Showing posts with label Cllr Martin Brookes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Martin Brookes. Show all posts

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Letter received to The Editor, Rutland Times and Mercury

Just received a copy of a letter sent to the Rutland Times and Rutland Mercury Editor

The Editor, Rutland Times and Mercury                                                                                
5 November 2011

I refer to articles you published with such bias and inaccuracy in the Rutland Times of 3 November ‘Councillor broke code of conduct,’ and in the Rutland Mercury of 4 November ‘Councillor breached rules six times.’
It is a pity that the local paper fails to send reporters to Oakham Town Council meetings.  If you did so you would ascertain that Cllr Brookes tries to keep the Council fiscally and democratically responsible, and it is an uphill battle.  He is reported by you as having ‘displayed an obscene poster on an official notice board.’  However you failed to report that this was a copy of a malicious posting, which was put onto his web page by those who seek to limit Cllr Brookes’ effectiveness in representing local constituents.  Both Cllr Brookes and the person in whose name they were fraudulently and maliciously posted, complained to the police and the police took no action, refusing to give the incident a crime number.
Subsequently a complaint to Police Standards found that Inspector Monks had a ‘point of learning’ attached to his personnel file in relation to his inaction in this incident.  I note that the local paper failed to publish the true details of this event.  With such biased reporting is it any wonder that the local paper fails to thrive.  The press should hold those in local democracy to account.  The fact that your paper is so far in bed with those in power on our Council that is fails to report on serious matters of financial impropriety leads one to suspect that your paper is nothing more than a propaganda sheet for the ruling party.  There is much to be concerned about locally both on Oakham Town Council and at Rutland County Council, most of it due to the financial mess they are creating.
Local Councillors appear to believe they have some sort of ‘divine right’ and when, at the local elections in May, the Chief Executive of RCC and Conservatives on RCC tried to steal an election for a local Conservative, Peter Jones, your paper failed to report the thorough undermining of the democratic processes and five recounts.  Is it any wonder that at times Cllr Brookes has occasionally taken steps to ensure that members of the local Conservative Party are exposed for the way in which they conduct themselves?

(Name and address provided )

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Leicestershire Constabulary are Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments

Leicestershire Constabulary are Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments

Leicestershire Constabulary Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments to past Chairmans

At the last meeting of Oakham Town Council the Clerk admitted previous Chairman's / Mayors had not accounted for their expenses.

I feel this is worse than the MP's expenses scandal at least they provided receipts.

I first questioned the payments in 2009 and was told by the Clerk the Chairman / Mayor was entitled to the payments tax free. Cllr Fillingham was paid around £2,000 and attended very few meetings due to illness.
I was told back then she would not be returning any of the money because she was entitled to it.

The current internal auditor has ruled this unacceptable and should not have happened and this year the Chairman / Mayor must provide receipts for all her expenses. Something I would think the tax payer would expect and surely a highly paid Clerk would have expected. As I said before he is either incompetent or corrupt.

I don't know the full figure that has been paid since Richard White has been the Clerk, he was very clear in what he said at the last meeting this had happened and can not continue.

At the same meeting new councillors raised the same concerns about how the Clerk presents accounts to members. The same things were said, when I was new. Maybe with a little more tact, I described them using the words of a accountant  friend they are rubbish and then Clerk complained to Standards and said I was bullying him, I apologised if he felt I was bullying him and he accepted that. I mentioned this at the last council meeting and reminded him of the tribunal and he aggressively said I am glad!

At the same meeting the Clerk said the accounts had improved since he became Clerk, When he took over he said everthing was in a terrible mess. I wonder if Mr Adams would agree with that claim.

He has since told me he is a good friend of Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council, so it doesn't surprise me that so many of his complaints against me were fast tracked through the local standards to Standards for England.

I guess the easy way for this to be dealt with is if past Chairman's who have not accounted for their expenses correctly should get their cheque books out and return the money to the council.

I always wondered why these people have been so determined to see me removed from the council. It would appear what I have said many times before is becoming true this council  has a lot to hide!

It will be interesting to see how far Leicestershire Constabulary will look into the financial affairs of the council.
Or is time the external auditor listened and took a look and stopped listening to Rutland County Council and the Clerk when they tell the auditor don't worry Brookes is just mad ignore him.

The internal auditor has picked up on one item that they tried to shut me up about.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council Cover Up

Orders have been sent to Oakham Towns Assistant Clerk to assist Rutland County Council and Leicestershire Constabulary in covering  up the digusting campaign of hate and homophobic conduct of the Conservative Councillors and there supporters

The Assistant Clerk had been attempting to assist me to end this vile campaign.

