Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oakham Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas Acceptance Speech

Oakham Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas Acceptance Speech

Thank you for giving me this opportunity . I took the initials  . TC.
Let me take ‘T’ first.
‘T’ stands for Town. We are here to serve the residents of the Town of Oakham.
‘T’ stands for Teamwork. No one can do the job of Town Councillor on their own it has to be Teamwork.
There has to be Trust. We have to Trust each other to do the job, albeit as a volunteer, to the best of their ability.
We need to be Tolerant and listen to others points of view.
We need to have Targets and we need to meet those targets.
I will not listen to Tarrididdle, now there is an old fashioned word for you. Some dictionaries define this as and I quote ‘gossip’. I could have used Tittle Tackle . I suggest others follow my example.
‘T’ stands for tradition and tonight I bring back the tradition of, after the meeting has closed then everyone is invited to Toast the work of the Town Council. I hope all will take part.
Now for the letter ‘C’
‘C’, in the wider picture it stands for County but most importantly also stands for Community..the Community of Oakham.
‘C’ also stands for Chairman...dictionary definition...a person who presides over a meeting. A principal director of a firm with other directors. Substitute ‘director/s for member/s’..
We have to be ready for the Challenge of Change. We have to Communicate in a Civilised manner.
We have to give Consideration to others and be Courteous at all times.
Let us  cut out the Chit Chat  and Concentrate on what is important to the Town.
Now to put the two initials together.
‘T.C’ stands for Town Council and Total Commitment.
And another ‘T’