Sunday, August 02, 2015

Derby City Photographs

Michael Thomas Bass, DL (6 July 1799 – 29 April 1884) was an English brewer
and a member of Parliament. Under his leadership, the Bass Brewery became the
largest brewery in the world and the best known brand of beer in England. Bass
represented Derby in the House of Commons as a member of the Liberal Party
between 1848 and 1883

Peter Pan Derby

Hotel Ristorante La Gondola Derby was featured on TV Gordon Ramsay's
Kitchen Nightmares

Derby Telegraph

Public Scales Derby Market

the old Derbyshire Royal Infirmary

British Heat Foundation Shop Derby

The former Green Lane Congregational Church Derby

almshouses. Owned and managed by the Liversage Trust which,
dating from 1529, is Derby's oldest charity

Charles Edward Stuart Bonnie Prince Charlie Statue Derby

Dedicated Accident Solicitors Derby

Derby City Council offices

Florence Nightingale Statue Derby

Formerly The Metro Cinema and Derby Uni Art College, Green Lane, Derby

The Fish Market Derby

Photography Derby

Silk Mill Derby

Rolls Royce Club Derby