The most disturbing aspect is the twitter and hate mail of a perverted nature, The twitter is sent by Roger Begys chum David Burton.

Email from Assistant Clerk

RE: RE: Taxi

12.32 pm

Martin, unfortunately I’ve been told as this is not Oakham Town Council business, I’m unable to help you, sorry.

It is not clear if the instruction has come from Rutland County Council or the Clerk Richard White who has told me only in the last few days Roger Begy  is a close friend of his.

That would explain why he gets away with  breaking financial regulations as an when it suits him.

I was told the Council  does not need to obtain quotes for services like solicitor or surveyors when the financial regulations require 3 quotes for expenditure.

He says he knows the councils  new solictor and the surveyor round the corner so we don't need quotes.

Some times I wonder why Oakham Town Council needs Councillor when it has a clerk who is so well connected and appoint who he feels like. Using the excuse we don't have time to get quotes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Cutts Close Oakham Wins Green Flag Status

Oakham Town Council, Cutts Close Oakham Wins Green Flag Status


Once again Oakham Town Council decides only to notify a select few. I heard this news on Rutland Radio News first thing this morning. The Green Flag web site confirms the good news.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Rutland County Council say its not an offence to ask people, Not To Vote Tory

During the election campaign I produced many leaflets asking people in Oakham to Vote on May 5th I said if they wanted change don't vote for a Tory.

Conservative Councillor Gene Plews, felt this may have been illegal. He had a conversation with Geoff Pook, Head of Corporate Governance of Rutland County Council.

Who responded via e-mail: (my ref 002)

From: Geoffrey Pook
Sent: 08th April 2011 15:54
To: Gene Plews
Cc: Roger Begy; Helen Briggs
Subject: Vote Leaflets placed on Vehicles

Hello Gene.

Further to our conversation yesterday, I do not believe that an election offence has been committed by the
distribution of the small papers bearing Mr Brookes's name.

If he distributed them in the ward in which he is a candidate, then he should account for any cost incurred
as part of his election expenses return. The same would be true for any other candidate who had asked him
to distribute them in other wards, but seems rather unlikely, especially as the handwritten message is a negative
one rather than an indication of support for specific candidates.


Geoff Pook Head of Corporate Governance.
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP


Conservative Councillor Gene Plews replied

From: Gene Plews
Sent: 08 April 2011 21:01
To: Geoffrey Pook
Cc: Helen Briggs
Subject: RE: Vote Leaflets placed on Vehicles

Thanks Geoff for the quick response-much appreciated,

Regards Gene

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playing Ball in Melton Mowbray Park, Photography

Playing Ball in Melton Mowbray Park, Photography

Monday, May 23, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Christmas Carol Concert Returns to Oakham Castle

Oakham Town Council Carol Concert is moving back Oakham Castle
For many years the Carol Concert has be held in the Parish Church.
All Saints Church,Oakham

The Mayor and Chairman Cllr Joyce Lucas has decided to return to the tradition that was ended
after asbestos was found in the castle some years ago and the concert venue had to be relocated
at short notice to the church.

The Castle has been booked for the Carol Concert on Thursday 15th December.

The Mayor has also brought back another tradition and will be reappointing a Chaplain the denomination of this chaplain is not currently known.

She has also ordered that bunting is put up for the Homecoming Parade for personnel from St. George's Barracks

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oakham Town Council, New Floodlight, Oakham Skate Park

Oakham Town Council has fitted a new floodlight to illuminate the skate park in Cutts Close
It is hoped this light will attract the young people away from Tesco late evening and help reduce
anti social behaviour effecting the residents who live nearby in South Street.

Part of .cost was met by Leicestershire Constabulary.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Annual Meeting of Oakam Town Council Wednesday 18th May 2011 My proposals

Annual Meeting of Oakam Town Council Wednesday 18th May 2011 My proposals

Written Proposals for the meeting of the Annual Meeting of Oakham Town Council
18th May 2011 at 6pm

1. Election of Chairman

a. I propose members agree to suspend Standing order 6(0)

b. I request the vote is recorded for item 1 of the Agenda

c. Item 1. I propose the following nomination for the Election of Chairman of the council:

Councillor Joyce Lucas should be elected to serve the people of Oakham as Chairman of Oakham Town Council due to her maturity and knowledge of Oakham.

2. Election of Vice Chairman

a. I propose members agree to suspend Standing order 6(0)

b.I request the vote is recorded for item 5 of the Agenda

c. Item 5. I propose the following nomination for the Election of Vice Chairman of the council.

