Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Victoria Hall Oakham

Victoria Hall Oakham given to the people of Oakham.

Held in trust for the people of Oakham.

The venue is  used for many events organisers who can afford to hire.

The Town Council pays over £12,000 year to base its offices in the building.

Whilst Oakham Town Table Tennis club and other groups have to hire other venues outside Oakham.

Artists use the venue to show there work, the hall takes their fee and provides no security, basic security is often ignored by Rutland County Council staff who also rent offices they frequently leave the doors unlocked when they go home. 

The toilets are now not available to the public during art exhibitions artist are expected to provide signs stating this to members of the public.

And not even on the

The people of Oakham should not forget
Victoria Hall
is belongs to them not the trustees

That is why they are called trustees and not owners!