Thursday, January 13, 2011

Case Summary - Oakham Town Council Cllr Martin Brookes

Case Summary - Oakham Town Council

Case no.SBE-10830-YQYRZ, SBE-10831-X56TG, SBE-10862-4J5V1, SBE-10863-S3D3P, SBE-10864-8LGKP, SBE-10897-NQJGC  SBE-10898-PKXBD, SBE-10899-3V72L, SBE-10900-73Z4N, SFE-000009, SFE-000014, SFE-000023, SFE-000026, SFE-000027
Adjudication Panel Tribunal no.TBC
Member(s):Mr Martin Brookes
Date received:15 Jun 2010
Date completed: 21 Dec 2010


Allegations included that Councillor Brookes made false accusations, inaccurate statements, disrespectful and abusive comments on his blogs and that he caused criminal damage to council property, displayed offensive images in a public place

Standards Board outcome:

The ethical standards officer referred the matter to the First-tier Tribunal (Local Government Standards in England) for determination.

Case Summary

This case has been referred to the First-tier Tribunal for determination.
For more information on this case, contact the First-tier Tribunal.

Relevant paragraphs of the Code of Conduct

3(1). You must treat others with respect
3(2)(b) You must not bully anyone

5. You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing your office or authority into disrepute.

Relevant links

The Adjudication Panel for England

04 January 2011