Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oakham Town Council dishonest minutes

Dear Oakham Town Council

Here is the first witness statement from a member of the public present at last weeks meeting.

I suggest you produce correct minutes. Not the version that was explained to me by Richard White who is clearly lying.

I am also forwarding this to Mr Pook, to back up my standards complaint.

The council is a disgrace the clerk and members willing to lie, even when 3 members of the public witnessed the meeting.

When is something going to be done about this Council of bullies?

From Cllr Martin Brookes


From: **********@fsmail.net

To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com

Subject: RE:

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 16:17:02 +0200

Here is my account of what I witnessed at the unprofessional and probably illegal extra council meeting held last Wednesday 16/06/10

Martin Brookes proposed the public should be excluded whilst the voting for two co-opted candidates took place

My opinion was Martin did this in a professional manner quoting articles and sections he'd obviously looked up before proposing, there was an embarrassing silence obviously no seconder to the proposel so the matter was closed until somebody (being my first meeting I'm not familiar with names yet) spoke up saying the public probably shouldnt be present giving his reasons why. This was neither a proposal nor seconded which in itself would have been illegal and the public was asked to leave the room. Nobody apologised to Martin or admitted he was right and they were wrong it was a disgrace.