Saturday, June 05, 2010

Co-option of members to Oakham Town Council Farce

Co-option of members to Oakham Town Council

I have received further details regarding this procedure.

The Town Clerk Richard White informs members Six people have applied for the two vacant seats on Oakham South East. This is a higher number than expected and , due to the absence of a number of members on Tuesday 8th June (when some interviews were due to have taken place) revised arrangements have now been put in place by the Chairman.

As a member of the Council I would expect to have been consulted regarding the proposed Tuesday interviews.

I was not why?

Continued exclusion from Council business?

The town clerk says he will be writing to all those who have applied inviting them to interview on June 16th. An extra meeting of the Council will then follow on which the sole item, following the usual procedural matters, will be the Co-option. These interviews will start at 5.45pm and last until approximately 7.15pm. The meeting of the Council will then have a start time of either 7.45 or 8.00pm to allow for any over run or latecomers.

(Latecomers for interview!!! Not acceptable surely)

This is to ensure that all candidates, in the interest of fairness, receive an equal amount of time with members of the Council for their interview/discussion.

If June 16th is not convenient then the 9th will be offered as an alternative.

(Forgive me for being slightly confused was is not the original plan to deal with this on the 9th? Agenda Item 10 what a farce could the Clerk contact me once has finalised the arrangements with the elite group of councillor he privately consults regarding any council matter.)

The list of those wishing to be considered

Mrs Sue Tyers

Mrs Lorna Grey

Ms Helen Pender

Mrs Fiona Arnold

Mr Tor Clark

Mr Peter Jones (County Councillor)

(missing from above is Mr Luke Patrick he registered a interest as soon it became clear the vacancies had arisen, Despite my requests for the Council to contact Mr Luke Patrick was not contacted I read with interest the letter from Mr Susan Tyers one of the Councillor who resigned when I was elected, she walked out of the first meeting I attended quite a performance. She states in her letter Richard has been sending her notes regarding co-option is that appropriate. Mrs Tyers and Mr White (Richard) the Town Clerk are very good friends)

The Clerk says he has informed the Monitoring Officer at Rutland County Council of these new arrangements. The press will also be informed.

You are therefore asked to note that Item 10 on next weeks Agenda regarding the Co-option will, subject to resolution, be deferred until the extra meeting of the Council the following week.

I will notify you all of dates and times of interviews once I have received confirmation form the applicants.
