Tuesday, September 28, 2010


the church of jesus christ of latter-day saintsImage by paparutzi 
Today I travelled to Leicester Job Centre and was in a hurry to get to the Job Centre.

I was approached by two young mormons from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as I arrived in Leicester we had an interesting chat walking towards the Job Centre. These were the first very determined mormans I have ever met.

I told them I have an interest in religion and that is far as it goes, due to my experience of the Church of England.

One of the Mormans asked me how would I know what religious path was correct? Then he told me his book had the answer, I have read the book online and dont believe it has the answer. I politely told him I respected his faith as I do all others. I dont think anyone can answer his question.

It put me in the mood to find out more about another religion that can be found in Leicester.

There are over 1500 religions in the world.

Jain Religion  or  Jainism

Indian civilisation has produced many philosophies and religions. Among them is Jainism, one of the oldest religion in the world. Though historians have made various speculations about its origins, the origin of Jainism remains untraceable. Jains believe it to be an eternal religion.

Jainism is a way of thinking and living based on logic and science.

There are about 30,000 Jains in the Europe, 50,000 in USA, and 12 million in the whole world

There are more than 10,000 Jain monks and nuns in India, but as they have taken the complete vow of non-violence and travel on feet, they cannot come to UK

The Outside of the Centre/Temple looks very splendid.

It has a figure that looks like Buddha but it is not it is Mahavira, who was thirty years older than Buddha.

Jain Centre
32 Oxford Street

The interior is very fine, the photo above 
is the property of the centre.

There are many fine staues photography is probibited.

For religious reasons, women in 
their menstrual period are not
allowed on the first floor

This is the first time I have seen a notice of this nature
It reminded me of a Church Warden at a Anglican Church
who told me she did not approve of woman servers, for this reason.

outside left marble

outside right marble

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