Showing posts with label Councillor Joyce Lucas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Councillor Joyce Lucas. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

Councillor Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Councillor and Former Mayor, Fit for the Job?

Recently I was arrested after once again Cllr Joyce Lucas, falsely accused me of harassing and stalking her.

The charges were chucked out by the CPS.

Cllr Joyce Lucas (left) MP Alan Duncan (right) this photograph
was posed with the full agreement of both people shown, after Cllr Lucas 
had completed last years police statement telling police she did not 
like me taking her photo and two days before I was arrested (nutty woman?)

I find it very odd this special relationship those connected to our local governance enjoy of our local police
"Hot Fuzz"

Mrs Lucas complains when I highlight her selfish expenditure whilst she was Mayor all information obtained via Freedom of Information.

In her police statement the crazy councillor says that when I first arrived in Oakham she was upset by a comment she falsely claims I made.

""he was going to destroy the Town Council", what sort of comment is that to make?

I moved to Oakham on the 16th April 2006 I had no interest in local politics at that time. I was unaware at that point the Town had such an out dated form of local governance as many towns don't have Town Councils made up of money spending egotistic nuts like we here in Oakham have to endure.

Mrs Lucas says "I have tried to stay out of the way of him as I am terrified of a face to face confrontation with him, that really worries me.

If Mrs Lucas stopped gossiping and spreading the most vile descriptions of me around our fine town then
maybe she would not fear me. Although I must say I am not into bashing egotistic, sick sad old ladies.

I ask if Mrs Lucas "is fit the job" because she goes on to say her doctor has prescribed her medication to help with her sleepless nights worrying about me writing about her council activities.

I cant mention other outstanding case statements, but reading them it is surprising how many of those connected to our local councils are being treated for mental conditions or have been offered it.

Mrs Lucas in her two page statement says I write lies about her and mis-represent her.

This is no lie Mrs Lucas walk your ward and listen carefully to how residents describe you. I think
you might just find the truth rather distressing.

In think you experienced a taste of those thoughts when you planted the trees on the Royce Playing field
and a sole resident was brave enough to attend a meeting and face you!

Cllr Lucas finishes her statement with "As a member of the Town Council I should be able to state my opinions and have the freedom to debate Council matters as they arise, however I am stressed and worried about how BROOKES will misrepresent what I have said, as is demonstrated in the blogs I have provided. I want to be able to go about  my day to day life without being in fear of what this man will say or do about me."

Very sad indeed Mrs Lucas enjoys controlled publicity for example at least two, three or more mentions in the local press a week, she enjoys the freedom to write a column in the Rutland Times described by the educated as "toilet humour" Dare anyone respond to her often public patronising preaching down to her subjects. Mrs Lucas wishes to enjoy freedoms her and her mob are not willing to afford anyone else who
does not happen to agree with her way of thinking.

I hope Mrs Lucas will stop harassing me and move on. I have just received a phone call from
DS McDonald asking me to think about what I publish.

I am sorry if the truth offends you Mrs Lucas
but when you move on I will. I don't run to the Inspector complaining about you every day.

Of course I still have nightmares of when you grabbed me and kissed me at a council meeting.

I still find your homophobic views offensive, but then its hard to train an old dog new tricks
and as we know all good Christian folk like you are so forgiving and all embracing?

PS  think about the cost of all your complaints to the public purse, its most likely to be more than your decadent chocolate shot glasses?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oakham Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas leads Rock n Roll dancing in the park photographs

Oakham Mayor leads Rock n Roll dancing in the park.

Oakham Town Council Mayor Counillor Joyce Lucas, Jives with husband Bob Lucas

Oakham Town Councillor Alf Dewis can remember all the moves.

Oakham Town Councillor John Nowell (Blue Shorts) and his family enjoying the Wrinkle Rock Band Concert

One of Oakham's gangland dogs, just checking things out!

Oakham Mayor still dancing away.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Oakham Mayor, Councillor Joyce Lucas, writing for the Rutland Times, Oakham Town Council

Dear Oakham Town Council

I read the Mayors article in this weeks Rutland Times.

Can you please explain when her husband was officially made Consort?
I suggest we take the chain out of storage and give it a dusting and
present it to him very soon.

Also I would be very interested to know which council has spent so
much time on the Localism bill? she says its a top priority? I have never
discussed this matter at any council meeting, I don't believe I have
missed any meetings.

Can I suggest our Mayor gets a job in PR and Marketing, because she
has given a huge spin on what Oakham Town Council does.

