Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oakham Town Council Co-option Farce

Back in 2007 A former Oakham mayor has resigned from the town council. you might ask why?
Paul Beech handed in his letter of resignation after five years, saying he was standing down following the co-option of new councillor George Swiffen.

Mr Beech said: "It's not a personal matter. I just felt that the democratic process of election.

Interestingly Charles Haworth say it was personal. He stated "Mr Swiffin had robbed old ladies homes and churches and Mr Beech hates that sort of criminal.

Mr Swiffin is still a Oakham Town Councillor ill health has stopped him serving the town for over half a year.
Mr Swiffin sent his apologies for each meeting.

A member of the public has asked the Town Council to declare his seat vacant. At the following meeting Mr Swiffin was dragged in and sat in a special chair.

Last week Mr Swiffen failed to send his apologies.
Is it not time he went to let another person serve the community.

I am sure Mr Beech will be pleased with that outcome."The matter was rushed through to elect a member onto the council under a different ward and should have been discussed properly first."

Three councillors were elected in May 2007 for Oakham North West ward, and although Mr Swiffen stood for election he did not win.

He was then co-opted by the council for Oakham North East where there were three vacancies and only two people standing for election.

Mr Beech added: "I'm sorry that I was put in a situation where I had to resign but I firmly believe I had no choice.

"There are better ways of dealing with the situation. If somebody puts themselves up for election and isn't elected they should not be allowed to be co-opted. It goes against everything democratic."

At the time Town clerk Richard White said that Oakham Town Council followed the correct procedure in co-opting Mr Swiffen.

Oakham Town Council has a history of co-opting who it wants.

My Cllr Jan Fillingham. was also co-opted at the time of Tesco planning after Tesco approached her to purchase her home in Brooke Road. Jan Fillingham has also been a inactive Town Councillor for over half a year.

Although she did make decision reguarding council business over the phone.
When I questioned this at Cllrs questions the Town Clerk Richard White, "Said there was no problem because the Mayor had the mental capabilities to carry out work over the phone"

She can not drive to council meetings although she can drive the mile to Oakham Co-op to buy refreshments.

When I suggested I could photograph Mrs Fillingham purchasing her refreshments to the head of legal services at Rutland County Council he said "please don't"

Charles Haworth was also co-opted after he was disqualified from election for using residents from outside Oakham to nominate him.

So I understand Mr Beech's concerns for democracy.

One rule change would make a big change.

When a by-election is required  we need  to scrap the rule that require 10 electors from the ward to sign a letter calling for an election.

I believe more people would stand if they only need to obtain the two nominations.

It should be the electors democratic right to a election.

It was interesting to see once this hurdle had been removed in fact the hurdle of election was also removed 6 people came forward.

Tonight Oakham Town Council meet at 5.30pm to discuss the process to interview candidates at such a late stage in proceedings.

Then Councillors will interview all candidates.

At a later public meeting the council will I think vote for two new members.

This not democratic and it dictates who will be your Councillor, although I believe the people of the ward I live in deserve a Councillors, something they have been deprived of for over half a year. I do not think it it my duty to dictate who those Councillors should be. I will not vote.

I predict Oakham Town Council has already decided who will be the next Councillors. The two are very well known to members.

Mr Clark who works in the next office and Mrs Grey.

If my research is correct Mrs Grey spoke out against RCC and affordable housing in 2005.

There will be public deputation at tonights meeting all are welcome.

The meeting starts at  7.45pm at |Victoria Hall Oakham.