Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rutland County Customer Services Notice

Genevieve Clark (1894 – c. 1982), daughter of ...Image via Wikipedia

Customer Services at Rutland County Council
will be closed on
Thursday (15th July) between 8.30am and Midday
due to essential training.
The council apologises for any inconvenience caused.

                                                                       Please Hold Your Call Is Important to us!

The Rutland County Council Customer Service Centre is open from 8.30am until 4.45pm Monday – Thursday and from 8.30am until 4.15pm on Friday.

The opening times for those with telephone enquiries are 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday – Thursday, and 8.30am – 4.30pm on Friday

In case of emergency on the morning of Thursday 15 July please call: 01858 821 077

It is my understanding Junior staff are to be taught how to make tea for the Senior staff.
And how not to read my blog, no thats a joke they can't read at work because the address has been blocked. I have always found the front line staff at RCC very helpful and have done all they can. First impressions are always important, in the case of the council the second stage should also be important and I don't think enough is done there, the planning department is the poorest performing department my own experience dealing with this  department is the same as many other Rutland residents is very poor.

For example a resident asked me to assist in finding very simple piece information. 6 months on I am not  a Councillor and never received a answer to the question, Eventually I found the answer through another source.

Another example a member of the public required a explanation of abbreviations used on a document response given was Possibly this is the answer. Training for planning please RCC.

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