Councillor Charles Haworth should be elected assist the Chairman and to serve the people of Oakham as Vice Chairman of Oakham Town Council due to long standing commitment to Oakham Town Council.

3. Committees Item 10

In the past when numbers of members have been low this matter has been dealt with a places were saved for new members if they wished to take up any of the roles. After carefully considering all the outside bodies, I would only be interested in representing the council on the following two organisations.
my first preference is Trustees of Victoria Hall followed by Voluntary Action Rutlland.

I propose members consider the agenda it item 10 and propose my own nomination to be appointed as the Council representative for the Trustees of Victoria Hall and Voluntary Action Rutland.

4. Grants Policy - Cllr Brookes

Now that Oakham has no carnival committee I feel the grants policy needs changing to allow applications from other outside groups. New rules effect how Arts groups can gain funding from councils. this included the following: the groups must provided accounts and proof of match funding.
Oakham Town Council currently only accepts applications from a few named groups this stops many groups in their tracks and this is unfair. For example if the resident of the town had decided it wanted to hold a dignified Royal wedding street party in the center of town they would not have been able to apply for a grant to cover costs. The council has recently granted the poppy party money, I do not object to this grant I simply use this as an example of how the rule has not been enforced by the past council. It has been suggested the council may wish to consider it no longer awards grant to any group, I think this would be a huge PR disaster.

I propose the following:

a. Oakham Town Council accepts grant applications from all community groups organisations, individuals and considers those applications referring to current legislation.

(I have included individuals, because I am led to believe Oakham Town Council has done this in the past by sponsoring the Sarah Outon)

Cllr. Martin Brookes
Oakham Town Council

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blaby, May Fair, Thistly Meadow PTA, Thistly Meadow School,

Blaby, May Fair, Thistly Meadow PTA, Thistly Meadow School,

Saturday 14th May 1.00pm - 3.00pm

Thistly Meadow School
Hospital Lane

Games, displays, stalls, teas, etc

Contact: 0116 277 5648

Illston WI, Open Meeting, Life and Other Problems

Illston WI, Open Meeting, Life and Other Problems

Thursday 12th May 7.30pm

Meeting at the Village Hall Illston on the Hill

Contact 0116 259 6713

Friday, February 18, 2011

Abi Moore performs at Red Lion at Market Rasen free entry

Hello Martin

Thought I'd send a quick email before I get ready for tonight's show
Red Lion at Market Rasen, 9pm-
Free entry if you fancy it! I'm hoping I may be joined by a special guest musician too!

It's mid- February already and I haven't sent any news or uploaded any new videos- apologies!
What I have been doing is coming up with a new show that I'm very excited about.
I've been scouring the land (well, Lincolnshire & Rutland) for the loveliest village halls in which to put them!

The new show is called Songwriters of the 70's and I'll be celebrating the best songwriters
of that era- Joni Mitchell, Carole King, James Taylor, Stevie Wonder, John Denver, Bob Dylan,
Simon & Garfunkel et al. All these artists influenced my style and I thought it might be time
to pay homage to them all in a special show.

The first of these will be on:

Saturday, April 2nd- 7.30pm: Barkston & Syston Village Hall
Main Road, Barkston, Nr Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2NH
Tickets are £6 from Honest Records on 01476 560041, from the venue on 01400 250518 or online at: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/108091

It does seem a long way off but tickets are already selling without me having promoted it properly yet, so I thought I'd better let you know now! Each one will be a seated, ticketed, theatre- style show with candle- lit tables, and I may try and get creative and do some baking to treat you all in the interval too! There's a bar for non- alcoholic refreshments, but feel free to bring your own bottle.  This will be followed by shows in Wing and Swayfield in May- see www.abimoore.com for more details.

So that's it for now! If you're in Lincolnshire and can't make it to tonight's show (sounding like it's going to be fairly packed out already) then I'll be playing at Smiths of Bourne on Sat 26th Feb. I'm heading over to York on Mon 14th March to play at the very beautiful Basement Bar at the City Screen Cinema. See the website for more info!

Health and happiness,

Abi x


Thursday, January 13, 2011

OAKHAM TOWN COUNCIL BUDGET 2011 - 2012 1p Gift To All

2011 - 2012 1p Gift To All


I misunderstood the Clerk at last nights meeting Oakham Town Council has saved every Tax Payer 1p

Members of the Town Council approved a budget of £209,690 for the 2011 - 2012 financial year.

This equates to an average amount of £52.13 for each household in Oakham and forms just one part of the overall Council Tax demand from Rutland County Council.

The amount in 2010 - 2011 was £52.14 per household.

Please click here to see the approved budget.

