Monday, October 11, 2010

Cllr Joyce Lucas Oakham Town Council

Helen Millicent Pender said...

Actually I went as a mature student to Lucy Cavendish College Cambridge - and got a worthless degree.

Martin you have added many email addresses to your
blog comment notification, so it is down to you who is receiving all these comments as I get them as well, so don't blame others you dull cretin.

You are a creep! You have taken tea and hospitality in Joyce's home now your hounding her - you should be renamed Janus.

Post by a person using web sites to hide ID  Coward!

Now why would anyone want to pretend to be Helen Pender?

I have never taken tea in Cllr Joyce Lucas home why would I want to. This is the wretched woman along with Cllr Alf Dewis who complained  when I held my birthday party in a gay bar. They were both homophobic, claiming I had brought the Council into disrepute. When I posted the photographs on my blog.

Cllr Joyce Lucas is subject to a standards investigation after she told members of the public a false allegation I was a risk to children.

Helen Pender gave a witness statement so it is no surprise they use her name.

It is  clear to me the comment is posted by one of their sick supporters,

Is it ex Councillor Harrison his blog does say the same as she said?

Mr Burton from   Berridge Taxi's who started a twitter campaign to support Mr Harrison's blog.

It could be my old friends the Tyers after all they did recently attend a dinner at the home of Richard Adams along with a few old Councillors going as far back as some one called Hector Woolly and spoke very unkindly about me. Could it be Gordon Sheasby he did say he understood why the Tyers call me and peudo because I always carry a camera!

Mr Kelly?
Mr Beach?

These people claim to be the cream of Rutland what crap nasty vindictive is the word I would describe them all.

And when Lucas, Dewis and White have departed the Council it will be a better council. It is good to see they are running out of names to call me cretin is a new one.

They say' the Internet is for losers and now I am because of you' in a comment. yes if they don't stop they will be losers I have examples of handwriting that wont be hard to match up.