 543118.