Cllr. Martin Brookes

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Royal British Legion Oakham Branch, Welfare Fund, Oakham Mayor, Councillor Joyce Lucas

NEW CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN ELECTEDAt its Annual Meeting held on Wednesday 18th May, Cllr Mrs Joyce Lucas was elected Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year.
Cllr Mrs Lucas has chosen the Royal British Legion Oakham Branch Welfare Fund as her charity for the year.
Cllr Charles Haworth was elected as Vice Chairman  (Oakham Town Council News)

Dear Oakham Town Council,

I wrote yesterday, regarding The Royal British Legion fund raising.

A local person was told there is no longer an Oakham Branch of The Royal British Legion.

They have a passion for supporting the legion and contacted the headquarters in London and were advised they should approach the Stamford Branch.

They did and successfully raised substantial funds by producing cards for sale.

They have seen from councils web site and note the Mayors Charity this year is The Royal British Legion Oakham Branch Welfare Fund.

They are asking me does this mean there is now a resurrected branch of the Royal Oakham British Legion?
If so who are the committee members and how do they contact them.

Can we also provide information about the welfare fund and details of who manages this fund and the registered charity number please.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oakham Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas Acceptance Speech

Oakham Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas Acceptance Speech

Thank you for giving me this opportunity . I took the initials  . TC.
Let me take ‘T’ first.
‘T’ stands for Town. We are here to serve the residents of the Town of Oakham.
‘T’ stands for Teamwork. No one can do the job of Town Councillor on their own it has to be Teamwork.
There has to be Trust. We have to Trust each other to do the job, albeit as a volunteer, to the best of their ability.
We need to be Tolerant and listen to others points of view.
We need to have Targets and we need to meet those targets.
I will not listen to Tarrididdle, now there is an old fashioned word for you. Some dictionaries define this as and I quote ‘gossip’. I could have used Tittle Tackle . I suggest others follow my example.
‘T’ stands for tradition and tonight I bring back the tradition of, after the meeting has closed then everyone is invited to Toast the work of the Town Council. I hope all will take part.
Now for the letter ‘C’
‘C’, in the wider picture it stands for County but most importantly also stands for Community..the Community of Oakham.
‘C’ also stands for Chairman...dictionary definition...a person who presides over a meeting. A principal director of a firm with other directors. Substitute ‘director/s for member/s’..
We have to be ready for the Challenge of Change. We have to Communicate in a Civilised manner.
We have to give Consideration to others and be Courteous at all times.
Let us  cut out the Chit Chat  and Concentrate on what is important to the Town.
Now to put the two initials together.
‘T.C’ stands for Town Council and Total Commitment.
And another ‘T’

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Councillor Joyce Lucas, New Oakham Mayor, 2011, Photographs

Councillor Joyce Lucas, New Oakham Mayor, 2011, Photographs

Councillor Joyce Lucas was nominated by controversial Town Councillor Martin Brookes.
Councillor Lucas was duly elected by all but one member to serve as the Chairman and Towns Mayor for the next year.

The AGM was attended by 3 member of the public.

One public deputation was in the form of a question, can we refuse to a accept a council representative on their outside committee, the answer was given yes.

This has only been done once when the Oakham Festival refused to accept Cllr Martin Brookes last year.

The whole matter of electing members to represent the council on outside groups was deferred to the policy committee. Some members feel the council is involved with to many outside groups. So the member of the public may get lucky and have no Councillor on there committee.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Cercis siliquastrum, Judas Tree, Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas, planted

Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas a member of one of the counties finest and most efficient Town Councils possible the best this country knows, planted this Cercis siliquastrum, commonly known as Judas Tree, it is a small deciduous tree from Southern Europe and and this year you can see it is full bloom looking really splendid in the setting of Rutland County County Council Arboretum. The Arboretum compliments a very fine County Council.

Councillor Joyce Lucas fondly remembers the first time she planted one of these trees in her own garden, it was when she was a County Councillor and voted for the closure of a popular School and some nice local folk gave her the same name back then. Since then she has lost that name she became known as the witch, but her hard work and efforts has wiped that title clean away and she is known locally for her superb work for charity and her clean up behind your dog mess and responsible dog ownership campaign.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Councillor Joyce Lucas, Resigned from the Friends of Rutland County Museum

Councillor Joyce Lucas, Resigns from the Friends of Rutland County Museum.

Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas has resigned from the friends of Rutland County Museum.
The reason is not clear, it could be because she disagreed with the big sell off or a disapproval of the forthcoming CAMRA Beer festival to be held in the museum this summer.

One thing that was very clear she is very critical of the staff employed at the museum. "No local knowledge" amongst other things.