Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rutland County Council Know WhoTwitters Perverted OakyTaxiDriver David Burton is

Rutland County Council Know Who Twitters Perverted OakyTaxiDriver David Burton is!

David Burton is currently residing in Whittering the Council uses Data Protection to protect this sick person

The Burton family are very good friends of Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council.
Members of Oakham Rugby Club. One of them being Roger Begys son a former solicitor who appears to have been struck off.

The local police have never taken any action, now it is clear why I have always hit a wall with my complaints.

Its very clear Mr Begy and his fellow Conservatives were happy to ignore Mr Burtons disgusting Twitter during the local elections.

I came very close to obtaining Mr Burton's address from Rutland County Council.  Then data protection is quoted.

Data Protection is used as when it suits Rutland County Council. They have provided Mr Burton with information regarding people who know me and they had no right to do this.

Bully Begy, King and Briggs need to be held to account for their actions along with Inspector Johnny Monks
for supporting their campaign of hate, and homophobic hate.

I question why it takes Leicestershire Constabulary over 4 months to investigate my 3 simple complaints against Inspector Johnny Monks. Who has told me I am going to ruin his career. I suggest he should have thought about that before he became involved with the local mob.

emails from Rutland County Council:

Mr Brookes
As David Burton is longer licensed with RCC I do not have his current address.
The last known address for him is 18 months old so he may no longer live there.
I believe the release of his personal details would contravene the Data Protection Act.
You may wish to contact our legal department who would allow me to release this information if appropriate.
Wittering comes under Peterborough City Council.

John Dwyer | Licensing Officer

----- Original Message -----
From: John Dwyer
Sent: 07/27/11 11:18 AM
To: Cllr Martin Brookes
Subject: RE: Taxi

I was asked for Hackney licences, not for Hackney drivers licences.

If you had asked me specifically for David Burton, I could have told you that he is not licensed by RCC as a hackney driver.

He was previously a licensed driver for Berridges but his licence expired26/03/2010.

PC Ploszczanski will not find him on the electoral roll for Rutland as he lives in Wittering, Cambridgeshire.


John Dwyer | Licensing Officer

Rutland County Council

Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP

t: 01572 722577 | e: jdwyer@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk