Showing posts with label Cutts Close Oakham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cutts Close Oakham. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cottesmore Hunt annual Boxing Day meet, Cutts Close Oakham

Cottesmore Hunt annual Boxing Day meet

Friday December 26th

all welcome, the hunt will parade up the High Street, then branch off onto
Station Road, and back onto Burley Road. Collection for the charity
'For Rutland In Rutland'

Cutts Close

The event runs from 11:00 am to 11:30 am

Friday, March 14, 2014

Pinders Circus, Cutts Close Oakham, Rutland, Photographs, 2014

You would not believe how many photographs I took to catch nearly
all the lights on, I say nearly all as the left star was not fully iluninated.

I often give up waiting for the wind to unfurl flags just by luck that
happened here at the same time.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

The Last of The Spring Daffodils, Cutts Close Oakham, Photographs

The Last of The Spring Daffodils, Cutts Close Oakham, Photographs

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seagull, Cutts Close Oakham, Photograph

Seagull, Cutts Close Oakham, Photograph

Monday, July 30, 2012

Wrinkle Rock Performed at Oakham's Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Bandstand Oakham Rutland Photographs

Wrinkle Rock Performed at Oakham's Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Bandstand Oakham Rutland Photographs

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Dancing to Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Designed Costa Litter

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham Queem Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Bandstand

Listening to Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Not sure what this dance is Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Dancing to Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham In the rain shower 

during the last number of their performance

A very grand dog listens to Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

CllrJoyce Lucas handing out not so green plastic flags to celebrate Cutts Close being awarded the Green Flag 

from the Keep Britain Tidy Group during Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Former Oakham Mayor Paul Beech enjoying Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Oakham Town Councils Mayor Councillor Alf Dewis talks to the public 

while Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Oakham Town Councils Mayor and Chairman of their Council enjoys a cup of tea during 

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Cllr Dewis now wears a name badge matching Cllr Adam Lowe

Cllr Dewis explained "It's because I keep forgetting my name"

Dancer during Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Dancer during Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

The shower during the last number did not spoil it for people enjoying 
Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

The shower during the last number did not spoil it for people enjoying 

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Wrinkle Rock Performing Cutts Close Oakham

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Oakham Town Council will spend £225 + fitting new homes for birds RSPB

Oakham Town Council is to fit 20 bird boxes in Cutts Close Oakham.

The Clerk has been in touch with the RSPB regarding the installation of bird boxes in the park.

The Clerk is looking into how the bird boxes should be fixed to the trees.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cutts Close Oakham Town Council foot path Closure.

Cutts Close Oakham Town Council foot path Closure.

Letter sent to Rutland County Council, Rights of Way.

Dear Sir/Madam

Rutland County Council Rights of Way, Re: Cutts Close Oakham

Last week Oakham Town Council erected barriers to close a well used footpath in Cutts Close.
This was done for safety reasons.

A lot of the public are ignoring this closure, because they don't  feel the danger is that great, even when pushing a child in a push chair they make it to the end of the path, they then find  most difficult part is negotiating around the barrier.

It is likely the council will or has decided to remove this well used path because this would be cheaper than repair.

Is there is any legislation that protects this footpath as a right of way and would therefore ensure the council reinstates the path which has been used and enjoyed by the public over many years?

Cllr. Martin Brookes
Oakham Town Council

13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

Your other Oakham South East ward Councillors are

Cllr Adam Lowe and Cllr Rob Guthrie



Oakham Town Coucil can be contacted via the web


By Post:
Oakham Town Council,
Victoria Hall,
39, High Street,
LE15 6AH

By Telephone:
(01572) 723627

By Fax:
(01572) 759395

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oakham Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas leads Rock n Roll dancing in the park photographs

Oakham Mayor leads Rock n Roll dancing in the park.

Oakham Town Council Mayor Counillor Joyce Lucas, Jives with husband Bob Lucas

Oakham Town Councillor Alf Dewis can remember all the moves.

Oakham Town Councillor John Nowell (Blue Shorts) and his family enjoying the Wrinkle Rock Band Concert

One of Oakham's gangland dogs, just checking things out!

Oakham Mayor still dancing away.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Cutts Close Oakham Wins Green Flag Status

Oakham Town Council, Cutts Close Oakham Wins Green Flag Status


Once again Oakham Town Council decides only to notify a select few. I heard this news on Rutland Radio News first thing this morning. The Green Flag web site confirms the good news.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cottesmore Hunt Cutts Close Oakham Rutland Photographs

Cottesmore Hunt Cutts Close Oakham Rutland

click on photographs to enlarge

 To see a fox outside the Leicester Mercury Click Here
Burley Road Oakham
The meeting of the Boxing Day Hunt was moved
to Holiday Monday

The hounds enjoying the snow


 A large crowd gathered

 This lady was one of a few who braved the cold
to collect money for Macmillan Nurses