Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oakham Town Council The Standards Committee complaint

Cllr Martin Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

The Standards Committee
Rutland County Council

17th April 2010

Dear Sirs/Madam

After seeking legal advice I wish to clarify my complaints and add additional names and complaints.

All my previous complaints excluding Cllr Jan Fillingham, must be dealt with as requested.

I would like to make a formal complaint against Oakham Town Council excluding Cllr George Swiffin (off Sick) and Cllr Mark Woodcock (who has always been a gentleman)

Cllr Jan Fillingham, (I include Cllr Jan Fillingham in this complaint after the town clerk told me she is mentally fit to carry out council work at home, although she is not able to attend meetings since my election.)
Cllr Sharon Spencer,

Cllr Joyce Lucas,

Cllr Charles Haworth,

Cllr Alf Dewis,

Cllr Maureen Dodds ,

The Town Clerk Richard White,

My complaint is as follows.

Since my election I have been subjected to Homophobic Discrimination, Victimisation, Harassment and Bullying

Nearly all Councillors ignore me. The Town Clerk accuses me of bullying when I ask questions.

The conduct of Oakham Town council has made me consider bringing proceedings under the anti-discrimination act.

The legal definition of this is:

For the purposes of the anti-discrimination legislation,

Harassment is -

-unwanted conduct
-on one or more prohibited grounds which
- has the purpose or effect of
- violating the recipients dignity
-or of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the recipient.

Oakham Town Council has shown me unwanted conduct.

(I made it very clear I did not want any further private chats with members.)

Oakham Town Council have harassed on grounds sexual orientation.

So, for example, they are bullying me because I am gay, this constitutes harassment.

Oakham Town Council have told me I should not frequent gay bars or publish photographs I have taken of a drag queen on my blog, because I am bringing the council into disrepute and also my position of councillor.

Oakham Town Councils conduct is harassment, the conduct complained about has the purpose or effect of violating my dignity, they also create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and offensive environment for me.

It makes no difference whether the conduct was intended to have either of these effects.

The fact that if they intended as a joke, or that no offence was meant, is no excuse.

The meeting held by Councillors Joyce Lucas and Alf Dewis was offensive to me and certainly effected my dignity. My Birthday memories have been destroyed as I was made to feel my conduct was dirty, second class and demeaning.

I trust the Standards Committee will deal with my complaint appropriate.

I also ask the councillors who have caused me to bring this action against the whole of Oakham Town Council to seriously consider their position as councillors.

Especially Cllr Joyce Lucas and Alf Dewis and others who requested they held the meeting.

If I feel you have not dealt with this complaint fairly I will bring proceeding against Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council under the anti-discrimination legislation.

Your sincerely

Cllr Martin Brookes