Saturday, May 14, 2011

Annual Meeting of Oakam Town Council Wednesday 18th May 2011 My proposals

Annual Meeting of Oakam Town Council Wednesday 18th May 2011 My proposals

Written Proposals for the meeting of the Annual Meeting of Oakham Town Council
18th May 2011 at 6pm

1. Election of Chairman

a. I propose members agree to suspend Standing order 6(0)

b. I request the vote is recorded for item 1 of the Agenda

c. Item 1. I propose the following nomination for the Election of Chairman of the council:

Councillor Joyce Lucas should be elected to serve the people of Oakham as Chairman of Oakham Town Council due to her maturity and knowledge of Oakham.

2. Election of Vice Chairman

a. I propose members agree to suspend Standing order 6(0)

b.I request the vote is recorded for item 5 of the Agenda

c. Item 5. I propose the following nomination for the Election of Vice Chairman of the council.

Councillor Charles Haworth should be elected assist the Chairman and to serve the people of Oakham as Vice Chairman of Oakham Town Council due to long standing commitment to Oakham Town Council.

3. Committees Item 10

In the past when numbers of members have been low this matter has been dealt with a places were saved for new members if they wished to take up any of the roles. After carefully considering all the outside bodies, I would only be interested in representing the council on the following two organisations.
my first preference is Trustees of Victoria Hall followed by Voluntary Action Rutlland.

I propose members consider the agenda it item 10 and propose my own nomination to be appointed as the Council representative for the Trustees of Victoria Hall and Voluntary Action Rutland.

4. Grants Policy - Cllr Brookes

Now that Oakham has no carnival committee I feel the grants policy needs changing to allow applications from other outside groups. New rules effect how Arts groups can gain funding from councils. this included the following: the groups must provided accounts and proof of match funding.
Oakham Town Council currently only accepts applications from a few named groups this stops many groups in their tracks and this is unfair. For example if the resident of the town had decided it wanted to hold a dignified Royal wedding street party in the center of town they would not have been able to apply for a grant to cover costs. The council has recently granted the poppy party money, I do not object to this grant I simply use this as an example of how the rule has not been enforced by the past council. It has been suggested the council may wish to consider it no longer awards grant to any group, I think this would be a huge PR disaster.

I propose the following:

a. Oakham Town Council accepts grant applications from all community groups organisations, individuals and considers those applications referring to current legislation.

(I have included individuals, because I am led to believe Oakham Town Council has done this in the past by sponsoring the Sarah Outon)

Cllr. Martin Brookes
Oakham Town Council