Monday, July 19, 2010

Oakham Town Council Spending Your Money

All Saints Church, Oakham.Image via Wikipedia
As a Town Councillor I found Oakham Town Council awarded Grants of £12,000.00  to local groups, it supported.

it approved and accepted no other applications. Money  has been paid out with no conditions attached.  Tax payers money just thrown to the wind.

A Town Council as a body should not affiliate to any political party or religion therefore should not provide grant aid to support any religious group or activity in the town. By law the Town Council cannot offer financial assistance to any political party. An award of a grant must give direct benefit to all or some of the inhabitants, and the size of the grant should be commensurate with the benefit delivered.

The grant given to The Oakham Festival is very large and the benefit delivered to local people was very small. One facebook user said it was like listening to strangled cats! The festival charges and could be seen as a commercial venture. The relationship between the council and  the Festival Committee should also be questioned.

I complained as a councillor because the churches together group used council electricity  the Rules clearly state the reason the why Oakham Town Council should not give free electricity to the churches event. I am sure when the bill arrives it will be much bigger than expected a lot of equipment was used.

It should also stop giving the tax payers money to All Saints Church Oakham for the upkeep of its clock. The Clock belongs to the Church of England.

This town council must stop handing out tax payers money to itself and friends.

Can the town council show how the taxpayers money given to The Oakham carnival Committee, Oakham in Bloom and Oakham Festival Committee was spent? No they cant!

The Town Council Complained I published details of the town clerks pay. Strange as it is public knowledge. The accounts are now published, Salaries rise further this year as everyone else is expected to tighten their belts the Clerks pay rose considerable and now the Clerk has a new assistant who is paid a lot less, When I was a councillor I was not shown the Clerks contract, I am led to believe his contract commands a annual increase regardless of his performance.

Next year he will have reached the top scale for Town Clerks what happens after that?

Even less bands in the park next year  to  pay for the increase?

Oakham Town Council Accounts Click Above

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