Case Summary - Oakham Town Council Cllr Martin Brookes

Case Summary - Oakham Town Council

Case no.SBE-10830-YQYRZ, SBE-10831-X56TG, SBE-10862-4J5V1, SBE-10863-S3D3P, SBE-10864-8LGKP, SBE-10897-NQJGC  SBE-10898-PKXBD, SBE-10899-3V72L, SBE-10900-73Z4N, SFE-000009, SFE-000014, SFE-000023, SFE-000026, SFE-000027
Adjudication Panel Tribunal no.TBC
Member(s):Mr Martin Brookes
Date received:15 Jun 2010
Date completed: 21 Dec 2010


Allegations included that Councillor Brookes made false accusations, inaccurate statements, disrespectful and abusive comments on his blogs and that he caused criminal damage to council property, displayed offensive images in a public place

Standards Board outcome:

The ethical standards officer referred the matter to the First-tier Tribunal (Local Government Standards in England) for determination.

Case Summary

This case has been referred to the First-tier Tribunal for determination.
For more information on this case, contact the First-tier Tribunal.

Relevant paragraphs of the Code of Conduct

3(1). You must treat others with respect
3(2)(b) You must not bully anyone

5. You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing your office or authority into disrepute.

Relevant links

The Adjudication Panel for England

04 January 2011

Friday, November 26, 2010

Martin Brookes Standards For England Oakham Town Council Statement 2


This week I received a transcript of my final statement relating to the ridiculous volume complaints made against me by Rutland Chat Room members and Oakham Town Councillors and their friends.

And the sole complaint RCC allowed to be passed to Standards For England regarding Cllr Joyce Lucas Conduct. (I am told she is a Liberal Democrat and this is why it allowed to be investigated none of my complaint against any of the Tory mob have been dealt with correctly)

It is clear from Standards questions from day one Oakham Town Council were not going to accept me as a Councillor and the friends like Mr Beech who asked the Town Clerk Richard White what he was going to do to get rid of me. I  don’t know what he expected them to do as at the same time he had raised five complaints against members because they he say showed him no respect when he came begging £12,000 from the council to set up another boys club with tax payers money.

Despite finding out Councillors told Standards they did not trust me and that is why they obstructed me, (Who do they think they are?) I continue to give up hours of my time to assist with the investigation.

I said I would be open as far as the law will allow with what I can publish.

So here are photograph of  my two statements.

These people have cost the tax payer a huge sum of money, just to stop me being a Councillor.

I still question why they did not stand some one of their thick friends like Cllr Dewis against me.
Surely that would have been cheaper.

And why did Rutland County Council call me in to a private meeting with Mr Pook and the head of corporate service days before the deadline for candidates? They were also able to remove postings attacking me on the Rutland Chat Forum when I said I would complain to the electoral commission.

Although it looks a lot of text it is
not a complete accurate transcript of the recorded interview.

I do not say Yeah or You Know and why all the …….  ?

If you click on a page below it should enlarge…

Click Here to read Statement One 

Martin Brookes Oakham Town Council and Standards For England

This week I received a transcript of my final statement relating to the ridiculous volume complaints made against me by Rutland Chat Room members and Oakham Town Councillors and their friends.

And the sole complaint RCC allowed to be passed to Standards For England regarding Cllr Joyce Lucas Conduct. (I am told she is a Liberal Democrat and this is why it allowed to be investigated none of my complaint against any of the Tory mob have been dealt with correctly)

It is clear from Standards questions from day one Oakham Town Council were not going to accept me as a Councillor and the friends like Mr Beech who asked the Town Clerk Richard White what he was going to do to get rid of me. I  don’t know what he expected them to do as at the same time he had raised five complaints against members because they he say showed him no respect when he came begging £12,000 from the council to set up another boys club with tax payers money.

Despite finding out Councillors told Standards they did not trust me and that is why they obstructed me, (Who do they think they are?) I continue to give up hours of my time to assist with the investigation.

I said I would be open as far as the law will allow with what I can publish.

So here are photograph of  my two statements.

These people have cost the tax payer a huge sum of money, just to stop me being a Councillor.

I still question why they did not stand some one of their thick friends like Cllr Dewis against me.
Surely that would have been cheaper.

And why did Rutland County Council call me in to a private meeting with Mr Pook and the head of corporate service days before the deadline for candidates? They were also able to remove postings attacking me on the Rutland Chat Forum when I said I would complain to the electoral commission.

Although it looks a lot of text it is
not a complete accurate transcript of the recorded interview.

I do not say Yeah or You Know and why all the …….  ?

If you click on a page below it should enlarge…

Click Here to read Statement 2