Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council Cover Up

Orders have been sent to Oakham Towns Assistant Clerk to assist Rutland County Council and Leicestershire Constabulary in covering  up the digusting campaign of hate and homophobic conduct of the Conservative Councillors and there supporters

The Assistant Clerk had been attempting to assist me to end this vile campaign.

The most disturbing aspect is the twitter and hate mail of a perverted nature, The twitter is sent by Roger Begys chum David Burton.

Email from Assistant Clerk

RE: RE: Taxi

12.32 pm

Martin, unfortunately I’ve been told as this is not Oakham Town Council business, I’m unable to help you, sorry.

It is not clear if the instruction has come from Rutland County Council or the Clerk Richard White who has told me only in the last few days Roger Begy  is a close friend of his.

That would explain why he gets away with  breaking financial regulations as an when it suits him.

I was told the Council  does not need to obtain quotes for services like solicitor or surveyors when the financial regulations require 3 quotes for expenditure.

He says he knows the councils  new solictor and the surveyor round the corner so we don't need quotes.

Some times I wonder why Oakham Town Council needs Councillor when it has a clerk who is so well connected and appoint who he feels like. Using the excuse we don't have time to get quotes.