Friday, April 15, 2011

Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey The Survey (2)

Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey 

The Survey (2)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey Introduction (1)

You are Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey The Survey (2)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey The Results (3)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey Comments (4)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey Recommendations (5)


The survey was undertaken on a face-to-face basis between mid December 2010 and mid February 2011. A total of 64 responses were obtained from traders/owners and were classified into five areas, central Oakham (High Street and roads running off High Street). Inner Oakham (businesses located in the centre of the Town on roads not attached to the High Street) Pillings Road Industrial Estate, Station Approach and other locations in Oakham.

There were:

42 responses from central Oakham
7 responses from inner Oakham
4 responses from Pillings Road 
5 responses from other areas