Friday, June 11, 2010

Oakham Town Council Extra Meeting

An Extra Meeting of Oakham Town Council Wednesday 16th June 2010 At 7.45pm

At The Offices of oakham Town Council Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham


1 Apologies- local Government Act 1972 section 85 (1)

To Receive and to decide whether to approve apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest
Members are to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda.

I know Helen Pender I wonder if that is an interest, then all the other Cllrs know the other candidates.

I do know one of the others a friend of a friend not mentioning name as I don't want to blow their chances.

3. Deputations By The Public

4. Co-option of Two Town Councillors For Oakham South East.

Before the meeting All Councillors will interview the candidates for the two vacant seat in Oakham south East.

A member of the public said if there are so many candidates why don't we have an election. I agree but the chance was missed. Notices were posted at council offices and in the press and no election was called. I think the need to find ten people in the ward to call for an election is a stumbling block for many.
the member of public also said he never looks at council notice and certainly never buys the local rag. Maybe in future letters could be sent.

I am certainly not comfortable with having to interview people who are we as Councillor to decide who is to serve the people.

Although it would be nice after such an long absence to have a serving councillors in the ward I live in.

Sadly Cllr Peter Jones has pulled out.

Oh Tyers also pulled out (must make a Note of that) pity she will have to save that celebration bottle for a few minutes. maybe she will bring along to a concert, I can get a PCSCO to pour it away!

the remaining candidates will be given 15 minutes to have thier say:

6.00pm Lorna Grey

6.15pm Helen Pender

6.45Pm Tor Clerk

7.00pm Fiona Arnold

The Chairman has requested that we are in the Chamber for 5.30pm for discussions on how we wish to conduct the interview process. I think its convenient for me, would have been nice if I was consulted.

Is it not cutting it fine leaving these arrangements so late.

Whatever I suggest will be ignored I am sure the Council members have spoken privately beforehand and decided who they want to appoint.

So why not stop this farce don't waste time interviewing and just appoint.

It would also be good to know the procedure used to elect the new member do we get two votes, who knows?